Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 19, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Missed first 15 minutes. Gina was evidently ready to leave the condo per Marlena's insistence, and John comes in, changed his mind, even tho he & Marlena talked this out, and tells Gina she can stay. Marlena is ticked, talks to John privately, Gina leaves the room but eavesdrops. They go back & forth, John saying Hope is good friend, Marlena feels Hope has plenty of places to stay, thinks it rude to bail on Doug & Julie who could use her help. Julie nearly lost her life. Finally Marlena agrees to "a little while". Gina comes back in, apologizing for causing any problems, decides to run a few errands, promising to bring back something lovely for dinner that the 3 of us all will enjoy. She leaves, Marlena is even more ticked off........the 3 of us?

She makes some toast which John is calling "finally some home cooked food". They end up talking of Hope again, turns out Marlena invited her to stay, John mentions how often Marlena cancelled their plans, Marlena protests it was John who kept cancelling.....John doesn't want to argue, just enjoy each other. He will clear his entire schedule, she wants to go see Will, is so worried, will be back before supper.

Sarah is taking Mickey for a picture taking session, Xander wants to go with but is swamped with work. Ciara, who had been snooping thru Xander's files before the entered the room, volunteers to try to talk Brady into cooperating. Xander is grateful, leaves with Mickey, and yes, everyone is still walking around as if it is August.

At the prison, Eve is with Hattie, who is reading Bonnie's tell all book, which is huge success. She thinks Eve should write one, she will be her agent, they will make buckets of dough. Eve gets an idea, calls Abby, wants to see her. She tells Hattie she has someone coming, who perhaps will help her.

Meanwhile, Ben is with Clyde, who evidently has been a good boy, so got to visit with his son. Ben proclaims his innocence, thinks Victor hired someone to off Jordan, has a new plan to show he was not guilty. Clyde teases him over not already using his "plan". He wants to help, Ben tells him no, he will handle this, stay out of it. Clyde goes somewhere, (make a phone call??).

Chad & Abby are in bed, still trying to get Stefano to meet with Chad in person. Stefano (whoever this is) wants a chess game via computer. Abby thinks it ridiculous, but Chad agrees, they play, Chad wins. When & where, he wants to know.

Eve is waiting for Abby with Hattie, who gets tired, leaves to go finish reading Bonnie's book. Eve about gives up, Abby walks in. Eve knew she would come, like her mother, would not miss out on a good story.

Clyde returns, Ben is cautioning him about staying out of it. Too late, Clyde has already set something in motion.

Gina is with Steffy, babbling on and on about finishing his portrait, him being pre-occupied with playing chess, figures he is playing with Chadwick, realizes Steffy has lost, sorry, as she knows she distracted him.

Xander & Sarah push the buggy thru the square, yakking over how well the pics went, how he made Mickey laugh, how grateful she let him in on a few pics. She says of course, we are family, in a crazy sort of way. She thanks him for being there, helping her, then they part, he goes home. She continues to walk.

Ciara is frantically searching Xander's office, finding nothing, till she opens one drawer, finds his locked metal case. She grabs a letter opener, and proceeds to work on getting it open. Xander returns, she hears him, he opens the door, looks in.

As Sarah walks along pushing the buggy, a woman passes, drops a wad of money. Sarah calls to her, picks the money up handing it to her. The woman babbles about being a klutz, offers a reward, Sarah declines. She turns back to the buggy........which is now empty! Mickey is gone.
Hattie told Eve that Bonnie had been released and was out there, making loads of money on her book. Hmmmm, any chance Bonnie was really killed by Will, and Adrienne is out there somewhere, brainwashed into thinking she's Bonnie??
In the beginning, Ciara was on the phone with Ben (while in the K-Mansion living room; sheesh, how about having the call somewhere private, like her own room?), telling him she overheard Xander and Victor talking about how Victor made Xander CEO as a reward for doing something he's grateful for. They both think it had to do with killing Jordan. Ciara hears the door and abruptly hangs up as Xander walks in.

He asks who she was talking to and she tells him she was checking on a client file, then "admits" she took the file from another junior executive because she thought she could handle it. Xander tells her never to apologize for taking initiative and tells her what a great job she's doing at Titan.

