Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept.16, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 16, 2019

An emotional day in Salem for many of it's citizens. At the hospital, Will & Sonny try to get the disguised Vivian to update them on Kate, she avoids doing so, then Kayla comes along, Kate is out of surgery, is doing well, will be taken to her room. (Gee, no ICU for her, huh?) Later Viv comes into the empty room, chatters to Kate about making sure she doesn't spread who shot her all over the city. She wraps something around the oxygen tube, and squeezes, bragging how she is cutting off Kate's air supply. We see Kate stirring a bit at times, but eventually the machine beeps loud and clear, Viv hightails it out of there as Kayla & the boys rush in. Kayla is with the paddles again, telling the boys to leave, later she comes out, and with Viv eavesdropping, tell Will & Sonny Kate is still alive, but has slipped into a coma. Viv dashes away.

JJ is with Jennifer in the trashed lab, she tells how they left Rolf there to work alone, how he succeeded, found them at the Pub, serum was ready, they returned, and lab was trashed, serum on the floor. JJ figures it had to be Eve, he is sorry, they talk, hug, love each other, etc. JJ leaves, Jen continues to clean up.

Jack has confronted Eve in the square, she denies trashing the lab. They end up having a huge argument, with all sorts of things brought up. Eve's hatred of Jennifer, her “love” of Jack only to get revenge, the death of Paige and how Eve feels no one cares about how she feels losing her child and being murdered, how Jack finally came to his senses, realizing what Eve was really doing. Yep, all the dirty laundry. Terrible things said, but Eve still denies trashing the lab, and admits she hates Jennifer with every fiber of her being. She stalks off.

Xander & the weepy Sarah talk in her bedroom. He knows she is pregnant, saw the lab report. She is angry he went thru her trash (one paper, Sarah, that was all, in an empty waste basket!). He is very sympathetic, figures she has not told Eric (oh, please, Eric cannot be the father!). Xander is very kind, sympathetic, understanding, which Sarah appreciates. She knows Eric loves Nicole, but did love her when they had sex. She does not want to tell him at all, but yet, thinks he deserves to know.

Eric & Nicole are in his apartment, which she thinks is so warm & cozy. He talks of things he did with Holly in mind, and he had help. Nik realizes it had to be Sarah (when did all that happen? ) he says yes it was, but enough talking, they go to the bedroom. Nicole goes, but once there is reluctant, is the same bed you and Sarah were in? She doesn't feel comfortable with that knowledge. Eric assures her over and over that it doesn't matter, she is the only woman for him, has always loved her, always will. Nicole is eventually satisfied with his words, as next comes the almost porn scenes. Not quite, they do a whole big thing of undressing each other, (made me laugh when he was taking off her boots). Finally both are down to their skivvies.......commercial break.....and it is “afterglow” wrapped in the protective sheets. They talk, how the thought of each other kept them going when things got bad. Eric promises, swears that they will always be together, nothing will ever ever come between them.

Xander goes to get Sarah some milk and a healthy snack. She thanks him.

Jack meets up with JJ, yes he confronted Eve, she denies everything. JJ figures she is lying, as she always does.

Jen continues to clean up the lab, her back to the door, someone enters, picks up a medical item, taking off the protective end. Jen turns, see the person, shocked expression.
Does Sarah really have to be on every single day, and for such extended periods of time? Egads.
Jack really lit into Eve, FINALLY!
Perhaps, if they cut one or two of Sarah's scenes, there would have been time to be a tad more realistic with Kate's emergence from surgery.
Seeing Eric smiling is strange. Eric and Nicole were sweet though I don't see them as true loves. They started that way when Jensen Ackles was Eric, but Eric did so much and went on to be a priest. Still they are cute.

How on earth can Sarah say without a doubt this baby is not Rex's? Does time pass different in Salem because she certainly slept with both Rex and Eric within a week, probably a day knowing Sarah. Please TPTB make it Xander's!! Would be what you would call a twist. Of course as usual we all see it coming but please let it be Xander's! There is no way she is even going to consider an abortion. Erica Kane (All my children) had one way back when then they reversed it 35 years later! Crazy. I just don't see them going there.

Didn't see a face today but oh I am hoping it's who I think it is that surprised Jennifer at the end.
Tacky, tacky, tacky: Nicole first instincts were correct when she questioned hitting the sheets with Eric in the same location where Sarah cheated on her husband to sleep with the sourpuss. Of course, this being Salem, in the end, this inconvenient fact didn't stop them.

