Days of Our Lives - Friday, November 10, 2023


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Peacock's description of show: "Jada homes in on Leo and Dimitri; Melinda finds a baby for Eric and Sloan."

Show opens up with Dimitri and Leo at the Salem Inn. Dimitri does his best impression of a German accent to let Leo know that the submarine is ready and waiting. Leo says "what are we waiting for then? Let's blow this pop stand." (Side note: yes, he says "pop stand" instead of "popsicle stand", I watched it 3 times with captions to be sure I heard that right. haha). He grabs his suitcase and opens the door only to find Jada standing there. Tense music plays and Jada sarcastically says "Thanks for opening up the door, saves me the trouble from having to knock." She then announces they are under arrest and points her gun at them. Silly soap stares all around.

Leo says this is like a dream he had. Dimitri wants to know how Jada found them? Jada explains that the two amateurs were seen by someone buying snacks at the corner store. Leo loudly exclaims "It was JUST ONE SNACK! Flaming hot cheese puffs. I'm addicted, now my addiction is my downfall." Jada is still pointing her gun at them and demands they get on the ground. Dimitri is looking at her in an evil way and says " What if we don't?" soap stares all around, Jada is all alone.

Leo snaps at Dimitri, asking who's side he is on? Leo declares that he is on the side of not getting shot. Dimitri says he does not want to go back to prison. Jada says they don't have a choice, back up is on the way! She is taking them into custody either dead or alive.

Leo asks Jada if she is being a meanie because of the Lady Whistleblower article he wrote? Jada snaps in frustration and orders Leo to put the handcuffs on Dimitri for her. Leo says no, he's not going to help her. Jada reminds him that he himself declared he was on the side of not getting shot. Leo remembers that well and proceeds to cuff Dimitri.

However, he is unable to because of Dimitri's very large wrists. Leo then gets all cute with his sexual innuendos about other large parts of Dimitri's body. Jada says she will just use zip ties then. She looks down at her belt to get the zip ties and Dimitri lunges at her in attack. The camera is focused only on Leo's face as we hear a gun go off.

Later we see that no one was shot, but Dimitri does have the gun now and is pointing it at Jada. Leo sits flabbergasted on the bed. Dimitri calls her bluff about backup, since she was just as surprised to see them as they were her. Dimitri demands her car keys. She tosses them to Leo. Dimitri says they have no choice but to have to kill Jada.

Jada says he doesn't need to do this, but Dimitri demands she turn around and put her hands on her head. She does as she is told. Leo pleads with Dimitri, begging him not to go down this road. Leo loves him and needs him. Dimitri doesn't care, he's going to kill Jada, but then changes his mind and simply hits her in the head to knock her out. He and Leo grab their suitcases and take off.

EJ is smiling down at his cell phone as he strolls through the square. Chad walks by and calls out his name. They give a happy brotherly greeting with a hug. Chad asks if this is EJ's first day as Salem's new D.A.? Shouldn't he be hunkered down somewhere seeking justice? EJ says no need to be hunkered down anywhere, and it's actually been a very satisfying first day because he just shipped Gabi off to Statesville, which is exactly what she deserves after ousting him at DiMera.

Chad's confused and says "Oh, thought she went away for killing Li Shin." EJ says, "oh, that, too. But even though it didn't get him his CEO job back, it was very gratifying to separate their brother from his homicidal wife." EJ then asks Chad how things are going between him and Stephanie? Chad sighs and throws his head back, almost like an eye roll but with his entire head.

EJ and Chad discuss how Chad and Stephanie are working out their issues. Chad brings up that there is a new problem, Everett. He tells EJ who Everett is and what he was to Stephanie, and his tragic coma story. Chad worries that Everett will indeed come between them.

EJ asks if Everett is still interested in Stephanie? (duh. did you not hear the story Chad JUST told you?) Chad echoes my side note with a sarcastic "Yeah, and it's quite obvious." Also, he says Stephanie is acting out of character. Chad is very worried about this. EJ starts to offer advice, Chad interrupts with a firm decline since last time's advice was horrible. EJ gives advice anyways because this time it's different. This time, he thinks Chad should take ownership of the Salem Spectator and fire Everett to force him to leave town.

EJ shares that Xander is more concerned with his current custody battle. Chad should take advantage and use this to get rid of Everett.

Chad thinks taking over the Spectator is a bold choice. EJ says yes, but he thinks he should consider it. Chad disagrees, he trusts Stephanie. He believes she can make Everett respect their boundaries. He hugs him and leaves. EJ talks to himself about Chad's serious case of wishful thinking.

