Days of our Lives - Monday, December 18, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
41 minutes; no clue as to time of day; the bakery is closed but others are acting like it’s noonish.

Paulina and Chanel’s apartment: Chanel comes home complaining of her feet. She’s in super high heels and a really nice white outfit. Why would a baker wear high heels? Chanel’s day is not done, she needs to shop and go back to the bakery to prep for tomorrow. Paulina comes into the living room. She’s still in her robe and is still tired.

Steve/Kayla's place: Stephanie still has a hangover and pours a cup of coffee. She too is in a robe. The doorbell rings, hurting her head. It’s Chad at the door. Things should improve now, right?

All-purpose interrogation room/police station: Sloan paces, fondles her face and has flashbacks to her conversation with Leo. Sloan figures Leo kidnapped the baby. She leaves the room to tell Eric everything, but Harris stops her with a "we’ve got a clue about the kidnapper" comment. Not sure the Salem PD really knows what a clue is, but anyway, Sloan starts petting her face again.

DiMansion tunnels: replay of EJ finding Nicole with "baby blanket roll". Guess Doll-in-Blanket was cut during the last staff cuts. EJ runs to her and hugs her. He wants to know why Nicole feels she must parent. Nicole saw Sloan with the stroller, then watched Sloan walk away and leave the baby alone. Nicole thinks Sloan is a bad parent. Nicole wants EJ to use his money so they can have the baby.

Paulina and Chanel’s apartment: Paulina brings Chanel a cup of coffee. They are enjoying the coffee, but Paulina wants to get to work and she turns down a trip to go shopping. But she does ask Chanel to get Christmas lights and bourbon toothpicks, Abe really likes them. Paulina has a hard time swallowing; she doesn’t want to be sick at this time of the year.

Steve/Kayla's place: Chad wants to know why Stephanie is in a robe, because he is a nosy dude. He came to apologize, says he was out of line. Stephanie accepts his apology. Chad wants to say something out loud, he thinks it’s time for them to officially end things.

Police station: Harris tells of a person in a dark hoodie picking up the baby. They know it’s a woman and wonder if Nicole missing at the same time has anything to do with it? Then Eric comes up with Sarah Horton’s baby was kidnapped by a person in a black hoodie, so what if this is the same person? Because serial infant kidnappers are so common.

DiMansion wine cellar: EJ tries to talk some sense into Nicole by bringing up how someone feels when they lose a child. EJ wants to take the baby back to his parents. Nicole looks very skeptical.

Horton Town Square: Alex is on the phone with Theresa. No, he won’t tell her what he got her for Christmas. Then he runs into Chanel. Chanel asks how he’s been? He says he's been busy, but life’s been complicated. Chanel AGAIN complains about her feet. Girl, why are you in those 9 inch heels???

Steve/Kayla's place: Stephanie asks Chad, so you want to end things? Chad doesn’t but it just seems that since Stephanie doesn’t trust him, going after Everett, and Chad is not able to give her a commitment. Stephanie agrees that they should go their separate ways. They both love the kids. Chad hopes he will get over his past, and Stephanie will be able to trust him. Chad is going to move back to the DiMansion. Stephanie thinks Chad should keep the apartment. He resigns from SJPR. He tells Stephanie that he rehired Everett. Sad music plays throughout. Chad retells everything he did with Everett’s job.

Police station/all-purpose interrogation room: The witness and a sketch artist are on their way. Nicole and EJ walk in with Doll-in-Blanket. Sloan gets snarky, shocking, right? Rafe takes EJ and Nicole into the all-purpose room where he talks with them. Harris gets a message from Stephanie. Why is she in his phone? Nicole admits to taking Jude.

Horton Town Square: Chanel had no idea that Alex was Victor’s long-lost son. She tells of her own parent swap story in her family. Alex feels that Justin will always be his dad.

Steve/Kayla's place: Chad closed out some of Paulina’s accounts, he will bring over the files.

Police station: Harris calls and tells Stephanie the good news, the baby has been found. Stephanie tells him that’s good news. Harris wants to talk; Stephanie can’t talk now, Chad is eavesdropping. Well, he's in the same room. He says goodbye to sad music. Chad puts as little effort into saying goodbye as possible. Why Chad? You are a great actor and this should be touching, not annoying. Stephanie leans on the door crying, while Chad scrunches up his face and walks away.

Police station: Sloan wants Eric to look after Jude.

All purpose interrogation room: Nicole says that Sloan doesn’t deserve the child. So Nicole took the child home after Sloan walked away, just leaving the baby in the square, alone and defenseless.

Paulina and Chanel’s apartment: Chad appears, Paulina grills him on Stephanie and asks if they are back together?

Park: Stephanie and Harris talk about how she ended up in his bed. Stephanie wants to know if they went further than kissing?

Police station All-purpose interrogation room: Sloan is physically and mentally exhausted, she wants to go home. Rafe pulls them into the all-purpose interrogation room where Nicole tells them she took the baby. She didn’t find the baby, she took him. Sloan’s eyes get wider, if that’s even possible.

Horton Town Square: Chanel tells Alex of her and Johnny getting back together. She tells of her worry about another girl going after him. They discuss their threesome because we just can’t let that go. Alex apologizes for his alone time with Allie.

