Days of Our Lives Tues., August 6, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Jack has come to see Eli, who says he has accepted the job of commissioner. Jack is glad, Eli wants to make sure there is no problem with him being engaged to fellow detective Lani, Jack says he doesn't know of any rule prohibiting it, and notes he was married to the former commissioner. Using the word “was” Jack divulges he is divorcing her, Eli comments “meaning no disrespect....right decision”. Jack wants to focus on swearing in for Eli, mentions lawlessness festered under Abe, wants to concentrate on that. Eli gets a call from Stefan, relates to Jack of Nicole marrying the undead Tony DiMera, Jack says room full of files on DiMera, go ask Tony some questions in re: the kidnapping of Ted & Kate.

Replay of Kristen revealing her true self to Ted, threatening him & Hope, Ted eyeing the gun and grabbing it, Tony pitching in, the struggle between them, gun going off. For a few seconds it is unclear who was shot, but Tony pulls away, big red blood spot in middle of Ted's chest, he mutters something, falls over. Tony all ready to call 911, Kristen says too late, he is dead (she checked). Now what. Tony starts to call authorities, Kristen stops him, citing all the reasons they cannot do that. Later, Tony is alone, knocking at door, tis Eli with his questions,. Nicole not there. WE see her pushing some monster trunk outside Ted's apartment door (C'mon, roll your eyes, sigh, and just accept this nonsense). She uses a key, gets in, pushing the trunk in, opens it, Ted inside. She pulls him out onto the floor, rolls him on his side. She is wearing black gloves, and with all the blood on Ted, plus her pulling pushing, one would think blood on gloves, and thus on all she touches.....but ??? She cleans off his phone, then wipes the gun, puts in along side him. She has Tony on his side. She is gathering up stuff, rummages thru drawers, finds all the money, takes it, has the necklace, decides to take that, too. She finally leaves.

Meanwhile, Eli is talking to Tony, who has noticed a blood spot on the carpet, manages to walk around, offering Eli water (bottle) and then stepping on the stain as they talk, Eli surprised Nicole moved on with her life, marrying, while still grieving the recent loss of her child. Tony brags of comforting her, and how she keeps a good face in public. Lot of inane conversation, finally Eli leaves.

Brady arrives at DiMansion, Gabi brags of her victory, Brady happy, means Titan will easily take down DiMera business. But Gabi is still on her high horse, don't get too confident. She talks of being smart, blah, blah, and just might take Titan down. Brady smiles, says good luck, they clink glasses.

Stefan has run into Hope, tells her all that has gone down, Gabi in charge, Nicole married to the now alive Tony.

Abe sees Jennifer sitting, looking forlorn, she tells him all about Jack wanting to get his memory back, Eve deceiving him, getting fired, she was there, and how Eve destroyed all the remaining vials, so Jack will never get his memories back. Jack comes along, Abe offers his sympathy on his marriage breakup, Jack is rather cool, doesn't need it or want it. Tells him his daughter's fiance' now commissioner, he is going to be who he is, and not look for anything else. Jen hears all this, Jack takes off. Abe thinks he really does still want his old life back, no matter what he says.

Jack returns to the station, hears from Eli what happened with Tony, suggests they both go talk to Ted. Maybe they can convince him to work with them.

Tony is cleaning up the blood spot on the carpet, knocking at door, tis Brady, looking for Nicole. She is not here, replies Tony, who now wants to know what Brady's intentions are towards “my wife”.

Kristen (who in the hot midwest weather is wearing a sweater dress, big scarf around neck which she puts over her head, & sunglasses to complete her disguise) gets to the park, near a trash can. She pulls the wads of money out, decides she can keep those, mentions unmarked bills. The necklace she shoves into middle of the trash can, just as Hope comes up behind her, picking up a hundred dollar bill from the ground......Oh, miss, you must have dropped this, a $100 bill. Cue Kristen' in a “freeze” stance.

Stefan arrives at Ted's, just walks in, sees him on floor, calls to him a couple times, rolls him over, shocked at the blood, he is dead! Stefan looks around the apt. a bit, no one there. Then he stupidly picks up the gun, just as Eli & Jack come in.He points gun at them, Eli has his own gun out, has the drop on him, Stefan raises his hands in surrender!
WE see [Kristen] pushing some monster trunk outside Ted's apartment door
She must have the strength of Gabi who carried/shuffled Abigail around town before depositing her at the DiMera house.

