Days of Our Lives - Mon., March 11, 2024

Was visiting someone in hospital, urgent call for another room, nurses and aides flew out of the various rooms immediately! And I do mean flew, couple doctors came running from down the hall.

And in Salem, a nurse finally shows up for someone flatlining, and says.......oh, she is talking. And off she goes. No checking vitals, etc. Sheesh!
No rescue breathing during CPR seemed off. But it's been over 5 years since I trained.
rf, rescuing breathing hasn't been taught with CPR by the Red Cross in my county since 2020 and the COVID shut down.

Thank you, Jason!

This is the first time in a long long time that I couldn't wait to read how a story was progressing.

Laughed at the nurse not responding immediately then walking away when the alert ended.
If Ghost Lexie’s presence can render Paulina speechless, she should do everyone a favor by appearing regularly. Speaking of Lexie, what would Abe’s reaction have been if she’d brought along Ghost Tek?

All hail Steve and John for making it to the brewery in what might be the nick of time. Of course Wendy and Trippy share the credit by achieving the longest, dullest goodbye ever by two oxygen deprivation victims, which gave our heroes time to save the day.

It could be good news for Bobby/Everett today. Jada is now so angry at Goldman that she might not have enough time or energy to squawk at him.

Holly has to be the dimmest Salem teen ever. Does she really think that Mommy Nicole is such a fragile flower that she’d swoon over the news that her daughter popped a few pills?
Thanks, Jason. Bonus points for figuring out what Wendy was signing before Steve.

Will Lexie fly by the brewery to save Wendy and Tripp?

Not surprised Holly won't tell the truth because of what Nicole would say. And not surprised someone
was knocking on the bedroom door. Holly & Tate were loud.

Was the nurse doing her nails when Paulina's heart monitor started beeping? Or did Lexie suspend time for
awhile? Did Lexie fix Paulina's heart so she won't need a transplant?

The best part of the show was Abe finally getting his memory back. The only one who still might have that
problem is Everett/Bobby.
Casting did a pretty decent job of finding someone who sounds like Renee Jones (ex-Lexie). Would love it if she made a real guest appearance, but it seems she left acting for good.

I could be wrong, but when you start losing oxygen, doesn’t the air also get warmer? Shouldn’t Tripp and Wendy be sweating in addition to fading away?

Poor Tate. Definitely his father’s son. And Dr. Dan would be so disappointed in his selfish daughter. Is Holly supposed to be on her way to becoming Sami 2.0?
Casting did a pretty decent job of finding someone who sounds like Renee Jones (ex-Lexie).
Yes, I thought it was Renée Jones at first, although it was just a very close voice. Unfortunately this Lexie Angel had wavy hair instead of straight hair like the last Lexie Angel and the Flesh Lexie.