Days of Our Lives - Tues. Nov. 12, 2019

Will killing Adrienne sounds outlandish but I'm going to wait on the details. He did say he wish he could take it back which leads to the possibility it may not have been intentional or at least more of a story
I wonder if it was some kind of accident with Will and Adrienne, and he has to stay in prison long enough for Sonny to turn to someone else?! There’s been many ways for this couple to have turmoil - prison is just a new way!

Does Hope have a job or does she just hang out at Princess Gina’s “place”? I wonder if she is ever at her own house?

Eve seems like she can hold her own in prison!! I laughed when she hung up on Justin!
I am having a really hard time with this Will killing Adrienne thing. I think that's the only part of this that I don't like. I'm going to sit on the bench next to everyone else who believes that there's some sort of switcheroo that Rolf is involved in and that it's really Bonnie who is gone.
In most cases I really don't like for characters to die or get killed but if it was Bonnie who got killed instead of Adrienne, I wouldn't be upset.

Neither would I. Hadn't actually thought of this scenario but I like it and it seems like something Ron would write.

I also like the theory of GinaHope being with Stefan and not Stefano. Obviously they are using a hand model but those hands are a lot younger looking than Stefano's too.

I agree it's ridiculous that nobody has noticed this isn't really Hope and it's equally ridiculous that Justin would be Eve's lawyer.
I too would rather it be Stefan than Stefano but I don't recall ever seeing Stefan smoking a cigar, or did he?

I guess we now have two Big Boys. Evan's hair is in the same style as Sonny's, only even taller in the front. I don't keep up with trends, and most of the men around me wear cowboy hats or farm caps, so is this a popular hairstyle now?
When Sonny wears his hair standing up on top, he looks like the Big Boy mascot. OC is saying Evan's hair reminds her of the same thing.

especially since that hand we saw didn't look like it belonged to anyone small, slim, etc
They wouldn't have wasted an actor to do these scenes with Gina in the loft. When they just show hands, feet, or someone in a full mask/disguise, they usually grab random extra or backstage person to do those. Like the Salem Stalker before Marlena was revealed to be behind the mask. Sometimes the Stalker was tall/thin, sometimes had a more athletic build, sometimes the eyes were blue, sometimes the eyes were brown, etc.
True True. I would figure that they probably got someone similar though because they know folks like us will pick on them for it.