Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 20, 2023


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Ava's - She's on the phone with Harris, who's at the police station. They make plans for dinner. She has a visitor, ends the call. Gil is at her door. He wants a key to the Salem PD evidence room to get some evidence against one of their low-level dealers before he flips on them. He suggests she lift a key for them from Harris. She points out that Harris will eventually figure it out, and blow their cover. He threatens to tell Daddy Clyde. But he'll keep quiet for a price. He assaults her. When he has her gripped firmly (he's behind her and he's pushed her against a table), Ava softens and agrees they have a lot in common. As soon as she's free, she pulls a gun on him.

Kmansion, Downstairs - Replay of Xander/Sarah talking about court. Seeing how Victoria's kidnapping affected her has made Xander realize he can't take her away from Sarah. She's sorry she accused him of kidnapping Victoria. He'll call Sloan and have her drop the case. He laments his past bad acts, and knows now that he can't fix mistakes with worse mistakes. He never really wanted to take Victoria from Sarah - he wants them to raise her together. Sarah, who is breathing shallowly through Xander's speech, admits she wants that, too. They were both just so angry with each other and are sorry they let it go this far.

Kmansion, Upstairs - Replay of Maggie calling Konstantin an angel and him smashing their faces together. She is shocked and asks what on Earth he's doing? He asks for forgiveness. He has shamed himself and taken advantage of a grief-stricken woman. He will leave. Maggie sighs, then asks him to stay. He is not sure he is welcome, and has a flashback to Sarah's suspicions. He needs to pack.

Titan Offices - Replay of Jeannie T leaving an incriminating voicemail for Konstantin. Brady enters, heard nothing (DUH PLOT demands it). She accuses him of eavesdropping, he says they're in public. All he heard was that something would blow up in her face and demands to know what she did? She tells him she slept with Alex. In Greece. She didn't want anyone to know. He wonders to whom she was speaking on the phone. She claims she was talking to Stephanie, she had to tell someone. Brady asks if it was just once? Jeannie T says yes, they have separate bedrooms, why is Brady even asking? Is he jealous? (You may groan and/or puke now.) Alex enters.

Pub - Rafe meets Harris. They talk about Jada, who's at Leo's arraignment. Rafe needs Harris to investigate Victoria Horton's kidnapping and also who murdered Li Shin. He doesn't believe Gabi's guilty. Harris recaps Li's deathbed declaration; Rafe thinks he was out of it. He tells Harris there's no reason they can't do the investigation quietly. Paulina (who was farther away from their whispered discussion than Brady was during Jeannie T's loud voicemail) says there is. She doesn't want it getting out that the accused's brother is investigating as it could hurt the DA's case. Rafe tries to make a case about family being wrongly accused, and how Paulina should understand that, which incenses her unreasonably. (DUH PLOT.) Plus, there's a new drug cartel and an increase in trafficking and she needs both of them to work on that. Rafe agrees to work on the drugs. She has made this her final word and will replace Rafe if he doesn't comply. She leaves. Harris tells Rafe he's still on the case.

Kmansion, Upstairs - Konstantin is packing and railing against himself after he listens to Jeannie T's voicemail. He had such a great plot and he ruined it by kissing Maggie. (Get the salt, he's chewing scenery.) He realizes he may still have an “in” with Maggie.

Kmansion, Downstairs - Xander and Sarah are near a kiss. Maggie enters. She learns about the suit being dropped (if they're almost due in court, shouldn't he be calling Sloan??!?!). That's all she wanted for them. They are grateful for Konstantin's rescue of Victoria. Konstantin enters to say goodbye.

Ava's Apartment - Gil says he's no rapist. They debate terminology. She dares him to try again, so she can shoot him. He says if he's shot, Tripp's dead.

Pub - Rafe tells Harris the secret investigation is a no-go. He's not willing to sacrifice other's jobs, and he's super worried about all these awful drugs suddenly flooding Salem.

Titan Offices - Alex, Jeannie T, and Brady are ready to work on strategy. Brady has to leave to testify. They discuss the Xander/Sarah drama. Alex thinks it's good the truth came out, Xander should know about his daughter. Things that are rightfully his should be his. Cue worried one-shot of Jeannie T.

Kmansion, Downstairs - Konstantin continues his long goodbye. Sarah is upset, worried that she may have influenced this, she's grateful for his help today. They ask him to stay, and he agrees. (You can all breathe out now.)

Titan Offices - Brady ends a call with Justin, announces that the custody suit's off because of the kidnapping/rescue. Alex can't believe a sicko would take a newborn, and he hopes they will be caught and nailed to the wall. Constant one-shot of Jeannie T's reactions.

Kmansion, Upstairs - Konstantin is unpacking. Maggie comes in and asks if he's making himself at home?

Kmansion, Downstairs - Sarah talks about how relieved Justin is about the end of the suit. They get to focus on their baby, who fusses. Sarah asks Xander to pick her up. Xander picks up Victoria and tells her he's her dad, he wants to get to know her, and already loves her with all his heart.

Ava's Apartment - Ava and Gil are still in a standoff. She will end him, he doesn't think so. Outside, an early Harris hears a shot. He enters, gun drawn, and finds Gil unconscious with a bullet in his chest. END
Thanks Jason.

Wow someone remembered Li was dead. Amazing.

