Days of Our Lives - Thu., Feb. 14, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Behind the Pub Private Area: John and Marlena discuss Diana. They go to the Pub, where Marlena gets pulled on an emergency. He then recaps to Roman, who is suspicious. Roman suggests telling Marlena on the 15th rather than today. Lots of stops and starts. (How is this a sweeps episode?) Marlena and John are finally alone, in the Pub, John says nothing Diana told him will help Will & Sonny now. They have a romantic evening, eat strawberries, and she gives him a photo album of their final wedding. He gives her a photo mug and then they play music on his phone and dance. They each declare themselves the lucky one in their relationship.

Kmansion front door: Will and Sonny plan to secret away while Leo's occupied. They check into a hotel, where they discuss their tumult at length. Then Will gives him a future Valentine thanking them for a wonderful year. They get down to business. Later, they make promises, expecting Leo to be out of their lives soon.

Kate's room: Rafe tries to wake her up. He calls a rescue unit and performs CPR. She comes to, he thinks she tried to kill herself.

Magic cabin: Jordan continues to douse the cabin as Ciara pleads. Jordan lights it up and bolts with Charlotte.

Police station: Ben holds Hope at gunpoint, leads her out to another private area where he reveals that Jordan has Ciara.

Horton House: Chad promises Abby that Charlotte will be in her arms tonight.

Police station: Ted finds Eli unconscious. Then he goes to the private area and attacks Ben while Hope keeps him talking about his theory re: Jordan. Later, both corrupt officials have survived and Ben has made off with the gun. Hope is starting to think that there's something to Ben's theory.

Square: Ben runs into Chad, tells him his theory. He empties the gun and gives it to the disbelieving Chad.

Horton House: Jordan returns Charlotte. Abby sees her.

Hospital: EMTs and Rafe come in with Kate on a stretcher. Kayla gives out orders, gets the pills (recently filled prescription) from Rafe.

Magic Cabin: Ben enters, frees Ciara as Chad beats the flames out. Chad asks where Charlotte is, Ciara weekly tells of Jordan taking her back to Abby.

Horton House: Jordan tells Abby she rescued Charlotte from Ben, sees the news alert about Ben escaping, refuses to give Charlotte back.

Police station: Eli apologizes to Hope, nurses his head. Eli thinks there's something to Ben's Jordan theory.

Mammoth Falls clearing: Ben carries Ciara to safety, they talk about Hope's theories. Ben says that all that matters is that Ciara's safe. Ciara reveals Jordan's plan; Ben says they'll get Ciara checked out. Ciara worries Jordan won't return Charlotte.

Horton House: Jordan rants, holds a syringe on Abby. Chad enters, says he killed Ben. Jordan is crestfallen.

Hospital: Rafe calls Hope, leaves a message, then goes to Kate (whose stomach has been pumped). Kayla thinks something doesn't add up about this.

Police station: Hope rushes into the interrogation room with news about the fire at the Cabin. She and Ted leave, she orders Eli to get his head checked out.

Mammoth Falls clearing: Ciara apologizes for how she treated Ben over the Gabi-napping, and the mild conspiracy with Claire. Every time he called her, it gave her hope. They're both safe now, declares Ciara.

Horton House: Jordan wanted Ben locked up, not dead. Chad details killing Ben as a shocked and terrified Abby watches. Chad thanks Jordan for making everyone safer. Chad coaxes Charlotte into his arms. Jordan flees, distraught.

Hospital: Rafe sits with Kate, wonders why she'd try to kill herself. She flatlines.

Mammoth Falls clearing: Ben and Ciara start to leave. Hope comes upon them with her gun drawn, orders Ben to let her go.

Horton House: Abby comforts Charlotte, thanks Chad. END
I was glad that at least Will mentioned him cheating on Sonny. Glad they don't gloss over that because he cheated on him twice. I'm waiting for the random guy in California to make an appearance. Still not a big Will/Sonny fan.

Roman was funny "do you think business is really this slow?" Umm well must be since you're lying through your teeth.

I am glad that Ben and Chad teamed up so it wasn't just Ben finding Ciara. I love how it was Chad who said I think I know where she'd go if she was framing you. Ben didn't think of it. The police didn't think of it. The infamous cabin, of course!!! Jordan is a wee bit unbalanced. She's perfectly fine with sending Ben back to prison or the mental hospital but killing him? That's too much. I hate that Chad is the one that put Charlotte back in Abby's arms. Ugh. Not a fan of them either. But what will she say when she finds out Chad did not kill Ben? Actually teamed up with him? They just let Jordan go. Hopefully she is caught quickly.

Hope - not only is she a horrible commissioner but mother as well!!! Ciara has been missing and the first thing she does is put a gun on Ben and say get away from her!!! Never mind that the pieces were falling together that Ben was being set up so just maybe he saved Ciara. No, her first thought is put a gun on Ben, not see how Ciara is!!!

