Days of Our Lives - Mon., March 11, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion/Halfway House - Tate is texting Holly through Jeannie T's account. Holly sees the messages. Tate is hopeful she will respond.

Brewery (same establishing shot, night) - Wendy is weak and planning their real wedding. She wants to finish their vows. In their final delusions they keep talking about their fantasies and love.

Salem Airfield - Ava, restrained, laments being unable to help Tripp and being betrayed by Clyde. A car pulls up and John and Steve get out. They berate her as they release her. Ava tells them "Clyde said our son was as good as dead." Steve keeps yelling at her, stops her lamentations, and resolves to find Tripp. He doesn't believe Clyde.

Police Station (quick establishing shot of sign that says "Police" but it's a close up) - Jada is gobsmacked by the news that Becca Goldman is the dirty cop. Somehow she was the most respectable and least believable of candidates for that role, according to Rafe. Harris enters. He checked himself out of the hospital. There's an APB out. Instead of doing anything, they stand around talking for 32 scenes. They have to talk to Phillips, whom Goldman also betrayed, and deduce that Goldman was the one who tried to kill Lucas/whom Kate shot.

Hospital (same establishing shot, night) - Abe is praying by Paulina's side when light fills the room. Lexie (we see from the back, the voice is close/pretty good, but Paulina offers the ID) speaks to Abe, who doesn't recognize her. Paulina's seen pictures, tells Abe who this is. Lexie asks if he remembers the last time they saw each other? When he died. He starts to remember. Paulina flatlines. They flash back again and he recites what he said to her in the present. Lexie (whose hair is too wavy in my opinion) commands Abe to close his eyes and feel the love in his heart, and transfer it to Paulina. He touches Paulina, says, "Believe" a few times, and the light fades out.

DiMansion, Holly's Bedroom - Holly isn't answering Tate. No idea of time since text. She hears a noise and opens her window. Tate has come to see her. He asks what her coma was like then shoves his tongue down her throat. For some reason this charms her. She tells of a boy who broke a body part climbing into her window in 6th grade (don't think about where this might have happened, Eric's apartment maybe?). Tate tells her the trouble he's in, and that the drugs were laced with opiates. She laments not listening to him about the pills. He needs her to tell the truth.

Tripp/Ava/Wendy Apartment - Black Patch boys call Rafe and send the video to him without details. They watch the video again. Steve notices something.

Brewery (establishing shot again) - Tripp prays.

Police Station - Harris talks about the video, it's proof that Clyde was behind this, strong-arming Ava by kidnapping Tripp. They pull Goldman's GPS from her squad from the night the kids went missing. Later, they have seen a number of trips to a location outside of Salem. They are going to check it out.

Tripp/Ava/Wendy Apartment - Steve checks "the ASL site" and deduces that it's the sign for beer. Ava is incredulous as Steve explains he and Kayla studied ASL when she lost her hearing briefly. John notices rivets in the background. They figure out it's the brewery by the airport. Ava makes remarks the whole time. They bolt.

Brewery - John, Steve, and Ava arrive. They see the kids. John makes Ava stay outside of the tank.

DiMansion, Holly's Bedroom - Holly can't tell the truth because it would hurt Nicole. He yells at her. The doorknob turns, scaring the pseudo siblings. (Are we supposed to remember when they were a family?)

Brewery - Steve is doing CPR on Tripp. John is working on Wendy. Ava calls 911 again. John says "I've got nothing" and Steve starts getting desperate. The police arrive.

Hospital, Paulina's Room - A nurse enters and Paulina's monitors stop beeping. The nurse is shocked. Paulina opens her eyes. Abe does believe. END
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They mention it, but just that he "studied" it. I added a line to the summary. After months of death at the brewery, the last 5 minutes were action packed. Also on my main summary computer, I can't change text type or link items for some reason. (Oddly, it's my newest computer.) So I was getting the summary posted quickly so I could go to another computer and add that stuff, LOL.
It really does surprise me the writers had Wendy using sign language in the video. I guess they (the writers) must not have known Steve was fluent in it though, and not just that he "studied" it for a brief time. Benjy was in Salem for about 2 years. Steve and Kayla used sign language with him the entire time.
Does mean Paulina is well?

The Tate and Holly scenes trudged along like a snail going uphill in snow covered with molasses.

