Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Dec. 28, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Heidi is telling Andre all that happened with Abe, her confessing, etc. Ooops, sorry, I mean Kate, tho she sure is doing her best to look like Heidi…but heck, she never did yodel. :sarcasm: Andre doesn’t think anything will come of it, she thanks him for being on her side.

We are jumping all over Salem today, as Hope meets up with her cousin, Jen, at the Pub, and tells all about Ciara acting up. Also that Ciara seems to have something about Rafe, wants to tell Hope, no chance yet. Both are glad JJ is doing better, in fact, Jen gets a call from Eric, evidently JJ had been there for a counseling session. Eric talks of tonight, and the time he will pick her up. Jen tells Hope of going to the party with Eric. Just friends. (Am glad it is so warm in Salem, while the rest of the Midwest is in a deep freeze. Jen is sleeveless, while Hope comes in with light jacket.

Ciara is in the square with Tripp, having convinced him to call Claire (who is with Theo) & tell her she has to work, a change in schedule. He does, hates lying, almost calls back to tell truth, Ciara figures it is only a little white lie, and then when Theo breaks up with Claire, she will have Theo, and Claire is left for Tripp.

Belle and Shawn come to see Claire to say goodbye, they have to leave to go back, she has big job she has ignored, can’t any longer. Claire hates them leaving, hugs, I love you, Claire leaves. Belle & Shawn talk over Belle being unable to find the who and how of the hacking of DiMera business. Shawn figures can’t be Andre, as he already is privy to all the company plans and secrets, would not need to hack into the accounts. They continue to talk about it.

Abby is on her laptop, trying to confirm all the plans for the New Year’s Eve party, is chattering away about Julie & Doug not being around, Chloe suggesting this or that, and all the while Chad is nuzzling her neck, until finally they give in and have some afternoon delight. Later, they cuddle a bit, she has something to tell him he won’t like, Andre is coming with Kate. He shrugs, doesn’t like it, but o.k. Doesn’t know what Andre sees in her. Abby says she thinks Andre would like that marriage of convenience to be something more. Belle calls Chad, tells him how they put their heads together, and both she & Shawn feel the hacking is not an inside job.

Abe sits with Rafe, expressing his regret over all his actions, firing Hope, etc. He feels that was not fair, and wants to reinstate her. Rafe calls Hope to come down to the station. She does. Abe offers all his apologies, reinstates her, Rafe gives her the file on Theo’s statement, She goes over it, as Abe chatters on. The case is hers, she will decide what to do, Theo has admitted to committing a crime. Hope says Theo has suffered enough, case is closed, puts the file away in some box. Abe thanks her.

Next he is at DiMansion, facing off with Kate, telling her he is going to keep his mouth shut about her, but Theo is not to ever work for DiMera again. This nearly cost him his life. He leaves, Kate is relieved, Andre tells her to go with him to the party tonight. Kate figures she might as well go out with a bang, so agrees.

Ciara is with Theo, talking of some things in their past, then tells him she loves him, yada, yada. Meanwhile Claire shows up to work, Tripp admits he lied at Ciara’s behest, and even tells her he did it because he cares about her. Claire rushes back to the hospital, and eavesdrops outside Theo’s door to part of the conversation. Ciara is talking of her loving Theo, but he says he is her good friend, don’t know what he would do without her being so, but he loves Claire. She reminds him how much they fight. He says all couples do, and they fight less than Ciara & Theo used to do. Also mentions her fighting now with Claire. Ciara leaves, sees Claire, says nothing. Claire goes in, Theo chides her for eavesdropping, she is sorry, should not have. But liked all the nice things Theo said about her. He is tired, she tells him to rest, she will be there when he wakes up.

Belle & Shawn come to the cop shop, say goodbye to Hope. She mentions Ciara having problems of some kind, asking Shawn to let her know if Ciara confides in him.

Ciara goes to the square, pouting over how her plan did not work. She tells Tripp they both have lost.

Abby is on her laptop, checking the guest list and the rsvp list, notes an e-mail from someone she doesn’t recognize. Figures oh, well, she will see the person at the party.

And on a laptop, a female’s fingers, expertly polished, filled with rings, taps away an acceptance to the party, checking off “and guest” as she does so.
Thank you for the write up. I'll be doing transportation to and from the airport today so will watch when I get home. Just wondering how many folks hold parties and don't know all the people they invite? I guess this is a work/personal New Year's Eve party? Always a good idea, right????