I was a little disappointed that we didn't see how Gabi kept Leo occupied.
Also like that Chad guessed correctly where Jordan was holding Ciara.....If I was framing you........!!!
And our super cop Hope, who is actually commissioner, just stands there when Ted attempts to take down Ben? She does absolutely NOTHING, not even take off her shoe and whack Ben on the head, no jumping on his back.....
However, I am very glad Ben got away, met up with Chad, convinced him about being set up.......and it is good Chad was there as well, right. Because he will be backing Ben's story, since Hope won't believe him, and will figure Ciara has Stockholm syndrome when Ciara backs up Ben's rescue of her.

So, I saw a pic from a MAG, of how Gabi has kept Leo "all tied up", but I honestly do not know how true it is...if I find it again, you all can have a peek. Mostly because Gabi doesn't appear to be wearing the same dress. ???

I also thought the John & Marlena scenes WERE very romantic, just lovely.......however, would have been better episode if other couples were seen having a romantic time as well...It's VALENTINE's Day for heaven's sake, .......though I definitely was very glad to see Charlotte reunited with her parents. THAT was nice.....but I hope she gets changed and fed right away. lol
(Please notice I am not mentioning the fact the midwest has had a blizzard, but the apparently Dome covered city of Salem, and the area outside into the country where the cabin is located is devoid of snow, ice, or cold temps. )
I think it's funny they used the wrong wedding picture on Marlena's mug. It was a publicity picture of Marlena and John from the wedding where Sami barged in. On the show, John and Marlena didn't have the opportunity to pose for a nice picture because Sami barged in and Marlena was shot before the end of the ceremony.

But at least John's photo album had pictures of the quickie ceremony that was thrown together after she recovered.
I didn’t even notice the thing with the mug. Good catch lol. Maybe they are planning on giving some away or selling them. That’s probably why they went with the shot from the failed wedding. The writers need to make up their mind. Is Hope scared of Ben or not? She just stood there in shock while he manhandled Ted. I can’t wait to see how dumb she looks when Ciara explains everything. I wonder if she will apologize. She’s never been very good at that.
1) I really hope that the writers don't stoop to having Leo make a revelation that he's suddenly bisexual. That's just insulting. To everyone.

2) KATE! No, Kate! (I'm sure she'll recover, it's just for the drama, but still...)

3) They let Chad keep his promise of putting Charlotte in Abby's arms. Thank you. Yeah, I know some of y'all aren't fans of the two of them together, and I respect that, but I really like that they let him keep his promise.

4) Hope, Hope, Hope... ever the cop before you are the mom. I get it, duty above all, especially since Ben still had a gun as far as Hope knew. *sigh*

5) I'm kinda glad that they didn't overdue the Valentine's Day gooshy stuff for couples. Considering everything else that has been going on, an episode that was just full of the gooshy stuff would have been a stark departure, and then to go right back into the regular stuff? Yeah, having just a touch of it here in the episode, with the rest of the world going on as it does seems more realistic.
John & Marlena: It was good to see some real romance, something that's so often lacking in Salem as evidenced by Roman's lack of customers on the holiday. That said, John could have added to the romantic moment by serving a tasty Wanchai Ferry meal or garbage-can nachos, not ice cream.

Ted: His inept effort to help Hope demonstrates that he should give up physical heroics and stick to frivolous lawsuits, getting witnesses commit perjury, and stealing from his client's escrow funds. And if he wants to save a woman from danger, he ought to find one who will help him if she can.

Chad: Abe should fire batty Hope and make him police commissioner. Chad's got administrative experience and was quickly able to figure out exactly where Ciara was, something that had had stumped Salem's pathetic police force.

Ben: John Dillinger would have been proud of him today. In a short time, he overpowered a cop, took his gun, marched the police commissioner out of her own headquarters at gunpoint, and then rescued a damsel in distress. And when the inept Hope realizes Ben wasn't guilty all along, will she graciously accept the truth or spitefully have him charged with crimes related to his escape. (Note that Dillinger once escaped from the Crown Point, Indiana, jail by using a fake gun, and then making a successful escape by stealing the police chief's car.)

Doll-in-Blanket: It was another award-winning performance today by the versatile doll as it ably filled in for the real Baby Charlotte, sparing the poor child the trauma of being in a flaming cabin and being hauled around by the deranged Jordan.
Thanks, Jason.

Was Roman wearing a new shirt today?

Jordan left the accelerant behind with her fingerprints on it.

I laughed when Will and Sonny blamed Ben for them not
being together after Will was killed.

I was surprised Chad figured out before Ben where Jordan
tool Ciara and Charlotte.

John and Marlena had the best scenes today. Too bad they
had to do them at the pub.
So did I miss it, was it revealed who set the original fire where Ciara was?
(Note that Dillinger once escaped from the Crown Point, Indiana, jail by using a fake gun, and then making a successful escape by stealing the police chief's car.)
Hey, that's where I live. Was very exciting when they were shooting Public Enemies here. Johnny Depp was awesome. Really cares about the fans.
Thanks for the summary!

They let Chad keep his promise of putting Charlotte in Abby's arms. Thank you. Yeah, I know some of y'all aren't fans of the two of them together, and I respect that, but I really like that they let him keep his promise.
I totally agree - I AM a big fan of Chad and Abby!
Jordan left the accelerant behind with her fingerprints on it.
Good catch kat - hope the police think of that - yea right?!