Memory training: If Rolf is still interested in making serum for Jack, he ought to try this. By sharpening his memory skills, the mad scientist could quickly whip up a new patch of serum without all the trial and error.

Insult time: Victor had better sharpen his put-down skills if he's to keep his champion status. Jack and Eve both were in fine form today. He called her "a lying vindictive witch," and she called Jenny a "selfish cow" and "card-carrying phony."

Questionable judgment: Nicole claimed that Sarah is "clearly strong." Frankly, based on the way she's been acting lately, she's more like a quivering blob of Jello. Meanwhile, Xander expressed the opinion that sourpuss Eric would do the right thing about Sarah's pregnancy. Would he actually go out and get a real job so he could pay a proper level of child support?

Hospital follies: The state authorities ought to step in and do something about University Hospital. Where else could the likes of Vivian successfully impersonate a nurse and then easily walk into the room of a patient who was the victim of attempted murder?
Thanks, Poirot.

JJ should check the DiMera tunnels. Rolf is probably there.

It's too bad Jack didn't call the police before Jen cleaned up the mess
in the lab.

Now we know how Xander has changed. He read self help books.

I still don't understand how Sarah knows it's Eric's baby when she
had sex with Xander and Rex. We know Xander used protection.
Maybe Rex did too.

Nicole doesn't seem like herself. She seems very insecure that Eric was
with someone else when she was gone. I don't remember her being like
that before.
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Well, that depends on what you consider to be "responsible." He could stay with Nicole and agree to support and co-parent the baby with Sarah, which is being responsible. It doesn't necessarily mean that he would dump Nicole and marry the idiot.

I was referencing what DrBakerFan posted. I can't see Eric getting a real job either, he is too busy being a sad sack. I hope Nicole has some money saved because she'll need it.
No protection is 100% effective. You can use everything available and still get a little surprise.

That's true, but there must be a reason why she's not considering someone else being
the baby daddy. Maybe it's just one of those many things that happen in Salem that
doesn't make sense.
Thanks for the summary, and thanks, Poirot, for the warning about the bedroom scenes. With that plus Sarah and Eve, I would be skipping most of the episode but since Sarah is with Xander, I'll probably watch that. Don't know if I'll try to endure Eve or not, even with the reports here of the clever barbs exchanged between her and Jack.
I'm over the moon about Jack actually, finally, sticking up for Jennifer. However, in my opinion, it's too much too soon. The writers had Jack want nothing to do with Jen Jen all this time and now, boom, "it will be OK and you know why? Because Jennifer is there". Jack still has no memory. Couldn't the writers have given us at least one or two scenes of Jack realizing that she really does have his back before they have him walking around town waving a flag that says "Jennifer is the best!!! Jen Jen or bust!"
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But they their opinion. Jack dumped Eve....fired her as police commissioner, having realized at last how she was using him for her own agenda. Jack, mostly doesn't like not remembering his children. Jen has told him truths, sure, not in a lot of scenes, but they stuck with him, thus he threw it all at Eve. He & Eve had a platonic relationship, while sharing that room, and Eve only went after the sexual side when she felt Jen was perhaps pulling Jack to being a better man. He began to question a few things.

Heck, all thru his campaign, it was EVE who joined in all the rhetoric, bringing up undocumented or illegals, and even them getting married. I honestly do no remember Jack ever proposing to Eve.

However, I am thinking, the writers were told at some point to "wrap it" Jack's memory loss has dragged on since New Year's, when he arrived in town. And that was not the only story. Too many were being dragged out, no resolutions, just marking time. Whatever the new direction for the show, it meant losing various characters in addition to ending some stories.

I have not liked how some characters disappear for 2 weeks or more, in order to concentrate on others. Currently, Vivian came to town, is front and center, thus others disappear, like Abe, Ben & Kristen running around impersonating Nicole forever. Well.....whatever. Claire has been sent away, having been made the fire starter, Kristen is exposed, but not done yet, Vivian is trying her best to end Kate's life, & Jack wants desperately to remember his children, & has finally rid himself of Eve. (who is not done yet, is my guess).
Years ago I said they drag stories out so long, we no longer care what happens, It's "just get it over with". I guess if we want to watch a soap, we have to accept that's the way it is.