Days of Our Lives - Thursday, December 21, 2023


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
It's Christmas Eve in Salem!

Show opens up at the DiMansion. Johnny has a gift in his hand and walks in to where Holly is sitting on the couch, looking at her phone. They chat about where everyone is. They also chat about EJ and Nicole losing their baby, the loss of their little brother. Holly isn't doing great emotionally, wants Johnny to hang out. He is headed to Chanel's. She is sad she will have to spend her birthday all alone.

Marlena and Kayla walk into the Pub where Kate is getting ready for their Christmas dinner party. They talk about all they went through and cheers to their next adventure in Salem.

Patch and John are outside the Pub talking about the kidnapping case. They are just thankful that Maggie kicked Konstatntin to the curb.

Paulina and Chanel are walking through the square. Paulina complains about how many times she had to record the podcast, made her voice sore. Chanel is worried that Paulina is taking on too much. Paulina is talking about her busy schedule and starts coughing. Chanel is concerned.

Johnny says he is sorry to Holly. Holly says no one is in the mood to celebrate anyway. Johnny says it would be wrong not to celebrate her special day, they will eat cake together. Holly talks about her disaster date with Tate. Johnny promises that this birthday isn't going to suck.

Kate and Marlena and Kayla are enjoying their drinks and appetizers. They chat about their trip to heaven and call themselves the three angels. John and Patch walk in and hug their ladies. They talk about how miserable they were without them, Roman walks in and agrees. Kate toasts to another grateful year in Salem.

Paulina and Chanel are seated at a table in the square. Paulina is drinking water and gets choked up again. Chanel is really worried about her and thinks she looks so tired. Paulina thinks it's just a winter cold, but Chanel insists she needs to see a doctor. Paulina tries to change the subject, but Chanel is no fool. Paulina agrees to make an appointment. Chanel suddenly notices a lump on Paulina's neck. Chanel says no to scheduling an appointment, they are going to the hospital right now!

At the hospital, Paulina and Chanel sit in the waiting area to be seen by a doctor. Paulina complains they could be there for hours. Chanel says she doesn't care and makes Paulina sit down. Chanel is worried about how long Paulina was ignoring her symptoms. They talk about Uncle Stuart and his lung cancer, how important early detection is. Chanel says that nothing is more important to her than mom Paulina.

Holly is so happy Johnny made her birthday so happy. He ordered Grub Dash to get her a cake. He is lighting the candles on her little cake and chatting about Holly's age being legal for consent. Johnny didn't know 17 was legal, Holly says it is in this state. Johnny says well they don't have to worry about it because they will keep it PG. His phone rings and it's Chanel, saying they have to postpone their gift exchange date as she is at the hospital with her mother.

Chanel explains her worries about Paulina's health to Johnny. Johnny is going to head that way, but Chanel says no, there's no need for him to be there. He argues he could at least be there for her, he is on the way. He hangs up the phone and tells Holly about Paulina and that he is sorry, he'll have to put her birthday cake on hold. He tells her to try and have some fun tonight and heads out the door.

Back at the Pub Christmas dinner party, they say cheers again to another crazy year in Salem. Roman sarcastically says "how many of those have we had together?" John and Patch talk about how long they have been friends and there is a flashback to when they were young and John was all bandaged up while Patch played harmonica over him. Patch talks about how John seemed to be some valuable asset everyone was fighting over. The ISA had said he was a killing machine, but when Patch had found John, he was so pitiful as a lost puppy dog all bandaged like that, and he had to take care of him. John thanks God and says he can't imagine where he'd be today if he didn't have Patch. They clink glasses.

At the hospital, Paulina is on her cell phone talking to someone about increasing patrol at the waterfront. She keeps coughing, struggles to get the words out. After hanging up, Chanel tells her she doesn't need to be working right now. Paulina argues she is just trying to do her job. Johnny arrives and hugs Chanel. Paulina is so sorry they had to cancel plans and wants them to go home. Johnny says that even though Chanel says he can't help, he disagrees. He will be right back and walks away.

Back at the mansion, Holly is sitting on the couch watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and complaining about her crappy life. She turns off the movie and walks over to the tree to look at the memory ornament for her little brother. She has a flashback of her and Johnny together after their sword fight. She pours herself a drink and wishes herself a Happy Birthday. The drink doesn't sit well with her based on her face.

Back at the Christmas dinner at the Pub, Christmas music plays while they talk about memories and we are given a flashback of John and Marlena together at Christmas when he gave her a charm bracelet. Back to the present, Marlena is still wearing the bracelet. Kate admires that. John appreciates that after all the decades, they can all sit together and swap memories as lifelong friends. He talks about finding out who his real father was a few months ago. He is glad that his father came into his life and he is finally at peace with himself and feels so blessed. He feels like one lucky man.

The camera focuses on Patch for a moment, then goes black as if to show time passes and now it's maybe later in the dinner? Who knows? Kate pours a tea or something for Roman and he says "Thank you, but you know what? I'm just gonna grab myself a beer." Patch asks for Roman to get him one as well. Kate says "Oh my God, my ring is gone!" She figures she must have put it down somewhere. Patch says no worries, two private investigators at the table are already on the case!

John chokes on something and coughs it up, it's Kate's ring. She is glad he didn't completely swallow it. She talks about how magical it was each time Roman gave her that ring. We then get a flashback of one of the times Roman gave her the ring, it's when she was sick in bed. Back to present, Roman says that ring made it through death and the great beyond. They talk about the love it represents and kiss.

Back at the hospital, Johnny returns and says that Paulina is all set, there is an exam room open for them. Paulina can't believe the strings he must have pulled. Johnny says it helps that the hospital has a wing named after his family. Paulina and Chanel say thank you. Johnny says he wouldn't be anywhere else.

