Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Time 39 minutes

Chad is in Horton Town Square looking at the news story about no suspects with the Kiriakis baby kidnapping. Chad mutters the story ran five times with nothing new to report (that's how the viewers feel watching show). Alex comes up and talks to him about Stephanie since Chad avoided him in the gym. Alex is sorry about Chad and Stephanie. Alex changes it and says he's sorry Stephanie got hurt. Alex wants to know what Chad did?

Chad finally tells Alex what he did to Everett. Alex says that was ruthless and sits down at the table. Alex can't believe Chad didn't learn from the mistakes he made being jealous. Chad thinks Alex will go after Stephanie. Alex says no. He's with Theresa. Alex tells Chad that he (Chad) still wants Stephanie. Chad admits he blew it.

Steve and Stephanie are both on their laptops at the kitchen table. Steve gets up to take a walk. He asks Stephanie to join him. Steve sits down again and they discuss her break-up with Chad. Steve knows she was hoping Chad was the one. Steve knows Stephanie wanted a commitment from Chad and he wasn't able to do that. After a long-winded discussion, Stephanie says she wants to focus on her work. Steve says she can stay at the apartment as long as she wants.

Eric is outside the pub with Jude. He is telling Jude that Grandpa Shawn used to take him fishing over there. Eric says maybe one day he'll take Jude fishing. Jada comes out of the pub with a big box. Eric and Jada look at each other, then at Jude. Jada says he's a cute baby. Eric asks about the box? Jada says Rafe asked her to move in with him. Eric assumes she said yes. Jada says she hasn't given an answer yet. She cleaned out her closet in case she does. She's not sure what to do since she only lived with her ex-husband. Jada says she wants to make the right decision. Eric wishes her all the best.

EJ and Nicole are still on the park bench. EJ is upset that Leo came by to darken their doorstep. (Nicole has a flashback with Leo at door and her saying that her baby is dead. Then Leo says "what if it's not true?") Nicole wonders why Leo said that? Was it not true her baby is dead? EJ says Leo is bad news and probably only wants money. EJ tells her Leo snuck into the house via the tunnels. Nicole doesn't understand how someone can be so cruel. EJ says it was probably Dimitri's idea. After a (too) long discussion, Nicole tells EJ she saw Eric with the baby. She wants to do something for them. She leaves EJ and goes to the square.

Chad is in Horton Town Square talking to Xander about how he rehired Everett. He wants to restore the Spectator the way it was because of Abigail. Paulina walks up behind him. She interrupts his call. Chad asks what she wants? Paulina says she needs his and Stephanie's help. Chad tries to explain something to her, but she butts in. The city is going to campaign for healthy Salem and she wants them to do the PR work. Paulina was going to call Stephanie, but saw him. Chad says you need to call her. He says Stephanie moved out and he's not sure of their business relationship. Paulina calls them her dynamic duo. She says he shouldn't give up on their relationship, to tell Stephaie you're sorry. Paulina tells Chad to do something if he still wants her back.

Steve is finally leaving the apartment. He opens the door and Alex is there. Steve tells Stephanie she has a gentleman caller. Steve leaves. Stephanie tells Alex she told her dad she is going to focus on work. Alex tells her he's not there for her and that he's dating her cousin. He came by to bring by her water bottle that she left at the gym. He knows it's hers since it's so big and metal. Alex tells Stephanie he talked to Chad, who feels bad. Stephanie doesn't want Chad's apology. He should apologize to Everett. Alex tells her Chad looks sad. Alex says she looks sad too.

Meanwhile, Leo is inside Sloan's apartment and Sloan wants to know what trouble he's in since he got out of jail yesterday? Leo points to his face where EJ hit him (big bruise) and says this is your fault. Sloan doesn't understand. Leo says Dimitri told him everything. He knows that Dimitri brought Nicole's baby to her and now she's passing it off as her own.

Leo want to tell Nicole and EJ the truth, but they wouldn't listen. Instead, EJ hit him. Leo says I'm here to blackmail you. Leo wants Dimitri out of prison first. Sloan says she can't do that. She lists the things Leo will want. Leo says that and more. He tells her he can bring Lady Whistleblower out of retirement and write a story about how Nicole is the real mother. The door opens. Eric is home. Leo says cute baby and beautiful stroller. Top of the line. He tells Sloan they will talk later.

Nicole comes back to the park with a bag. She tells EJ she went shopping, but not for herself.

Steve arrives at pub and sees Jada alone. They hug. She's sorry she missed dinner. Jada tells Steve she's having a rough day. As they sit at the table together, Steve wants to know what's going on? She said she saw Eric and the baby. It brought up memories. Steve says because it's the anniversary of your father's death? Steve says Marcus was his first best friend and he will never forget this day.

Stephanie tells Alex she made right decision, but regrets not saying goodbye to the kids. Stephanie picks up water bottle and opens the door to let Alex out. As Alex walks out, Stephanie drops the water bottle on her foot. She thinks she broke her toe. Alex tries to help Stephanie sit down when Chad comes to the open door. Chad remarks it didn't take them long to get back together.