Paulina and Chanel’s: Paulina is sorry about Chad breaking up with Stephanie. Guess Kate isn’t around so Chad talks with Paulina. Chad is all "you are great, Paulina."

Park: Harris tells of how Stephanie got to his room. Trouble walking up the stairs, Stephanie was in his t-shirt because she vomited all over her clothing. He got her cleaned up and put her to bed, where they both passed out. So, nothing happened between them last night. Stephanie has a request that they keep their drunken passed out status just between them. Harris says nope.

All purpose interrogation room: Sloan reacts exactly as you’d expect, she wants Nicole in prison. No one can reason with Sloan. I know you are shocked.

Paulina and Chanel’s apartment: Paulina has coloring books for Chad as a parting gift. Chad is concerned that he isn’t enough. He talks of Abigail being his one true love. Paulina whacks him with a coloring book, tells him to get over his big dumb butt self. We get Paulina’s backstory in a nutshell. Chad says he’s listening but right now he has to be the best father ever.

Park: Harris wants to tell Ava. Stephanie doesn’t want the mafia princess, who tried to kill her mom, to know she was in bed with her man. But Harris convinces Stephanie that being transparent is the only way to be a couple. Stephanie leaves. Harris calls Ava, tells her they have to talk.

Paulina and Chanel’s apartment: Chanel comes in with bags of stuff to find Paulina sound asleep on the couch. I love another story for Paulina while other languish in no-story-town.

Horton Town Square: Alex and Stephanie bump into each other, figuratively, in the town square, but Chad stumbles by and makes an oogie face at them.

Police station/all-purpose interrogation room: blanket-roll starts to cry. Eric wants to take blanket-roll and Sloan home. The stress in the room isn’t good for the baby. Eric, Sloan and Jude leave. Rafe says under the circumstances he has to arrest Nicole. Outside the room, Eric wants to show compassion for Nicole. Eric pleads Nicole’s case. Sloan finally caves. Nicole claims that she brought the baby back even if she didn't want to.

Sloan walks in saying she asked Nicole to babysit, but Sloan was so tired due to lack of sleep she forgot she asked Nicole to babysit. Sloan again asks Eric to watch Jude so she can use the ladies room. EJ leaves to make sure everything is okay. Sloan sweeps into the all-purpose integration room and tells Nicole that if she EVER comes near her baby again, Sloan will make Nicole’s life a living nightmare in ways Nicole can’t even imagine. Then Sloan climbs back on her broom and flies out.
The nerve of Sloan. Really. The cognitive dissonance quite something. She's as crazy as her brother. She was actually going to have Nicole thrown in jail. Please, writers, speed this baby storyline up. I can't stand much more.

I cut the women of Salem a lot of clothing slack because none of this is real, but those heels and that outfit (a blazer and heels!?!?!) for a baker are ridiculous. For a second, I thought she was coming home from a date with Johnny.

But the outfit was not as ridiculous as Chad "I don't want to commit but think I own you" DiMera. I actually want him to go away, and I used to like this actor's incarnation of the character.
Because serial infant kidnappers are so common.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
but those heels and that outfit (a blazer and heels!?!?!) for a baker are ridiculous.
I have a friend who graduated from culinary/pastry school, and I've never once seen her dressed like that for work. :rolleyes:
Chad is such an idiot. Hey maybe you should have thought of your kids before moving in with Stephanie. But he does not think of his kids. I do not see Chad & Abigail as absolute soul mates so there is no getting over her.

Sloan is the most despicable human on earth. Yeah, at least Nicole is not going to jail but Sloan stole Nicole's baby and is treating her like vermin. Nicole is a true mother. She does know her child. She would never leave him unattended.

I didn't think Nicole confessing she took baby was a big tada moment. I thought they assumed she took him. Can't wait for Eric to find out what a horrible person his wife is.

Dang. I was hoping Stephanie slept with Harris. She definitely needs to move on from Chad.
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Because Sloan lied (after caving to Eric) and said she was so exhausted that she forgot she had asked Nicole to watch Jude. So the PD would have no reason to charge Sloan with leaving Jude alone, since she lied and said she asked Nicole to watch the baby.
They should have skipped all of that nonsense with Sloan giving a pass to Nicole. EJ should have just said if I have to charge Nicole then I have to charge Sloan with neglect.

Beyond disappointed that this is what it came down to considering the somewhat decent story we could have gotten with Leo really involved. This has to be the last time that I waste any energy in thinking they've set up an interesting whodunnit or why they dunnit. What was even the point of this story.
Thanks, robin.

I can't believe the baby snatcher wanted to have Nicole arrested. I'm glad Eric talked some sense to Sloan.

Does Chanel change clothes at work and wears a bakery uniform when she's baking? It was annoying she
said her feet hurt when she was wearing high heels.

So Chad and Stephanie officially broke up. Are we supposed to be sad? It was interesting Chad was going to
let Stephanie keep the apartment.

So, Stephanie didn't have sex with Harris and he wants to tell Ava nothing happened. Men.

Remember the regular writers aren't working now. It will be May or June shows when their work returns.
Sloan is an idiot who likes to throw her weight around and threaten people. Given her status as a baby-stealer, she’d do far better keeping her big mouth shut and letting “her” baby slowly fade into the Salem memory hole and people say, “Baby who?”

As for Chad, the less said the better. He’s proving that his ex-father, D.A. Woods, was right to hold him in low regard