Back to the DiMansion, Holly is still trying to drink whiskey. She starts to type a text to tell Johnny she loves him but keeps changing the words, unsure how to not sound too abrupt. She goes on and on about when she fell in love with him, supposedly typing all this into text. She texts that she is sure Johnny is her soulmate. She texts that she knows he is currently with Chanel, but he should be with her. She would be loyal forever. Then she stops and looks at the long text and says she can't send it. She talks to herself about being all alone on her birthday. She feels like nobody cares about her.

Back at the hospital, Chanel returns to the waiting room to tell Johnny that Paulina is having her vitals checked. He can tell she is very worried about her mom. Chanel says she is and also just being in the hospital on Christmas Eve is hard. Johnny tells her the story about when he was in the hospital at Christmas, that his right eye is a prosthetic. Chanel can't believe she never knew about that. He says he feels very lucky in so many ways. They hug. He says whatever is going on with her mom, that the doctors are amazing and she should keep the faith. They hug again.
Back at the dinner party, Roman talks about Santa needing help to deliver the toys. Patch says he will help. They all laugh because Steve/Patch used to be the most "bah humbug" person of the group and now has so many Santa hats. We get a flashback of Kayla dressed up as Santa and Steve/Patch fussing at her. She is pregnant in that scene. Back to present, Kate remembers when Patch first came to Salem and worked for Victor.

Back at the hospital waiting room, Johnny takes a call from drunk Holly. She can't believe he didn't realize it would be her, he should know her voice. She acts mad. He asks if she has been drinking? She tells him she has the whole mansion to herself so yes, she has, and why does he care? She insults Chanel, and Johnny stops her. Holly drops and breaks the glass she was drinking from. Johnny asks if she is ok and she tells him he is a big fat jerk and hangs up. Chanel asks what's wrong and Johnny says Holly is upset about being along on her birthday. Chanel tells Johnny to go home and hang out with Holly. He asks if she is sure, and she is, so they kiss and he heads home. Chanel wrings her hands with worry about her mom.

Back at DiMansion, Holly says to herself "what did I just do?" A bit later, Johnny walks in and sees the glass on the floor and Holly passed out on the couch. He rushes to check on her. He is able to wake her, but she is completely wasted and says she is sorry about the glass. She falls back asleep, so Johnny grabs a throw blanket and puts it over her. His phone rings, it's Chanel asking about Holly. He tells her that Holly is knocked out and had drank a good bit of the alcohol, but he thinks she will be ok. He asks about Paulina. Chanel says she is still waiting to see a doctor. They wish each other a Merry Christmas and hang up.

At the hospital, Chanel is with Paulina in the exam room. Chanel thinks they should call Abe. Paulina says not to, he has enough to deal with. They argue about this. Paulina is just sure everything will be fine and she'll be home in time for Christmas.

Back at the pub Christmas dinner, they are wrapping the presents that will be from Santa. Roman is sorry to break up the party but he just got a call from Julie Williams that she didn't bake enough cookies as there are unexpected guests coming over. They laugh at the fact that none of them can tell Julie no. Roman shares that he can't blame her for being grouchy as the unexpected "friends" are Xander Cook and Konstantin.

John and Patch are stunned to find out Konstantin is still in town and has wormed his way back into Maggie's life. John looks distant. Marlena asks if he is ok and he says all the talk about the past got to him a bit. They finish wrapping the gifts and thank Roman for letting them help. The couples kiss.
Johnny tells her the story about when he was in the hospital at Christmas, that his right eye is a prosthetic. Chanel can't believe she never knew about that.
Wow, the writers remembered Johnny had his eye removed as a kid.

And c'mon now. Johnny and Chanel were married and she didn't know his one eye was a prosthetic? I know someone with a prosthetic eye and she has to remove it and clean it every night. Please. A casual acquaintance might not notice, but someone like a lover/spouse would surely notice it doesn't move/react the way a real eye does.
I liked they gave all the little bits of history lessons, nostalgic for long time viewers, helpful for newer ones.

Just a shame so much sadness had to be thrown in as well. Paulina is obviously very ill, Holly has a special birthday, and feels no one cares about her at all, so gets drunk, passes out; Xander & Sarah both do not want to miss a second of Victoria's lst Christmas, but make a compromise, Chanel is very concerned about her mother, the 3 couples talking of their past was rather awkward at times, seemed strained...... John is clearly upset or remembering something he would rather not
I like some flashbacks but this show felt like something they'd do if the show was cancelled and they were doing it to honor people. I assume this was filler because of the writers stuff.

Nicole leaving Holly is absurd but even more so because she would have made sure that Holly was with Maggie at least. This is two holidays she's been alone right?
How can the writers say that Johnny has a prosthetic eye? Everybody knows that it regrew years ago. Next, we’ll be told that Philip still has his wooden leg or that Brady still has a big surgical scar on his chest from when he received Love Doctor Jonas’s magic heart.

John was correct when he commented on his good luck. How many comas has he come out of without any ill-effects at all? Anybody else would probably be barely able to function.
Thanks, DaysLady.

The best part of the show were the flashbacks.

I'm glad John and Steve know Konstantin is still in Salem. Will they try to figure out who took Victoria on their own?
I hope so.

Did everyone drink at the pub and not eat? Kate talked about food, but it was never seen.

Does Steve know more about John's past and hasn't told anyone?

Will Johnny pick up the broken glass or will he make Harold do it?

Did Holly erase the last message she wrote to Johnny? If not, will be accidently sent?
Thanks for the write-up. There were definitely little moments, as many of y'all pointed out above, that were nice and unexpected. But for a Christmas show, this one is just too sad, like many holiday episodes lately.