Days of Our Lives - Mon., March 18, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
34½ minutes, not including the credits. A mind-numbing episode, I hope I got everything.

Peterson-Brady Apartment - Eric tells Sloan Jude’s finally asleep. Sloan seems skeptical. He plans to ask Brady today about being godfather. Sloan wants to move the "reception venue" back to the Pub. Sloan claims to be worried about Roman's feelings; Eric is thinking about Nicole. (Insert ill emoji here.) Or maybe about Holly, whom he thinks of as a daughter, and thus Holly thinks of Jude as a brother. Sloan calls out this line of baloney. Brady arrives, Sloan storms out.

Evans-Black Townhouse - John demands to know why Steve lied to him about killing Konstantin’s daughter. He's mad that Konstantin told him. Steve points out that nobody knows the truth. This does not calm John, who insists upon turning himself in over Marlena's pleas. He moans about the various times he was turned into an assassin by Yo Ling, etc. Marlena reminds him of his support for her criminal acts when she wasn’t herself. He breaks the law a lot, he says, including when he busted Clyde out of prison.

Vitali-Shin-Dalton-Johnson Apartment - Ava is mad Harris is not resting. Harris asks when the last time she spoke to Stefan was. Because of her focus on Tripp, she replies, "a few days ago when you woke up". Harris suspects Stefan aided Clyde in the breakout, and he wants Ava to get in touch with Stefan. She's tried. She takes him to bed. Tender music suggests romance as she fondles his wounded body. As things get heated, she wonders if this is what the doctor meant by bed rest.

DiMansion - EJ is drinking. Stefan emerges from the not-really-secret-anymore panel. EJ tells him Clyde’s on the loose, assures him he'll still be "helping" him, and tells Stefan it's his last night as a DiMera. Blah blah about where Stefan will be going. Stefan feels betrayed by EJ but unfortunately not enough to stab him. This goes on for way too long, but the upshot is Stefan has to zip out of town quickly, change his identity, and can't get a goodbye to Gabi before going to Siberia. They argue about what their murdering raping criminal "fatha" would have been embarrassed by. EJ says he'll tell Gabi where Stefan went if she ever gets out of prison.

Square - Leo is hungover after a St. Patty's Day celebration at the Pub. Sloan wakes him up. He wants his weekly allowance. He's over budget because he bought a suit for the christening, to which he is not invited. He feels like he's Jude's godfather. Sloan doesn't think Jude's actual godfather will agree. They argue for several scenes about how Leo actually cares for Jude, and isn't working an angle.

Peterson-Brady Apartment - Brady asks after Sloan, Eric assures him that it’s just because Jude’s not been sleeping. He asks him to be godfather, Brady refuses immediately because he's such a horrible dad. This affords us a boo-hoo recap about where Brady's kids are now. Eric says Leo will be the godfather if Brady doesn't accept; Brady thinks there must be someone else, but upon this pressure accepts. They are eating as the recap continues about Holly's framing Tate. Eric thinks Tate might be lying, etc., Brady thinks Holly is selfish. Eric agrees Holly is hiding something.

Townhouse - Steve has explained the reasoning behind the breakout. John plans to apologize to Konstantin, whom they've been treating roughly without cause. Steve says there is cause; John says the man is grieving, and if anyone did that to Bill, he'd hunt them down and kill them. (He says Bill, the captions say Bill, we get no clue as to who Bill is.) Steve apologizes for not disclosing the Aria incident, which he claims was blocked out for a long time. He promises Marlena he won't turn himself in without careful consideration.

Vitali-Dalton-Johnson-Shin Apartment - In Ava's bedroom, Harris and Ava are snuggling and he wants another prescription. He missed her. She missed him (she has a flashback to making out with Stefan). She gets up to get his pain meds. Stefan knocks on the door, she tries to shoo him away, but Harris emerges (dressed thankfully) and says his would-be assassin isn't going anywhere. END
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Thank you, Jason.