Given all the movies and TV shows on the subject, even a Salem resident should know better than to pick up the murder weapon.
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Ignorance and stupidity were the order of the day in Salem.

Why is foolish Zero talking to Ben and Hope about Gabi's duplicity when he should be calling a good matrimonial lawyer? And why did he pick up a gun at a murder scene? This is more proof that he's a faux DiMera??

Why is poor Tony sympathetic to creepy Kristen's hopes about regaining control of DiMera? He despised Stefano for his criminality and cruelty and Kristen is arguably worse than Daddy Dearest ever was.

Why was Eli grilling Tony? Hasn't anyone told him that Tony has always been the "good" DiMera who hated everything that Stefano stood for?

Why is Gabi bragging to Brady about her taking down Titan? Talk about overconfidence. If Victor hears about this he might just ask Brady, or worse, Xander, to crush Gabi like the pesky, upstart bug that she is.

Hasn't Kristen ever watched an episode from the CSI series? If she had, she'd realize that even Eli's cops should be able to figure out that Ted's body was moved and carpet fibers on his clothing might just lead them straight to her Salem Inn room.
Without Quincy in the morgue, or even Shawn D. in forensics, right now, I honestly don't trust Salem P.D. to figure out a thing. The writers of this episode truly fell down on the job, left out all common sense, and had characters really doing inane, unbelievable stupidity.
Gotta tell you all, really hurt my eyes, rolling them so much today. I am sure there are 6th graders all over this country who would have pointed out the idiocy of some characters' actions today, if they had been around during filming,......or able to view the editing. How did Kristen get that big trunk from wherever in her room to Ted's place?
Yes, I saw the dolly.......nope, would not work. Not for someone her size. What did she do with the trunk after removing Ted from it?
Why take the necklace? It was Ted's..he paid for it. oh, yeah, she was trying to stage a robbery gone wrong? Hmmm. So she shoves the necklace in the trash? It cost a fortune....would a robber do that?
And Stefan. When he saw Ted was dead....why stay there? Why in heaven's name pick up the gun?
And then we have Kristen, having to get some blood on those gloves, via her handling of Ted's body. Wearing them while touching all those items in the place. Egads.
And then, please tell me why those blood spots on the carpet were not seen when getting Ted's body into the trunk? Only much later. And why, a trained FBI agent, now detective, stood right there, not noticing.
Oh, my Poirot brain was churning........LOL
I kept yelling at Stefan O to call the cops! The dumb cluck and of course, in rush Eli and Jack(?) and scream "you're under arrest!" No questions asked. I would really like to slap Gabi silly and then turn around and strangle Kristen!!!
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Absolutely disgusted with the show right now. The writers seriously insult our intelligence.

The only other comment I have is I was hoping Tony would die. Just because it would be a kick and unexpected for a character they just "resurrected" who was a fan fave to bite it so quickly after returning. And I liked Ted, although the writers never could decide if he was good, bad, or between.
Thanks, Poirot.

Stefan is an idiot (what Stefano would say) because he picked up the gun.

Darn, I was hoping Kristen would keep the necklace.

Will Jack change since he's no longer with Eve?

Will Hope be an idiot tomorrow and not realize who the woman in
glasses is?
Wasn't even thinking of them spending time together in Rolf's Frankenlab. That makes sense that they'd have gotten to know one another during that time.
Thanks for the summary! I sure appreciate your time and energies!

Why is poor Tony sympathetic to creepy Kristen's hopes about regaining control of DiMera? He despised Stefano for his criminality and cruelty and Kristen is arguably worse than Daddy Dearest ever was.
Maybe because it's really Andre?

Why is Gabi bragging to Brady about her taking down Titan? Talk about overconfidence. If Victor hears about this he might just ask Brady, or worse, Xander, to crush Gabi like the pesky, upstart bug that she is.

I so agree - wish I had an emoji of that big foot over a bug! I'd laugh lots!:)
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Was out of town just kind of watched. Carrying bodies around town is laughable. But at least he was in a trunk not just carrying a body like it appeared Gabi did with Abigail. I, for one, am sad that Ted is dead. And definitely doesn't look like Kristen will put him "on ice".

Gabi is also laughable as a big time CEO. She doesn't strike me as that bright.

Stefan's not too bright either. Come upon a dead body so of course pick up the gun!!