Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 20, 2016

I didn't mean to imply that writers have no input, but that's a far cry from being in a position to decide not to renew an actor's contract, and I still don't think the writers have that power.
I think that while writers may indicate they would like to get so and so back, it is more the suits who say they want to bring an actor/character back. Currently, Days is on a kick of bringing back fav characters/actors for short stays. Writers are told the show wants so and so back, etc. and story is written.

But when it comes to newer characters, story is written or outlined, presented, and so the call goes out to fill roles. From what I understand, Story outlines are written up to a year in advance, with the scripts being written nearly 6 mos. in advance. Thus they can tinker, etc. Once everything gets on film, it is the feedback from the viewers, (or observations from the producers/directors/etc. ) that determine the fate of a character or actor. And then, there is the budget, and how much room the show has for x amount of cast.

I believe it is the suits who decide to not renew a contract, or to suddenly let an actor go. It is ultimately THEIR call.

This all brings to mind the infamous Salem Stalker storyline, in which MAJOR characters were being killed off right and left, 10 in all, including Alice. As the feedback began, (which cannot come until shows are airing, and that is months after filming) the suits were horrified. All the actors whose characters were killed were fired, were out seeking other jobs, but the suits ORDERED the writer (Reilly) to "fix" it, bring them back, they did not care how, or how unbelievable it might seem, GET THEM BACK. So, we got Melaswen. LOL
I don't think it's a coincidence that Belle and Shawn were fired as soon as Dena Higley took over in 2008 and now again in 2016. Josh Griffith was the one at the helm for most of the past year even though her name was listed as head writer.

She's made no secret of who her favorites are in terms of Hope, Rafe, Lucas, Adrienne, Justi, Nicole. These are the characters written in front burner stories right now.

So we'll have to agree to disagree on how casting decisions are made.
Can't we agree that there's usually a give-and-take with casting and writing? When hiring a head writer, there is no way there is not some discussion of which characters are to be featured, etc. Usually writers produce a 'bible' outline for the show as they see it, and producers approve it. Producers obtain the actors, unless they're too expensive, then the bible is changed. Back, and forth.

Now, that's how it worked in the 1980s, at least. It's clear to me that Days can't use this formula because even the writers they hire can't agree on story from one month to the next.
Thanks for the summary. An OK episode. Nothing special, but it actually was nice to see Kate acting so...well...not like Kate.