Stephanie is sitting in her living room on the phone with her mom (Kayla). She is telling her how shocked she was that Everett showed up in Salem after all this time. She tells her mom not to worry, she was very clear with him that she is with Chad now. And "you know me, I know how to set boundaries."As she is saying this, there is a knock at the door. She opens the door to find Everett standing there saying, "Morning, gorgeous." Stephanie goes all schoolgirl with her grin.

Stephanie says goodbye to her mom and hangs up. Everett said she didn't have to do that, he didn't mind waiting. He brought Stephanie her daily dose of pumpkin spiced latte. Stephanie tells Everett that he cannot just show up at her and Chad's apartment unannounced. Everett understands. He actually has a business question he needed to ask her and he really needs her help.

Everett tells Stephanie he thinks the Salem Spectator is in huge trouble. It's chaos. He believes some recent events there have caused a black eye. She shares with him who Gwen and Xander are and what they did. Everett wishes he had known that before he took the job.

Everett knows Stephanie is the perfect person to help him fix things at the Spectator. She turns him down because her plate is full. Everett begs her, and she easily caves. (side note: because it's so difficult to say no to him. :rolleyes: :sarcasm: )

Stephanie agrees to help him and work at the Spectator, but she demands boundaries. Everett respects that. (yeah, right). Everett then asks if things are good with her and Chad? Stephanie does the schoolgirl grin again. (Good Lord, she's got it bad.)

Stephanie says they are fine, but this is exactly what she means about him crossing boundaries. Everett admits it was out of line and apologizes. He then suggests they talk about his problems and fix those. Stephanie says they should start with Leo Stark.

Everett suggests he should put an announcement out that Leo Stark is no longer with the paper and put some distance between them and the crazy criminal. Stephanie says that's why he needs her because that is exactly what NOT to do.
At the Pub, Roman hands Nicole her two orders of clam chowder. He asks her when EJ became such a fan of Brady home cooking? Nicole explains that both orders are actually for her. Her baby has such a craving for it. Roman laughs, "In that case, it's on the house!" Nicole tries to turn down the on the house offer, but Roman insists and says it's a wedding gift.

He then points out the coincidence that she and Eric both got married on the same day. Nicole is surprised, she had no idea! Roman says he is so sorry, thought she knew. Nicole says it's ok, just Eric didn't mention it to her when she saw him. Roman explains it was spontaneous, not planned. Nicole wonders if he ran to marry Sloan after finding out she was marrying EJ.

Roman and Nicole discuss Eric and Sloan's quick wedding. Roman related it to Nicole and EJ, but Nicole says it's different. She and EJ have been married before and are expecting a child, which is another thing they have in common since Eric and Sloan are adopting. Nicole wishes Eric and Sloan well.

At Sloan and Eric's apartment, they are making out. Sloan and Eric stop making out to breathe. Sloan is so happy, can't believe she is officially Mrs. Eric Brady. They playful argue who is the lucky one. She wants to move their argument to the bed, but Eric says that the pizza guy should be there any minute. Cue the knock on the door, Eric thinks it's the pizza guy, but opens the door to Melinda who is holding the pizza she intercepted from the pizza guy that arrived at the same time.

Melinda says "Congratulations, you two are going to have a baby!" Joy all around as Sloan and Eric celebrate, Melinda put together a gift bag "Gender reveal", where she pulls out a blue teddy bear for the baby and says "It's a boy!" Sloan and Eric are overjoyed and so thankful for her help.

Eric and Sloan begin listing all the things they need to prepare for the baby. Eric decides to go shopping, invites them to go but they decline. He excitedly hugs them both and takes off to shop. After Eric leaves, Sloan asks what's wrong? She can see it on Melinda's face that something is wrong. Melinda admits that there is something but she didn't want to say it in front of Eric. Sloan starts to fret that something is wrong with the baby.

Melinda says no, but the baby is promised to someone else. Sloan is appalled. Melinda says not to worry, she has a plan. She trusts the judge can convince them to give the baby to Sloan and Eric, she will make sure it's worth it to the judge. Sloan says it's not about money! Sloan is upset, she doesn't want to take a baby that someone else is already expecting. Sloan also knows Eric wouldn't be ok with it either, and also what if it backfires? Melinda says Eric doesn't have to know!

Melinda really isn't worried. It will work out and there's no need for them to worry about details of how it will work out. Sloan is still feeling guilty. Melinda asks if she wants to call it off then? and warns Sloan that she and Eric might not get another opportunity to adopt.

No, Sloan does not want to call it off or wait. Melinda thinks she is making the right choice. Holding her son will be worth it. Sloan hopes she is right. Melinda knows she is. Melinda reminds Sloan she is just trying to make up for lying to Eric about his biological son that Nicole is carrying.
Melinda gets a call. She sounds concerned asking if it's final? Yes. Sloan asks what happened? Melinda says they've lost the baby.