I bet "Bill" was a slip of the tongue. Either that or the writers just wrote in any name because they didn't have a clue which character's name they could use.

Is all of this concocted back story about Konstantin supposed to make us feel sorry for him? If so, it isn't working. He's still a scumbag that needs taken out.

This Jude maternity story has gone on way too long for me. Sloan is a rotten "mother".
If I'm understanding the conversation correctly, the only "Bill" I can think of that Steve would want to avenge his supposed death, would be Jack, whose birth name was Billy. But I doubt the sub writers know that. Probably was supposed to be either Stephanie, Joey or Tripp. I even looked up Stephen Nichols' (Steve) real children's names to see if any of them are named Bill and nope. His kids are Vanessa, Aaron and Dylan. Maybe one of his grandsons is named Bill? What an odd blooper to allow on-screen.
Ahhhh, that makes sense. I thought Steve was making the comment about "Bill", not John. I bet you're right, that Drake Hogestyn (John) maybe somehow slightly mispronounced Belle's name as "Bill" and that's what closed-captioning took it as.
Thank you, Jason! At least it wasn't 40 minutes today!

John needs to step back and think about what it would mean to everyone around him if he turned himself in, as well as his own life, of course. There is no concrete proof of anything, and John wasn't John. It is possible, as someone mentioned, that Konstantin's daughter ran to protect her father and got caught in the crossfire. But to John, he still killed an innocent. He won't let this go, and his relationship with Steve is fractured now, which I hate.

Maybe Stefan's 'stache will keep him warm in Siberia. We know he is going to try to blow up Ava and Harris now, but I think he already knows about their one-night stand? Or, at least, that she was faking the relationship for the "greater good." I doubt he will walk away from Ava. I see fisticuffs in his future.

So now EJ is the moral compass of the DiMera household?

I enjoyed Leo and Sloany Baloney the most. How could I not? I want the truth about Jude over and done already!
Didn't expect Brady to say no to being godfather but he is being way too hard on himself. At least he relented.

John's going to turn himself in for crime 30 or more years ago in another country?? Crazy.

Why was Ava thinking of boinking Stefan right after boinking Harris?

Hated the whole thing between EJ and Stefan. EJ is horrible!
me, too! But others heard it

just odd, the CC said Bill....but then folks do pronounce words or letters, or letter combos differently. You can see a word spelled in a sentence, and in your mind, pronounce it, and get used to it your way, then eventually learn it is actually pronounced much differently than you thought. Especially names of towns.........or people!
Why was Ava thinking of boinking Stefan right after boinking Harris.
Did I miss something, macgyverswife? I thought today was the first time Ava and Harris slept together. My bad if I am wrong.

I thought she and Stefan only had that one night together due to being lonely (insert the other word, but this is nicer!) over not being able to be with Harris and Gabi, respectively. Thanks for clarifying!
but then folks do pronounce words or letters, or letter combos differently.
Agreed. Lexie used to pronounce Taylor's name as "Tail-ir" instead of correctly as "Tay-ler" and several people on the show incorrectly pronounced Caroline's name as "Carolyn". I know a lot of people who pronounce the short "e" sound as an "i", like saying "pin" for the word "pen". Tamron Hall who used to be on the Today show did it all the time. I remember one time she was doing a segment on beauty products and kept saying "clinser" instead of "cleanser".
Ooof thanks for getting through this show to do the summary.

I honestly don't care one bit about John. This show is just too into writing about the past. As an old viewer I don't care about any return to the pawn stuff and I can't imagine new viewers do either.

Sloan being a jerk aside, why on earth would Nicole have anything to do with this christening? And Holly thinks of Jude as a brother? Has she even seen him? She certainly doesn't think of Tate or Johnny as a brother. And let's be real, since Holly grew 10+ years are we supposed to pretend that there was some decade long relationship? He married her mother and then bolted. Awful writing.

And stop making Leo such a jerk. Again, a huge opportunity missed here where Leo and Nicole could have been fun friends and taken on Sloan in some way. Instead we get this never ending nonsense.