The nurses would have been in Paulina's room immediately when she flat-lined.

No rescue breathing during CPR seemed off. But it's been over 5 years since I trained.
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Thanks Jason for today's summary.

Harris had a set of clothes at the hospital? Or he checked out in scrubs and went home for clothing? Weird.

I'm happy Abe got his memory back. So who is next in the amnesia pool?

At least a couple of stories have ended and we can move on, even if the ending seems rushed after 3 months of almost ending.
Great job, Jason!

I think time was meant to stand still while Lexie was there, but can't say for sure. The fact remains (do we even deal with facts on this show?) that even though Paulina didn't say bye bye, she still needs a new heart. Lexie can't make that happen. Now thinking that Wendy or Tripp or both will die, and one of their hearts will be given to Paulina. I hope they don't die, though. It just seems cruel all around. There are others I would like to see die, like Clyde and Goldman, for a start.

Who knows how long Tripp and Wendy were unconscious, it might be too late.

I picked up on Wendy's signals, just wish Steve did sooner.

So, so glad Abe's memory is back!

I will never understand Tate's obsession with Holly, especially since she treated him like garbage. She absolutely must clear his name, and if she is afraid to say they were her drugs, then at least say that Tate had nothing to do with them, he tried to stop her, and she got them from a kid at school she didn't know who told her it was just a harmless upper and that it was her first time trying drugs, though we know it wasn't. Anything to cleat Tate.

You know on the soaps it can take 5 days our time for a character to open a door. :rolleyes:
Or finish a sentence, usually interrupted when they are about to reveal something important.
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that even though Paulina didn't say bye bye, she still needs a new heart. Lexie can't make that happen.
This is a soap that resurrects the dead and has regular visits by Satan. I'm sure Angel Lexie has the power to cure Paulina. :rolleyes:

Remember when Brady got shot (I think) and was dying? Nicole laid infant Holly on Brady's chest so Daniel's heart could magically connect with his child and repair itself within Brady's body. Bing-bang-boom, Brady was healed. :rolleyes: Or when Will was dying and his spirit crossed with Caroline's and he was magically healed?
I guess they (the writers) must not have known Steve was fluent in it though, not just that he "studied" it for a brief time.
I don't think Steve was ever "fluent" - Kayla was, but Steve was always a little more basic in his signing. He had to really practice to do his vows, although I may be mis-remembering. I can believe he forgot. But as a detective, he should have noticed that motion a long time ago.

At any rate I do agree that the writers couldn't seem to agree on how to play these beats.
I know soap time means almost nothing but it took the nurse long enough to get there.
I'm not sure if the bright light was supposed to mean time was suspended or frozen or something - but the alarm was going off for quite a bit, even if it was muted for a while.
I don't think Steve was ever "fluent" - Kayla was, but Steve was always a little more basic in his signing.
But they had Benjy for almost 2 years after that. While Kayla's hearing/voice had returned by that time, they both signed with Benjy. But you're right, maybe he just got rusty from not using it in decades.
I will never understand Tate's obsession with Holly, especially since she treated him like garbage.
I really hope this is the end of them and they bring on two new teens to interact with.

Angel Lexie's power is so great, I bet she also repaired Stefan's, Julie's, and Jennifer's hearts back to original condition.
@rfsexton, We stay trained due to our work with kids (CPR) and rescue breathing is now only recommended if you have a second person available to help. Chest compressions are most important and once you start them, you don't stop. You keep going until EMS arrives on the scene. This is the most effective way to preserve life. So, since the two of them were each on a person alone, there would have been no rescue breathing, just chest compressions.
Don't like Wendy & Tripp together, so I'm glad this is over.

Don't like that Lexie gave her blessing to Abe & Paulina. Abe was ridiculous. "Lexie, but you're dead. She's dead right and blah blah blah." He just went on and on. Paulina is saved now. I bet she doesn't even need a heart transplant now.

Holly needs to fess up. She better at least get Tate out of trouble.
@rfsexton, We stay trained due to our work with kids (CPR) and rescue breathing is now only recommended if you have a second person available to help. Chest compressions are most important and once you start them, you don't stop. You keep going until EMS arrives on the scene. This is the most effective way to preserve life. So, since the two of them were each on a person alone, there would have been no rescue breathing, just chest compressions.

@DaysLady, thanks for explaining that.