After Leo leaves. Eric wants to know what he wanted? Sloan says Leo demanded she get Dimitri a better deal. Eric asks if that's why she was upset? She covers that she missed them. Eric said he saw some people on his walk. Jada and before her, Nicole. There's a knock on the door. It's EJ and Nicole.

At Horton Town Square, Leo sees the sign for Santa Claus. He walks over to the kettle and it's empty. He doesn't know what to do now without money.

Jada tells Steve thanks for being there. She doesn't want to keep him from lunch. He tells her he was there for her. She tells Steve she found the Christmas present in her closet when she was cleaning it out. Steve pulls out a keyring and shows Jada the leather strap. Marcus made it when they were 8 years old. Steve tells her as kids they got into trouble, but your dad wanted to walk the straight and narrow. He's not surprised Jada is on the side of law and order. He says her dad would be so proud of her (probably not her sister). They stand up and hug.

Stephanie starts limping away from Chad yelling at him for what he was thinking. Alex says he'll drive her to the hospital. Stephanie leaves Alex and Chad in apartment. Chad realizes he made a mistake. Alex says she dropped water bottle on foot and thinks her toe is broken. Alex says there might be beer in fridge and asks Chad if he wants one? Chad says yeah.

EJ and Nicole are in the apartment. Nicole says she noticed how big the baby is getting and bought him an outfit. It's a Santa suit. Nicole tries to apologize for the way she was acting. Eric says thank you. EJ talks to Eric in private. He thanks him for letting them come by unannounced. Nicole wanted to show she was moving on. Sloan doesn't want to wake baby to put it on.

Leo's on phone in Horton Town Square. He finds out Dimitri was sent to a Supermax prison. He was sent since he tried to blow up the world. Leo is furious. He knows Sloan did this and he's going to blow up her world.
I was disappointed with Jada and Steve talking about Marcus. No flashbacks, just a couple of memories. Was the show edited and things taken out?

I can't wait to see Leo blow up Sloan's world. Hopefully, it won't take forever to do it.
Man, OK, Leo Stark. I go from loving him to hating him back to loving him. Right now, I'm his biggest fan. BLOW UP THAT (insert colorful name for Sloan Peterson here)'s WORLD! And do it quickly, please, my little fabulous friend, because I need a Christmas miracle of Nicole bonding with her baby AND Eric bonding, knowing he is the bio dad. And let EJ still be stepdad. EJ is right for Nicole. I don't care what Eric does, but being bio dad doesn't give him rights to Nicole's underpants.
Nice job, Kat!

Agree with DaysLady.

That was some huge water bottle Stephanie had! Of course she broker her toe, or just sprained it. Chad was an idiot, again, and he knew it.

Just when it looks like Sloan is done, she escapes her misdeeds. But Leo is on the war path now, watch out, Sloany Baloney!
If baby-stealing Sloan could see beyond the end of her nose, she’d realize that freeing Dimitri might not be that difficult. EJ‘s habitual dishonesty has surely carried over into the DA’s office and is not unlikely that he has committed some act of legal malfeasance that could get poor Dimitri freed. Such a coup would do wonders for the shyster’s law practice. Wealthy clients would be beating a path to her office hoping to be saved from the consequences of their criminality.

Alex’s efforts to ply Cupid fell flat, but if young women in Salem now see him as kind and caring, he could be back in the local luv game in a big way.

Finally, Chad is hopeless — always sticking his foot in his mouth. Even Alex could give him some useful pointers on love and romance.
Chad is a frickin' idiot. If Stephanie gives him another chance then she deserves whatever she gets.

Dang. I was hoping Leo would run into Nicole with the bag for baby and tell her. Sloan is the most awful human being. To steal another woman's baby is bad enough. But then make her feel bad because she thinks it's her child and accept a baby gift from her. Geez Eric, you really know how to pick them. I still hate that when it all comes out Eric will still be a father.
Man, OK, Leo Stark. I go from loving him to hating him back to loving him. Right now, I'm his biggest fan. BLOW UP THAT (insert colorful name for Sloan Peterson here)'s WORLD! And do it quickly, please, my little fabulous friend, because I need a Christmas miracle of Nicole bonding with her baby AND Eric bonding, knowing he is the bio dad. And let EJ still be stepdad. EJ is right for Nicole. I don't care what Eric does, but being bio dad doesn't give him rights to Nicole's underpants.
I vote for Sloan to be called "Sloany Bologna" like Nicole called her when she was high on the biscuits.
What I’m wondering is how many bedrooms are in Steve and Kayla’s place?
The number of bedrooms, n, at any time is expressed by the following equation:

Where, sc = singles/couples who live in the location,
as = available sets
and dp = DUH PLOT
Thanks for the summary.

A dull show, to be sure, as any episode with Stephanie and Chad is. I always like scenes between EJ and Nicole, though; just hate that they're saddled with this plot. On the other hand, I'm surprised I'm enjoying Leo. I'm sure it's only temporary and because he hates Sloan, but still.