Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 24, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Brady show some news item on his tablet (doesn't anyone listen to radio or watch TV in Salem?) which shocks Maggie. She confronts Victor, saying Kate DiMera gave an interview that she is now with Titan. Maggie calls her a liar, but Vic says it is true. Maggie indignant, Vic did not consult Brady, & ignored his wife's concerns about his hiring Kate. Vic think maybe she is jealous, Maggie denies, rants on and on about what a snake in the grass Kate is, not to be trusted, and of course Kate comes in behind her, Vic says nothing, as Maggie goes on and on, finally saying how Kate should end of penniless. Kate begins to applaud, Maggie doesn't back off as she turns around, telling her she is not to be trusted, and while Maggie herself is not part of titan, she will be keeping an eye on Kate.

Earlier, Brady went to see Kate, who shows him the contract Victor gave her. She had a couple changes, but overall pretty good. Brady agrees, yes is good, as he tears it up. He tells her he is CEO, she acknowledges he is her boss, he says the slightest misstep, and Kate is sure to do so, and the press is gonna blast it all over the place, same press that is currently praising her.

Sonny & Will are anxiously waiting for test results, as Rex told Will in phone call, they should be in any time now. Marlena & Roman come up, telling Will they know he did not want his mother to know, but they feel he should let her know. She would want to be there. This sets Will off, absolutely not, so she would come but everything would be about her, as it always is. She ruins everything, like she did your wedding (this to Gramma Marlena), doesn't care about anyone but herself, hate her, accuses them all of talking of this behind his back. Marlena stays calm, reminding Will she told him about side effects of brain tumor could result in mood swings, etc. etc. He calms down, apologizes to all 3, did not mean what he said, says his mom has a lot on her plate, trying to help EJ get well, just did not want his parents to worry. Rex calls, results are in, come to office.

Sarah shows up at Eric's apartment, pushy as always, insisting they finish their conversation. She wants to know what he meant when telling his mom she should not tell Sarah. Rex is reluctant, but tells her that it was about his feelings regarding Sarah. That looking at pics of Nicole reminded him of how much he loved her, missed her, and he is still mad at Sarah for her sex romp with Xander, the man who tortured her, kept her away, and eventually was responsible for her death. Sarah is taken aback, already said she was sorry, she can't say more, blah, blah, blah. Wishes he had come to her instead of blabbing to his mother. She just wants him to be honest. She leaves.

Brady comes into Pub, both he & Eric at bar, each rather down in the dumps about their situations. Brady complains some, but Eric knows he will do well, says he has faith in him.

Chloe is questioning Gabi....and Stefan, who claims Gabi burst into his bedroom to yap at him about some crisis. Chloe asks what, Gabi shrugs, business. Both Gabi & Stefan trying to think fast on their feet, do a bit of insulting, Chloe wonders how Gabi lost the blouse button she found, Stefan pops with when they were attacked by Hector, etc. Chloe wonders why Gabi wearing same clothes she wore yesterday, Gabi says spent night at hospital with brother who was shot trying to save them from the cartel. Chloe seems rather suspicious when Gabi says she returned for her button (she asks Chloe for it) but eventually remembers the danger everyone was in when the cartel came looking for her, apologizes for even asking questions. Stefan again tells Gabi to leave, walks her out, where they trade insults about their romp never being repeated, out of their systems, etc.

Stefan returns, he & Chloe talk about now they can have that date, since Hector has been cooperative with cops, even calling cartel telling them to lay off Chloe & her kids, so she is now safe. He wants to go out tonight, why wait, she doesn't want to leave kids so soon, he says then they will all stay there, he & Chloe have nice evening together.

Will & Sonny in Rex's office, he drags it out, but tumor is benign! Will tells about his angry outburst, Sarah is there, Rex says removal very risky, Sara says they could treat it, shrink it via radiation. Talks of side effects – like nausea, memory loss. Will has been there. Later, Will & Sonny wish magic serum to inject make all go away. Wonders if their lives will ever be normal. Sonny comments “here in Salem?

Rex notes Sarah looking pensive, she is thinking of Will's treatment plan. He is tired, going home for some rest, have dinner later? Yep. Kiss.

Roman notes Eric looking downhearted at bar. Why? Eric says he had to lie to someone he cares about, if he didn't, a lot of other people would have been hurt.

Brady meets with Gabi in park, tells her the deal is off, she is indignant. He notes Kate now working at Titan, he needs to put out that fire, has to concentrate there, don't feel bad, at least this is all stopped before you slept with him. Gabi doesn't reveal that already is done deal. Brady sorry, but this is over now, leaves. Gabi says maybe for you, Brady, but I am still going to get my revenge on Stefan.