Paulina must have the ears of a bat to have picked up on the conversation between Rafe and Harris. And Brady's ears turned off as he leered at the back end of Theresa as she shifted from foot to foot leaving her message that clearly said "baby", but he didn't hear that part just the "this had better not get out" portion? DUH PLOT.

Gil going up against Ava is just stupid. Ava is ruthless. Has always been. What a buffoon. Thank goodness the real Ava has appeared. Hopefully real Ava will stick around and not Rafe's Ava, the watered down one, returns.

Darn, I had hopes Konstantin would go home. Perhaps Xander should move into the house now. That could put a crimp in the old man's plans.

And as a side note, when my babies were of that age, when they woke from a long nap, they didn't just coo pleasantly. They wanted two things: food and a clean diaper. Not necessarily in that order, but other than that, doll-in-blanket did a great job today.
[Reply from Doll-in-Blanket: hey lady, I'm with you, but I was just following the stupid script.]

And as a side note, when my babies were of that age, when they woke from a long nap, they didn't just coo pleasantly. They wanted two things: food and a clean diaper. Not necessarily in that order, but other than that, doll-in-blanket did a great job today.
My oldest and my youngest woke up that way. They would wake up happy and just coo and make baby sounds in their crib until I got them. But that middle kid, man, is she a gorgeous blonde young woman now. But as a baby, when she woke up, if she wasn't in mommy's arms already, she was going to let out a blood curdling scream to wake every neighbor to make sure the world knew she was being neglected.

Also, can this Konstantin mess just end now? He needs to go back to Greece. I've lost interest in him, Theresa, and all of it.

Also, it just occurred to me, if Xander is Victor's son, then that means Xander and Sarah are step brother and step sister. Oh man, that makes it weird. Hahahahaha
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Nicely done, Jason!

Is Gil actually dead? While he sure looked dead, he might be teetering on the edge and will die if he does not get medical attention. Ava was totally justified by her actions, but when Clyde finds out she refused to get the evidence room key and shot/killed Gil, someone will go after Tripp. What's a girl to do? Ava has to tell Harris everything now. But that might not happen because of "duh plot."

I hate that Paulina is shutting down Rafe. But Harris will try to do what Rafe could not, even if Paulina is angry when the real killer is revealed, if they are revealed at all. Maybe next year.

No on ever overhears what they should overhear. Brady was not in the doorway in time to hear everything, unfortunately.

I hate that Maggie is still letting Konstantin stick around. Again, "duh plot." Had he not "rescued" Victoria, she would have for sure sent him packing for being so aggressive.
Thanks for the summary. I am actually happy with this episode after weeks of boredom. The silly custody battle is over. Don't get me wrong, Sarah is annoying and I hate the idea of her back with Xander. But that filler plot was beyond ridiculous. And Gil dying was fabulous. We have had enough goons in Salem lately and don't need anymore.

I don't care about the Gabi storyline or Konstantin because it's beyond absurd. Ditto Theresa.
Can someone remind why this Ava stuff is even going on? Is this at all related to anyone else? Was this just a vehicle to bring Ava back and keep Harris around? I guess it feels like it could be it's own separate show.

And as always thanks to everyone who does the summaries. I don't always remember to say that so just know it's always appreciated.
Thanks, Jason.

Darn, Rafe got caught by Paulina to not look more into Li's murder. Maybe someone will do it
later if Gabi can come back.

Paulina told Rafe that she wanted the drug problem investigated. Shouldn't have Rafe figured that on
his own since he's the commissioner? But he's still a Salem cop.

Drat, Sarah told Konstantin he can stay since he saved Victoria. Will the Salem cops try to figure out
who took her? That would be a good idea.

Good news. Sarah and Xander will raise Victoria together. Bad news. Maggie came in and they didn't kiss.

Great timing on Ava's part shooting Gil when Harris was outside the door.
At last, Ava has remembered that she's a real Vitali and rid Salem of worthless, creepy Gil. Cousin Angelo would be so proud.

Paulina should keep her big mouth out of the police station. What she knows about police work would easily fit on a postage stamp.

All hail Xander, Salem's father of the year, for dropping his custody case -- a break that bigmouth Sarah didn't deserve. How long will it be before she's squawking at him again?

Konstantin must go. Maggie should have told this cheap grifter to bunk in the greenhouse where he could try laying his b/s on the poor plants. (still say that this guy might not even be Greek.)
I watched today for the first time in weeks and have been skimming the summaries. Don’t know who Gil is. Glad I don’t have to. Yay for mob princesses. What was he thinking? He has to know she used to run a crime family.

I hadn’t seen any episodes with new Theresa. I really like the actress. If she were brand new to the show, I’d be happy with how she’s stepped into the role, but she’s not. It’s so weird. I guess I’ll get used it.

Whiplash Sarah is back to being nice. Woohoo. How long will she treat Xander like a human this time? I like them like the way they were today. I wish the writers would let Sarah not be a shrew.

I hope Konstantin and that horrible accent get shoved down the Kiriakis stairs. I miss Gabi. She’s got that down pat. Or Xander can do the honors once the truth comes out.
I was uncomfortable during the entire Ava/Gil scene. I hate Ava and an attempted rape isn't the way to make me like her.

I'm not sure anything could make me like her, but if I'd not have been responsible for the summary, I'd have shut off the TV and cancelled Peacock for that scene alone.