Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 20, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 20, 2016

Today, another JACK sighting!! Yay! Chloe is sponging off the face of the sleeping Deimos, and flashing back to meeting "Robert" & how he questioned her about the Kiriakis family. She calls Nicole, voice mail, leaves a message to call her back. He wakes up, they small talk, & Parker comes in with his camp manager. Deimos is friendly to him, Parker seems a bit taken with Deimos, asking about whether he plays video games, and before you know it, has Deimos involved in a card game of WAR, which of course Parker wins hands down. Parker is so happy to have a guy in the house. He leaves & Chloe explains to Deimos about Parker's dad dying. Deimos did not know, feels bad, offers to stay a few days more to maybe do "guy stuff" with Parker. Chloe doesn't seem all that receptive to that idea, but offers to make them both something to eat, has frozen pizza.

At the cop shop, Nicole is bemoaning her situation, ranting about Kate. Dario wants to talk of their "hot" kiss, Nicole doesn't. Belle comes in, they are free to go, Roman knows Kate pretty well, decides it was a cat fight. Belle warns Nicole to let her handle this, no going off on her own, if she does, she can find a new lawyer.

At the hospital, Chad is asleep in the chair next to the bed, Jennifer comes in quietly, wakes Chad, whispers what happened, who did this? Chad tries to explain, Abby is asleep, but dreaming of what happened. (black & white). She is in the chair, napping, then wakes up, crawls onto the empty bed, burying her head in the pillow, and in comes Ben. She is trying to back away, only can really crawl up the pillow backwards. He seems to be gone, she is looking thru the blinds on her door, two nurses walking by, one chastising the other about smoking. That one agrees she shouldn't as she pockets her pkg. of cigarettes & lighter, only the lighter falls unnoticed to the floor. Abby sneaks out her door picking it up, back into her room, where Ben is now laying in her bed.

She asks why he is torturing her, he says it is fun. Then says she did something horrible to him, and he wants company. He gets up, coming towards her....she pulls out the lighter, flicking it. He laughs, her favorite thing, huh?

She opens a drawer, rummages thru it, brings out a can, an aerosol can. She presses the button, and ignites the product or gas or whatever. Whoosh, the fire starts. And there is Jack, pulling her away, getting her out of there, she is resisting. He is persistent, she has to come with him over here, he is pulling her away towards the door, holding on to her, despite her pleas to Daddy to let her go.

Jennifer is talking to her, Abby has opened her eyes, doesn't remember much, but mentions Daddy being there, (another flashback) helping her, promising to help her get through it all. What...Abby says whatever I have to go thru. Chad & Jen are both assuring her they are there, love her, etc. Abby wants to leave now, this place is not safe, she checked herself in, can check out. Jen & Chad try to nicely say they cannot do that until the investigation is done. The fire marshall is there, so is your cousin, Shawn. Dr. Robinson comes in, Chad wants to talk to her outside. He blows up at how Abby is not getting better, and even more so when Dr. Robinson talks of the investigation. If they decide Abby did it, she could be harmful to herself, to others, and might get transferred to a more secure facility.

Earlier, Shawn & Belle were on the phone, he was talking of Abby, how injured she is, how he has to question her, but how bad she is. Belle volunteers to be her lawyer, if they need one, be sure and tell Chad & Jennifer. They make a date for dinner, Shawn wants Claire there as well. Family dinner.

Shawn arrives to talk to Abby, promises he won't go over the line, and if it seems Abby should have a lawyer there, he will stop and let them know. He goes in, is really very nice with his questions, but Abby claims she really remembers nothing, must have passed out. Mentions seeing her dad, Shawn asks about the white aerosol can with the red cross on it. She claims not to have seen it.

Nicole has called Chloe back, but Chloe won't answer it with Deimos awake. Nicole rattles on about everything being a mess there, and how she really needs to talk, so please call her back so they can chat.

Deimos is impressed that Chloe is raising her son, plus taking care of this place by herself. She thanks him, but says she was provided for. He starts talking about helping her himself, she gets totally insulted, He is sorry. She talks of him taking everything from Victor, and now wants to put her in the middle of their war. Deimos claims there is no more war, that he nearly died, and that changed everything. Helps one to see what is really important.

Jen is trying to reason with Chad, who wants Abby out of here. She says that right now it is the best place for her. Chad doesn't think so, he is getting her out of there, even if he has to break her out of there himself.
Abby's Phantom of the Opera mask is so ridiculous. It's not fitted to her face, it's all floppy. Plus, if they were going to go that route, at least make the visible parts of her face (her nose and mouth, plus her neck/throat) red and somewhat injured. A burn that requires full facial bandages isn't going to leave the nose, mouth, neck, etc., pristine. When she moves around, it's obvious her face is fine. At least do the makeup so she appears to be burned underneath the mask.
I would think Chad and Abby have a nice lawsuit on their hands if she is found responsible for starting the fire, as the nurses and facility were negligent in their care of their patient but I suppose that would only matter in the real world.