Kate talks with Victor about the job, how well they work together, glad he was o.k. with her changes her assessment, and they both seem to be rather cozy. Maggie eavesdrops.

Marlena comes walking in the hospital corridor, reading a file, says hi to Sarah, who wants to talk to her for a minute. She tells Marlena she heard Eric telling her not to ever tell Sarah, so asked Eric about it, and he told her about his feels. Marlena smiles, oh, so glad he did. I have been encouraging him to tell how much he cares for you. Cue shocked expression on Sarah.
Will shocked me with I hate her about Sami. Brain tumor definitely affecting him. Will he hate Sonny next? Is it bad I was disappointed it's benign?

Can Sarah possibly be any pushier!!! I heard you talking privately to your mom and I want to know what it was about!!! Didn't know she had a tattoo on the back of her neck. But then Marlena thinks she knows what Sarah is talking about and spills with a big ole smile on her face. "Oh good I am so glad he is going to try to come between you and your fiance." Tired of Eric and Sarah.

Chloe is really naive if she bought all of Gabi and Stefan's BS. Gabi is definitely going back for more and I don't think he's gonna resist.
Does anyone else see a miracle baby in the future for Gabi and Stefan? You know that's how it happens in Salem. And then that baby will be kidnapped and...

Hey do you think Days would hire me as a writer? I am retired and have plenty of time and I even could write from home here in the Midwest where I know what weather is like.

Plus I remember stories written before these writers were born.
Here are a few nominations based on today's episode.

Sarah for worst-ever Salem physician: This one makes Dr. DanTan Jonas, Dr. Dingo, Dr. Cameron "Officer Billy Club" Davis, Dr. Richard Baker, and Dr. Body-Parts look good. It might have made for a good scene if, after consulting with Rexy and Sarah, Will turned to Sonny and said: "These two are idiots. I want a second opinion."

Victor for village idiot: He actually said that that hiring Kate is a "smart strategic move," that she "cares about Titan," just before sitting there while Kate rudely insulted his wife. What foolish move is next -- making Xander co-CEO?

Chloe for district attorney: Her questioning of scheming Gabi demonstrated that she's far better at cross-examination than any of Salem's attorneys.

Gabi for Salem b/s artist of the year: Yes Salem is full of liars, but Gabi exceeded the local standards for b/s when she played the injured-Rafe card to explain her failure to change her clothes.
The only good thing about this episode was Gabi having Stefan squirming during the entire Chloe confrontation. But yes Chloe has always been pretty easily manipulated. The whole excuse Gabi made about her involvement with Brady was even lamer. Since when do Brady and Gabi even text each other, that's the red flag. Maggie is starting to get on my nerves with her jealousy, only time where I was rooting for Kate when she told Maggie she never knows how to keep her nose out of everyone's business. Philip has been mentioned a few times over the past few days, so I wonder if he may come back to town months from now.
Kate eavesdropped on Maggie talking to her husband, then rudely insulted her in front of said husband, who said absolutely nothing. And he could easily have said "hello, Kate" when Maggie was ranting. He didn't.
While I am not fond of some of Maggie's interest in others behavior, in this case, shame on on Victor, and totally shame on Kate (but I don't like Kate anyway, and she has done unforgiveable things to every single family member, let alone other Salemites. ) Victor thinks it is funny that "you tried to murder me"....And then he hires her, despite the fact she tried to bring Titan down, when giving the info to Stefan. me.......Kate is the bad guy, followed closely by Victor. Maggie doesn't even come close.
So, let me get this straight: last year, Kate went through extreme lengths to get hired at Titan again, ruining Sonny’s life (and by extension, Will’s), and now she comes up with a plan that doesn’t hurt either of them?! Really? I mean freaking REALLY?!

She ruins Sonny’s life then comes up with a plan to help Titan and it worked?!


Where was this last year?!

Urrrggghhh! I freaking hate Kate and Victor for hiring her!

I want Kate to die a slow and painful death all alone! But, unfortunately it won’t happen, since for some reason TPTB loves the actress, yet writes her as a villain!

I really, REALLY wish Will and Sonny would put a restraining order against Kate and never forgive nor talk to her again, but, unfortunately, it won’t happen, ‘cause those two are the most forgiving men on the planet! I swear- if Kate got Sonny and Ari killed because of her greed and lust for power, Will would forgive her in like ten seconds instead of ten years, thanks to apparent writer favoritism!
Will shocked me with I hate her about Sami. Brain tumor definitely affecting him.
Brain tumor or not, Will described his mother to a "T." Even when she came to Salem after Will was "murdered," all she could talk about was chasing around the world looking for E.J.