Eric runs into Nicole outside the Brady Pub. They greet each other. Eric has bought an easy to assemble baby gym and shares the news that his adoption will happen soon. Nicole says she can't believe how fast it all happened for Eric and Sloan. Eric agrees and says he feels so fortunate that it did. He asks Nicole how she is doing?

Nicole feels beyond fortunate for her little miracle. Nicole then brings up how surprised she was to find out Eric and Sloan got married. Eric, without any question of it, volunteers his admission that yes, indeed, was a knee jerk reaction to him finding out Nicole and EJ were getting married that day. very awkward soap stares all around.

Nicole can't believe he actually did that. Eric explains yes, because the news was hard for him. They are a bit sad and awkwardly congratulate each other on their respective miracles. Eric really does look forward to meeting Nicole's baby.

Inside the Pub, Roman asks what Eric is carrying? Eric shows him the baby gym and announces that he is adopting a baby soon! Roman is happy for him and hugs him.

Dimitri and Leo have taken off in Jada's car. Leo has a text from Rolf that the submarine can't stay surfaced much longer. Dimitri says not to worry, he'll get them there in time. He presses his foot on the gas and takes off.

Everett and Stephanie are discussing the Leo Stark/Lady Whistleblower situation. The Spectator readers see Leo as a folk hero. They love him, which is great news for Everett. Everett just needs to take advantage of it and keep telling Leo's story.

Everett doesn't know if he can do that. Stephanie says that he is a businessman now, and to stay in business, he needs to give the customers what they want and keep people reading. Everett says that Leo really is a criminal though. Stephanie says he needs to be sympathetic and relate to what the fans of Lady Whistleblower need and want.

Chad arrives home. Stephanie jumps up to explain why Everett is there. Everett takes his leave. Chad looks frustrated.

Jada wakes up in the Salem Inn and calls Rafe for help. She tells him she found Dimitri and Leo but they "got the drop on her" and she thinks they stole her car.

Dimitri and Leo are speeding down the highway. Leo is panicked as the roads are very slick. Dimitri argues that he is NOT going to miss that submarine. Leo argues that they'll miss it anyways if they get into an accident!

EJ is in DiMera living room calling Nicole on the phone asking "Darling, I just got home, where are you?"

Scene cuts to Nicole driving in her car, talking to EJ on the phone letting him know she is on the way home and loves him and is so happy.
Scene cuts to Dimitri swerving into the other lane and Leo yelling.

Scene cuts back to Nicole happily declaring she will be home soon. Suddenly there are lights in her face, she screams, "Oh my God!" and EJ listens as the car crash happens. EJ's face falls as he hears the awful sounds. He screams Nicole's name, but there is no answer.

Oh my god is right! Are they going to have Nicole lose her baby at this late stage? Or is Melinda going to somehow steal Nicole's baby? And why on earth did she come over and say they were getting a baby when there were major issues? Good lord she has to know how much Eric has always wanted to be a father. I mean they've said it few million times.

Jada is an idiot too. Why did she go alone?

Is Chad going to act like an idiot again and be all mad Everett was there. And buying the Spectator and firing him. Yeah that sounds like a grand plan. I'm sure Stephanie won't care when she finds out cause she will find out.
Past mistakes were recycled today.

— Everett is proving as inept in his relationships with women as Nick Fallon was. He better wise up before he ends up like Nick.
—- The newly dishonest Melinda has assumed the role of Salem’s inept baby broker formerly filled by Dr. Richard Baker. She’d better watch out lest she lands in prison like the old baby doc.
—- Dimitri assumed the role of Salem’s resident bad driver who causes an accident that leads to assorted trite or otherwise unwelcome plot developments this time with poor Nicole as the victim.

Finally, Jada upheld the Salem P.D.’s long history of ineptitude — actually being overcome by the likes of Leo and Dimitri. The uniformed cops at the police station will now have a good laugh at her expense.
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Thanks, DaysLady.

Does Nicole's baby crave clam chowder since it's Eric Brady's baby and wants Grandma Caroline's chowder?

EJ, a DiMera, told Chad to buy the paper and fire Everett to keep him away from Stephanie. Will Chad do that
and cross over to the DiMera dark side?

Did the baby that Melinda tried to get for Eric and Sloan die? That would be a good excuse if the other lawyer
decided against the deal.

Goodness, the only time we see cars in Salem is when they hit each other. Are Nicole and the baby ok?

And where are Leo and Dimitri going to catch a submarine? Maybe the submarine goes from one side
of Lake Michigan to the other side. :)