Does Nicole know Chloe is in town and what brought Chloe back, how long has she been back, how did she get settled so quickly without anyone knowing and what set pieces were hobbled together to represent her abode?
Abby's Phantom of the Opera mask is so ridiculous.
It sure is. She looks like she could be the bride of Jason from the Friday the 13th movies.

Jason: "Abigail, after I save you from Ben, we
can be married and live happily ever after."

JACK!!! That is all I am looking forward to watching tonight.
Yes, he's back and Abigail's dreams are getting more crowded. Who's next: Austin? ("Abigail what are you doing here at the Green Mountain Inn?") Dr. Cameron Davis ("Sorry Abigail, but I'm both dull and seduction-proof.") EJ ("Abigail, would you like me to towel you off?") Sami? ("You tramp. I HATE you!")
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Dr. Bakerfan::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:.

I also think the hospital staff is also responsible for this incident. The nurse that dropped her cigarette lighter should be more careful about dropping a lighter in a mental institution.

I also loved seeing Jack. I wish he had been on longer than that one scene. I am with the others that Jack needs to be brought back to the show alive no matter how they do it.

Chloe, please show Deimos the door and don't let Parker bond with him. I swear this guy is making up for lost time after being in prison for 30 years. In a short period of time, he's after 3 women. After the way he treated Maggie and has been so cold hearted and ruthless in his dealings, I don't like Nicole and Chloe involved with him.

And the show keeps finding new ways to utilize Shawn. I enjoyed seeing him today investigating the fire at the institution, as well as talking to Belle on the phone. The show needs to look at all of the other under utilized characters and get them involved in a story no matter how small. They can always take time away from the Hope/Rafe/Aiden/Deimos/Summer show to fit these characters in.
So we're supposed to think that Abigail started the fire but I'm not so sure. I know some people have suspicions about Dr. Robertson (or is Robisnon) the shrink. I didn't see it before but now I'm not so sure she can be trusted. As Hamlet once said "There is something rotten in Denmark." In case Denmark can be replaced with Shady Hills.

I also agree that Abigail's mask looks ridiculous, what's the point?

I never would have figured Deimos for a kid person. They might not be "redeeming" him exactly but I would say the attempt to soften him up a bit at least has begun. I've always felt we weren't supposed to see him as completely evil but then they had him poison Maggie and he was pretty aggressive with Nicole at the riverbank. So now I think this thing with Parker is a way to pull him out of that dark place a bit. I'm not saying I totally buy it but I do think that's where they are attempting to go.
Troy, you may be on to something. I don't know....we should be seeing the change in headwriting pretty soon now. But today Deimos said something about no longer being at war with Victor (tho I think Vic may be at war with him), that he nearly died, and it changed everything.

The thing is......wasn't it Deimos who paid off Dr. Malcolm? I mean he was involved in some way with the Frankenstein doctors, tho he claimed he did not know they were going to torture Bo, blah, blah.

Deimos has been controlling a lot from prison, had spies everywhere, which is how he knew to go to Chicago, knew where Chloe was singing, etc. etc.

But, it does seem they are trying to mellow him out. First...he was honest with Chloe, told her the whole story, the past, and what he did to Victor. And the conversation and playing with Parker......yep! Definitely another side to Deimos.
I thought it was interesting that Ben walked into the room when Abigail had her back to the door. Was he real?

I agree that it was great to see Jack and the show needs him back alive!!!!!

LOVED Shawn being the detective on this case!!! Also loved how it was mentioned at least 3 times that he and Abby are cousins. As much as a lot of us are sick of her, it would have been nice to have seen Hope in the scenes as well supporting Jen and Abby. She was very much part of Abby's story back when Ben first started going crazy. I also think that Shawn being the detective will tie into Ciara being Thomas' babysitter.

Shawn and Belle had more chemistry on that phone call than most of the couples currently on this show in scenes together. The conversation was great too. I liked how Belle walked out on Nicole and Dario to take Shawn's call. I also like seeing tough lawyer Belle.

Chloe's living arrangements are just so random and out of character. Who exactly is taking care of her financially? Maggie?
Thanks, Poirot.

Interesting to hear Deimos talk in his sleep and Chloe knew she had to contact Nicole.

I laughed when Chloe said Philip's family put the "fun" in dysfunctional. Deimos knew
about Kate before he got to Salem.

I was wondering who was helping Chloe too. Did Daniel leave money for her to
raise Parker?

I enjoyed Belle and Shawn's talk on the phone.

Great seeing Jack. I'm glad he came and rescued her.

Abby found the lighter on the floor. Was the aerosol can in her room? Why?

Deimos and Parker played War. Deimos told Chloe the war was over with Victor.
Thanks for the summary. A good show all around. I'm liking this Deimos and Chloe storyline more and more. I'm softening up a bit on him...but I'm still very mad about what he did to Maggie, so I'm not quite sympathetic yet!

Nicole & Dario--please, writers, let's not go there.

Nice to see Jack, I guess. Boy is this storyline heartbreaking for Abigail. And yes, that mask looks ridiculous.