Maggie is starting to get on my nerves with her jealousy,
I really don't think Maggie is jealous of Kate. Maggie knows how destructive and vindictive Kate is and doesn't want her anywhere near the people Maggie cares about.
I loathe the character of Kate and was mad at Victor for 1) not telling Maggie that Kate was in the room and 2) not defending his wife. However, I have been enjoying Maggie's character analysis first with Brady and today with Kate. She sure knows those people and I hope she is able to find out what Kate is up to before she ruins Titan, although it would serve Victor right. I don't know what Victor is thinking.

I know that Camilla Banus (Gabi) is gorgeous, but I really hate how smug and entitled Gabi has been. She did some horrible things and is continuing to do more, but she has no consequences, since her goal is to take down Stefan DiMera. I was wondering why it is up to Brady for her to continue to work her scheme. It has nothing to do with him and when he called it off, I was shaking my head. Nothing is going to stop her on her mission of vengeance.

Chloe starts out asking the right questions, but sure is shut down quickly and ends up blaming it all on herself.

Does Sarah even have any patients? All she does is hang around Rex and stand in rooms where other doctors are in charge. Even though Will's tumor is benign, it is still a growth in his brain and he is having side effects, so they need to do something, but PLEASE, no memory loss again!!!

I wonder if the Stefan/Gabi miracle baby, who we all know is coming, will have them end up married or in a custody battle. Since Gabi is determined to marry him and take his money, I guess that is how it will end. And then, they will discover that they really do love each other (YUCK) and live evil-ly ever after.
Thanks, Poirot.

This episode could be called "Truth and Lies"

What Will said about his mom and Maggie about Kate is true.

Eric lied to Sarah, but she found out the truth from Marlena.

Gabi and Stefan lied to Chloe why Gabi was there.

I'm glad Brady is cancelling his plans to go after Chloe. Hopefully,
he won't change his mind when he knows she's going on a date
with Stefan.

Interesting comment Stefan said to Gabi about how inappropriate it was
for her go into his bedroom. Didn't we talk about that last week when
he did that to Chloe?
So Will asks a legitimate question like what happens if radiation doesn't work and Sarah shuts it down by saying let's just see if radiation works before we talk about other steps. Um, what? That's not how that works. Doctors typically answer questions like that and go over a detailed treatment plan with their patients. It's not a play it by ear type of thing. Maybe they should have gone over the treatment plan off camera. Bad writing there.

Was happy to see that Brady kind of took in what Maggie said to him. I hope they have him single for a while and not just jumping into another relationship in a month or so.
2 characters in Salem "hate each other" and had sex and don't want anyone to know?

You can bet your sweet bottom dollar that a baby was made. That's a guaranteed pregnancy in Salem. I bet Gabi is for sure pregnant with Stefan's child.

I think I might be ok with this. Miracle baby for Gabi who thought she couldn't have any more. Stefan gets his baby too. yada yada..bada bing bad boom. Chloe deserves better than the likes of Stefan and Brady alike. I love Chloe, wish she got better stories.
What writng team started the revenge or hate sex that is so prevalent of Days these days? I feel like the first time was Sami and EJ. It is the worst storyline ever to be written and they continue to write this way.

What in blue blazes is wrong with these writers? Did anyone study "writing screenplays" in school? Did they all study at the same college (if they did in fact go to college)?

So stupid.
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I understand Maggie not trusting Kate or being disappointed in Victor's decision. But it is incredibly stupid of the writers to make it out like she's jealous! These are older characters and Maggie & Victor's relationship at this point is well-established and beloved by fans. I don't get why they're trying to make something (again) with Kate & Victor when there's no need for it.

Rex/Eric/Sarah is so ridiculous on so many levels. I really hope Nicole returns soon. Not just because I love her and want to see her with Holly, but so she can put an end to this madness. It's insulting to Deidre Hall (Marlena) the her character has been put into this blah storyline.

Gabi and Stefan were very smooth today, but Chloe was a fool for believing any of it. Then again, the writers are at least writing her in character, because she's always been a fool. As for Gabi, I don't get why her and Stefan even bother denying their attraction at this point. What is there for Gabi to "get revenge" on now? Didn't she already accomplish that?
Thanks for the summary!
I hate that these writers have made Marlena act so stupid! She should have caught on to what Sarah was up to with her comments about Eric telling her his feelings. The "real" Marlena would have asked what Eric said before commenting! Nonsense! And Gabi - can't even think of anything nice to say. What woman would sleep with a creepy guy like Stefan? Certainly NOT a strong woman. When will they ever learn about strong women? If not soon, I might be a "Former DOOL Fan"...maybe I can start a FDF support group?:sad::cry:
Humm - A Kate and Victor match-up might lead me to the same conclusion - FDF (Former Days Fan)