Just then they hear Sarah loudly say "oh, Mickey!" and Xander starts toward the door, when Sarah comes in, with green baby food splattered on her shirt (while holding the baby). She says of all days to try baby food, since Mickey will now need a bath and Sarah will have to change before they go to have Mickey's Christmas pictures taken. Xander chuckles and offers to bathe Mickey while Sarah gets cleaned up and changed. She accepts. When they leave the room, Ciara starts digging through his briefcase.

As they are returning, Ciara quickly shuts the briefcase and flops on the couch, looking at her phone. Sarah thanks Xander for his help. He wishes he could come along to the photo session. Ciara tells him to go, that she feels she has an in with Brady to talk about the Basic Black deal and to go with Sarah and Mickey. He thinks about it for a minute, then agrees. Sarah and Xander both thank Ciara for handling this so he can come along. They leave and Ciara smirks.
I am going speculate Sheila is just right behind Bonnie's trail, owing Sheila money when she helped her. If the theory of Bonnie really being Adrienne who died is correct, could be possible Bonnie was drunk behind the wheel causing her own death not Will. Adrienne I feel may actually think nobody would believe she isn't Bonnie, and who knows may have got attached to Mimi and the baby.

On the topic of John, he really is Brady's father lol because he is as clueless as ever. Where Brady gets it from lol! Gina did come close to taking advantage of John drunk.
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Thanks, Poirot and JS.

I got lucky because my TV station showed all of the show.

It's a new day in Salem.

JS, I like your idea about Bonnie being Adrienne. I was thinking Rolf could put Adrienne's
essence into Bonnie.

John was so excited to have a home cooked breakfast. Marlena made toast :)

Does anyone know if Gina likes apricot preserves? And is Marlena getting
visions of
Gina when she's with "Hope"? Come on Doc, you understand how those doppelgangers work.

Ben was stupid when he talked to Clyde about Xander.

Ciara needs to look behind her if she's going to talk to Ben if she's in the mansion.
She closed the door, but there is another way into the living room.

Poor Mickey, she became another victim of one of Salem's popular crimes, kidnapping.

Today closed captioning had Hope instead of Gina.
It was still not on my demand 26 hours after it aired so I had to go online. Did Marlena not notice "Hope" voice on the phone. Come on, they have been around Princess Gina before, how are they not suspicious??! It's been a year!!

Hattie's back? Ugh. I thought she was out of jail after helping with Marlena in a coma?

Ciara, don't think Xander will notice scratch marks on his briefcase.

Oh Sarah, you never take your eyes off your baby!!
I thought she was out of jail after helping with Marlena in a coma?
No, she and Bonnie willingly went back to prison together. But somehow Bonnie was able to get out and write a book, which doesn't make sense.

Bonnie doesn’t want any part of prison any more, but Hattie convinces her that if she goes back voluntarily, they will go easy on her, not much more time to serve, Hattie will be doing the cooking so prison food will be good, then they get out, are completely free to go anywhere they want, no problems, do whatever they want, have fun. Hattie definitely doesn’t want to be living Marlena’s life, too dull.
Now I'm confused - although I did some checking and it was after the Marlena/Hattie stuff that Bonnie scammed her way out of prison via Lucas/Adrienne...right? (Also I didn't remember her going back to prison, I remember her taking off and never coming back after the failed wedding to Victor.)
She convinced Lucas to get her out of prison because she supposedly had his baby from their one-night romp. The jig was up when everybody found out "Baby Bonnie" was really Mimi and Rex's baby, Emily.
But didn't she get her pardon? I tried to look it up, but the site I use doesn't list the 2018 returns of Bonnie and Mimi. (Or Bonnie's 2017 return.)
No, there was no pardon. The writers somehow conveniently forgot that Bonnie was serving time for killing her husband (Mimi actually killed him, but Bonnie took the blame). She was going to prison again for breaking out and having Adrienne put in prison in her place. The whole thing was ridiculous, as if Adrienne had any power to drop all charges and keep Bonnie from serving time for what she did.

Lucas shows up at Adrienne’s, some awkward chit chat, he finally tells her about his romp with Bonnie, thinking she was Adrienne, not remembering, but evidently Bonnie got pregnant, the whole shebang. Adrienne is taken aback at the idea Bonnie had his baby, but paternity test confirmed. Now Lucas wants her to drop charges against Bonnie, explaining he cannot take custody, Bonnie hid the baby, won’t tell him, unless charges dropped. Adrienne goes over all the misery she suffered in the prison when Bonnie took over her life, is very reluctant. He pleads, she is very reluctant.