Days of Our Lives - Thurs. May 6, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Episode #11,329 Taped 3/12 Director – Albert Alarr

Stefano & Kate return from their walk, she is promising to cut Sami some slack, leave her alone, but tis obvious to Stefano she is worried still about Madeline. He promises to take care of that area, not to worry.

Madeline is lunching with Chad at the Pub, repeating once again her edict forbidding Chad to hang around with Will. He protests she & dad disapprove of all his friends, she denies, just saying that Mia seemed like a troubled person. Will is living with Stefano & Kate DiMera, and she doesn’t want Chad associated with them in any way. She abruptly leaves, Chad complains a bit to Gabi, then leaves. In walks Arianna, unhappy cuz she cannot find Rafe, plus her fiance’ is in the hospital, and her boss is a real witch, (but she spells that with another letter) and she has cramps. She goes behind the bar, Gabi asks what the heck she is doing, and LOL, as Arianna picks up her trust box of Midol that she kept there for emergencies. She goes on about cramps, bloating (actually, pretty darn good), takes a pill as she notes she has a message from Rafe. She calls him, (no idea where he is), learning he did have a lead on Anna, not sure it will pan out. She knows he will do his best, and when he solves it all, Sami will be impressed.
Over at DiMansion, Kate is looking thru an old picture album, finds one of her and Madeline seemingly having a good time at a party, when Will comes into the room, & she slides the picture under some papers. She pretends to have notice a cute little smile Sydney has, reminded her of Will as a baby and was trying to find a picture to compare.She gets a business call, leaves the room, Will gathers up the papers and leaves.

In another room, Sami is telling EJ she absolutely will not be staying there, it was all a mistake, she was acting like a 7 yr. old, ignoring everything her family was telling her. She is leaving, will be back in an hour, pack up the kids. Out the door she goes, in comes Stefano, who is not happy when EJ tells him the news. He orders EJ to get her back, sorry, no soap. Stefano reminds EJ that if the children & Sami are not staying there, the info about Anna, EJ will be getting back to Sami & Rafe will be the beneficiary.

Over in the cabana, Calliope is clearly unhappy that she has to try and con her old friend, Anna, telling Rafe she doesn’t want to do this. She claims Anna is already suspicious, as Calliope is not the spa type, talks of Anna being so unhappy over losing Tony. Rafe replies that Anna is so unhappy, she chooses a 5 star spa to mourn. Calliope is refusing to go ahead with this, Rafe just says that is o.k. and starts to call the IRS to let them know the deal is off. Calliope stops him, is still unhappy, especially as she doesn’t know what Anna has done. Rafe says he wants her reactions to be genuine, and later we find she is being wired, not only audio, but with a tiny camera in the button on her sweater. Meanwhile Anna is nervous, decides to call a halt to getting cozy again with Calliope, calls for a charter flight out, but to no avail.

Now we are at Java Café, Will & Chad doing their study group homework, , the picture falls to the floor from the stack of papers, Chad picks it up. Will explains about his gramma looking thru an album for a baby pic of him, says it is just a pic of his gramma and some lady. Chad knows the lady, it is his mom. Next, Chad has called his mom to meet him, asks her about the picture. She claims she did some work for Kate’s company when she was a lawyer, it worked out well, they were just celebrating the success…..not partying. She leaves, calls Kate, insists they meet. Later in the park, she questions Kate about the pic, learns what happened, tells her that if this all blows up, Kate & Stefano will be going down.

Sami returns to DiMansion, EJ tells her the kids are all packed, she tells him they aren’s going anywhere. Stefano is smirking in the background, as Sami says her living room is under 4 inches of water! (Amazing the apt. below is o.k. isn’t it). Seems a pipe burst, so she is going to a hotel. EJ protests that it could take months….finding a contractor, getting the repairs done, yada, yada. Sami will stay with her dad then, or her gramma, but EJ protests that, too. It is a big house, she might as well stay there. Stefano has now left the room. EJ & Sami sit on the sofa, he is trying to get her to admit that she was o.k. with staying there until he asked if her decision to do so had something to do with him. Will comes in, starts to leave, Sami calls him back, EJ leaves, Sami talks about missing him, his messy room, how she had to scold him when he drank milk right from the carton. They soon are into why he left, Will makes no bones about the fact it is EJ, that when it came to choosing between him & EJ, she chose EJ. That she dumped Rafe, that him being gone is all her fault, that they could have all been a family. Sami tries to excuse herself, telling Will that he loves his gramma Kate, despite all she & his father have told Will about the things she has done. Well, EJ is the father of Sydney & Johnny, they love him no matter what, she doesn’t want to take that away from them, so she has to support him. Will makes a crack about her probably soon having another kid with him, Sami tells him to don’t ever say something like that. (they both are yelling, good scenes!). Will stomps out. Sami is near tears, EJ returns. They sit on the sofa, she doesn’t know how she can fix things with Will, EJ moves closer, putting his hand on her shoulder, but she moves away, telling him that she is there only for the kids, it is temporary until the apt. gets fixed, and absolutely no one can get the idea there is any other reason. Now EJ once again brings up how she got so jittery and decided NOT to stay, wondering why she keeps putting up these wall. Sami is hesitant, then mention him having kissed her. EJ looks at her rather quizzically.

