Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan.28, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 28, 2019

In the square, Jennifer continues to reason with Jack over how Eve is using and manipulating him. Jack claims he will own up to the bad things he did, work towards good goals in those areas, but Jen asks if Eve, when urging him to run for mayor, told him of these negative things he would encounter. He admits she did not. Jen tries to make him see Eve is not actually for him, has her own agenda. Jack refuses to accept that idea, Eve believes in him, thinks he will do well, all Jen tells him is how bad he was, whereas Eve talks of the good he can do. He also accuses Jen of favoring Abe, who she says is a wonderful mayor. He gets annoyed, starts to leave, telling her there is nothing that is going to restore his memory. She spots Will, says oh, but there is, and takes Jack to talk to Will, who relates his experiences, and how there was this serum, took a couple of injections, but it worked. Jack asks if he liked becoming his normal self. Will claims he liked being whoever, and when he got his memory back, he could no longer be the person he was, had to become the person he had been. He tells Jack to call him anytime, leaves. Yes, Jack now learns the formula is in Rolf's diary, which Seth Burns has lost. Jack gets ticked again, but Jen tells him he looks like the man she fell in love with, who would always try to do right, etc. But the man standing in front of her now, nope, not that man. Doesn't like him, She is done. She walks away.

Sonny calls Will, any word from John. Will is going to see gramma Marlena now, will let him know. Sonny turns, there is Leo, who is horny, wants sex. Sonny refuses, they argue, Leo threatens to turn over the pics to the cops, or the press. Sonny said go ahead, do that. And when you do, you will lose it all, the money, all the alcohol here you drink, the shopping sprees, etc. Leo is exasperated, tells about hitting on Xander, promising to give him the photos, but Xander failed to deliver. Now he contemplates Sonny's comments about losing all he has gotten used to in the house, will think about it, let him know....or not.

Replay of Sarah starting to explain to Eric what she did and why, holding his hand, Rex comes in, what is going on. Nothing, but Rex thinks there is. He mentions finding the condoms, is assuming Eric & Sarah slept together, she blurts out it was Xander, cue a shocked Rex, as Eric tells him to talk to Sarah.

And so Rex goes thru a long pleading conversation, loves Sarah, will never cheat again, doesn't know why he did in the first place, scared of their commitment to each other, promising sun, moon and stars.

Will goes to see Marlena, who talked to John earlier, he wishes he had more to go on. They chat about Sonny, Leo, the circumstances, she knows how much Sonny & Will love each other, hopes it works out.

Will leaves, Eric arrives, tells his mom the whole story of him, Sarah, Xander. Eric talks of loving Nicole, only been a few months, too soon for him to be moving on. Marlena, tho, talks of how he & Nicole had hurt Brady, would he want to do that to Rex? He obviously has feelings for Sarah, should not deny them.

Eve returns to the apartment to find Xander sitting there, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. He can get in anywhere, any time, they have unfinished business, he gave her Jack, but she has not not delivered her promise, Victor has made Brady CEO. Eve says not her fault, Xander blew it himself. Oh, but she still owes him, and shows he has Rolf's diary. She protests, tis hers, give it back. Nope, he heard Rolf whining about losing it, so she had to cop it, just like he just did. Now they go through a silly thing with her trying to grab it from him, he is holding it away, this goes on for a bit, finally he says (as she is on top of him) that he is getting turned on. She backs off, calls him a pig. He is starting to leave when Jack returns, wondering what he is doing there. Xander leaves with a smile, putting the diary into his inside pocket.

Sonny has called Will, telling him about obnoxious Leo wanting sex. Marlena gets hold of Will, John has found Leo's mother.

Eric returns to talk to Sarah, to find Rex and Sarah kissing. What is going on? Rex says he is a very happy man, Sarah is giving him a 2nd chance.

Leo is opening a bottle of booze, says something about having sex on the beach (huh? Beach? In midwinter Salem?) there is a knock at the door. He goes to answer, opens it, Oh, no, sweet mother of God!
O.K. enough of that stuff on Days. I am tired of the cursing, the porn, the "cute" inuendos, and the references to names, phrases and initials which are not familiar to the masses. And that is a stupid name for a drink, in MY opinion.
That may very well be the case........still a stupid name......but opinion.
Am I supposed to care one iota about Sarah and Rex? Or Sarah and Eric? Seriously? Sarah seems pathetic, stupid, brainless. She should not care about what Eric or Rex think and should learn to mind her own darn business.

Rex looks like a player willing to say anything to get what he wants.

Eric is the same gloom and doom guy, who apparently, has the attention spam of a gold fish. He keeps talking about loving Nicole, but one can see he's already "falling" for Sarah, after having almost married Jennifer, another woman he forgot in the blink of an eye.

And sadly, I don't care at all about Sonny, Will or Leo. Disgusting Leo!

The only one I'm interested in right now is Jack. And frankly, I like him standing up to Saint Jennifer. Not saying that I want Jack with Eve, mind you. Just a stronger Jack, willing to fight for what he wants, for what he believes in.

I have said it before, I will say it again. Bring back Nicole and pair her with Jack. Those two would be absolutely amazing together.
No mercy: The writers just won't stop. What makes them think that the viewers want day after day of Eric scowling and looking hurt, Rexy pleading, and Sarah's expressions of self-righteous wrath?

Facts of life: Eve dared to mess with the X-man? She ought to realize that when Xander says you owe him, you owe him.

Reality check: How would sourpuss Eric react if somebody told him that Xander didn't actually kill NIcole. Yes, he forced her to marry him and move to Nashville, but until Eric rode into town on his white horse, she had no idea that he was working at Kristen's resurrection factory. If Eric had never shown up, NIcole would never have been in the warehouse during the big explosion.

Turnabout is fair play: Eve got a taste of her own medicine. She was busy manipulating poor Jack, and now she's become Xander's designated tool.

Call the liquor store: Now that Leo's hated mother seems to have reappeared, Victor better call Salem Liquors for a serious resupply. With his dear mommy on the scene, Leo is sure to amp up his alcohol intake.
Loved the Jack and Jennifer scenes. I want Jack to get his memory back, but I hope he keeps a little bit of this edge we are currently seeing. Oh and Jennifer, Will is your nephew apparently you forgot that. So apparently Rolf is alive. I thought that Xander spoke about him in the present tense, or was I mistaken?
I have said it before, I will say it again. Bring back Nicole and pair her with Jack. Those two would be absolutely amazing together.
The writers would never let that happen. Never ever lol. They did have some great scenes once upon a time. I would never be interested in anything romantic between those two, but Nicole did have the same witty humorous chemistry with Jack that she has always had with Victor.
Thanks, Poirot for the summary and JS about the name of the drink.

Nice to see Will and Eric shut Marlena's door when they talked to her.

So, Xander has Rolf's diary. Does he know someone who could make
"the give '
em back the memory" formula?

I was surprised Sarah told Rex the truth she slept with Xander.

I don't think Sarah was very happy when Rex said she's giving him
another chance.