I love Salem where you go from Christmas to New Year's Eve in the blink of an eye. Valentines Day to St. Patrick's Day. But that was when they celebrated the minor holidays.
Once again, Kate will not be held accountable for her actions. Ugh. And do the police really feel sorry for someone committing a criminal act if they get hurt?

So glad that Theo didn't say, "oh Ciara, I love you too!" No, he loves Claire. Anyone could have told you that, Ciara. Were Theo and Ciara ever really a couple? I don't really remember them dating. Why did Tripp do what Ciara wanted if he was just going to immediately confess?

Hope got her job back. Wonder how Rafe really feels about it? His Sami secret needs to come out already.
Thanks for the summary. Is it summer? Because the show is teen-heavy right now, and I'm not caring for this imitation of Austin/Carrie, etc. I also wish Ciara would just rip the bandage off already a la Rafe & Sami. It needs to come out.

Kate and Theo getting off is not a surprise. I actually like how everything was handled with them, though. Also, does anyone else think this whole hacking storyline has dragged on for too long?
Commissioner Cover-up: If Hope watched some old episodes of Law & Order, she'd learn that it's the district attorney's responsibility to decide if a person is prosecuted, not the police commissioner's. If barracuda Melinda Trask hears about Hope's high-handed actions, she'll be apoplectic

Flipping Trippy: Little Trippy has more to learn if he wants to be a true Salemite. No real resident of Salem would enter into some underhanded conspiracy and then immediately confess to the targeted victim.

Conniving Ciara: Salem's newest brat girl also needs some lessons -- perhaps from Kate. Now that her appeal to Theo has failed, should she resort to serving Claire some special brownies?

Hostess Abigail: She says that only 75% of party invitees are expected to show up. Perhaps, she should have made the theme of the party the ouster of Kate instead of the reinstatement of Chad. After, all Salemites always enjoy seeing Kate get her just desserts.

Absentee Doug: How could he and Julie not be at Doug's Place on New Year's Eve? Doesn't he want to be Salem's version of the old-time king of New Year's Eve, bandleader Guy Lombardo?


Guy Lombardo: He'd have been a big hit
at the DiMera New Year's Eve bash.
Thanks, Poirot.

So Hope got the commissioner job back. How long will she keep it
this time?

Belle and Shawn left town. When will we see them again?

I can't believe Theo won't be charged for trying to break into the
warehouse. Is the reason because his father is mayor?

Kate was lucky too, AGAIN. I thought it was interesting she was
dressed as a pirate. Is she trying out for the Pirates of Penzance?

Will we find out tomorrow who the mystery guest is going to be at
the party?
If I were Hope, after the way Abe berated and humiliated her, there’s no way I would have cut Rafe off at the knees and taken the job back so quickly. His apology was weak and lame. He abused and misused his authority, and in my opinion, he should be ceremoniously stripped of his duties and removed as the mayor or what ever his official title is.
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Boring Legal Stuff
For those who might want Theo prosecuted or better yet for Kate to face justice, if the writers had followed reality, the results might have been disappointing.

Theo: in New York, he could be charged with attempted third degree burglary, the lowest level felony (Class E). It's third degree because the warehouse was not a dwelling and Theo was unarmed. It's only "attempted" because Theo did not get into the building.

Kate: in New York, Ms. Blue Chunk could be charged with conspiracy to commit third degree burglary. Since this is a low-level felony, Kate's offense would only constitute a misdemeanor.

That said, a smart lawyer (not Justin) could most likely get Theo's case reduced to a misdemeanor trespass. This means that instead of joining Dr. Baker, Gus, and Vargas, Theo might be pushing a broom in the Town Square for a while. Kate might be doing the same instead of meeting Hattie and Sheila. Of course, the sight of Kate pushing a broom might be entertaining for many Salemites.
They continue to talk about it.
Why can't they stay in Salem and do this?
Hope says Theo has suffered enough, case is closed,
AW _______ NO!!!
Watching Ciara, Claire and Theo is like a 25 year old rehash of Sami, Carrie and Austin.
I didn't love it then, and I hate it now. Ciara lacks the sad backstory that Sami had (being raised by people who weren't her parents/in Colorado/etc) which made her more sympathetic.
That said, a smart lawyer (not Justin)
LOL at the swipe at Justin (and Kate) and thanks for the legal analysis.

I'm so glad you were able to get the summary today Poirot. My flight was delayed from 1:20 Vancouver time to 4:30 (in bits).