Rafe is watching on the computer, as Calliope returns to the place where she ran into Anna, but she isn’t there. Calliope thinks she has flown the coop, but suddenly, Anna returns, wondering who she is talking to. Calliope says herself, how she worried Anna was gone, but Anna says something about it being impossible to leave there. Now Calliope begins to press her about her troubles, Anna wonders why, Calliope says they both were always able to tell each other all kinds of things, they would talk and talk and talk. She knows Anna seems to have stuff bottled in, ….and Anna finally decides she is going to tell Calliope the whole story.

Thanks for the write-up Barb.

I figured the IRS w/Calliope was probably based on truth. Both she & Eugene were rather free, creative spirits .... so gov't requirements would slip their minds. :) .... and it would be better to stick close to the truth, so Calliope wouldn't be confused by some details of a phony 'cover'.

I can see where Rafe realizes that not telling Calliope the whole story is the 'right' move to make. So that her reactions are 'natural', not faked.

I think if she knew the story, because of their (Calliope & Eugene) closeness w/ Marlena ... and Sami being her daughter, .... friend or not, she would want Anna to 'fess up.

As far as Sami & the apt .... since it's owned by Marlena ... all she would have to do is call her mother & John .... guaranteed it would be fixed within a couple of days. Money talks for the Blacks not just the DiMeras. :D

The D-mansion has MANY rooms .... so why the heck was Will apparently working on his school work in the same room Kate is looking thru old pictures?? :duh: Cheesy story-line ploy, I guess.
Thanks for the write up.
I think Will is at his best when he is arguing with Sami.

Great product placement again for Days!!! Way to go Ari for delivering those lines!! :)
Thanks for the summary Poiort. Looking forward to the Will and Sami lines. I like Will when he is standing up to his Mom. Laughing at the water in the Townhouse.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot!

Interesting episode. Stefano sure has his hands full between worrying about Kate and EJ. He's going to need a vacation. Kate and EJ both never had a problem coming up with schemes to help themselves before. They both come across as needy in this episode. Plus, Stefano filling Sami's living room with water? Seems juvenile.

Will and Sami argue. :clap: Those are good scenes. I never understood Will being critical of who Sami dates. He has met Sami, right? They are trying to make him more like curly haired Will, who I did not like. I can understand Will not liking his mom with EJ, but who cares if she is with Rafe or not? Last I checked, Will's father was Lucas. Plus, wasn't he mad at Sami when she and Rafe got back together before? Plus, he had made nice with EJ after Grace's death. Suddenly, he hates his guts? :duh: I don't remember them having a falling out since and I believe he isn't privy to the truth about the kidnapping.

Another product placement? LOL They are always so random. I wonder if this will be as memorable as the Tyson wings one with Chelsea and Max at the Cheatin' Heart.
Thanks Barb.

Please bring an end to the whole saga with the Sydnapping. I really want to see EJ pay for once. Sami always seems to get caught for her sins, but EJ gets off without so much as a scratch. I would like EJ with Sami better if there were some sort of punishment for his crimes and he comes out a better man. I am still pulling for Rafe, but this time I want him to tell Sami exactly how it is and not just keep quiet. I want Rafe to be the one to tighten the screws on EJ. Stephano won't because he likes the fact the Elvis tried to protect his family and make Sami pay.

No Hope muggings today so looking forward to it
This episode of Days broguht to you by Poirot... and MIDOL!
I remember back when Stephanie and Chelsie and all those girls were friends there was an intermitten convo about how Stephanie had cramps, oh here use my midol- it totally helps me- Oooh really? oooh ahh.... lah-dee-dah!

Thanks for the write up! :)
Will does refer to the fact his father is traipsing around all over Asia with Allie.....
Has Will predicted another child... dom dom dommmm