Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 26, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

An angry Abe questions a reluctant Theo about his job at DiMera. Val looks as though she would like to stop Abe from going overboard, but stays quiet. Theo says Chad hired him to do some computer stuff, just IT, no big deal, but he doesn't reveal what was on the computer which he had closed shut suddenly. Abe confiscates Theo's laptop, effectively ending his job, and leaves with Val. They sit on a bench later, with Val trying to find out why Abe got so upset. Tho Stefano did a lot of questionable things, he is dead, and the DiMeras seem to be putting themselves on a much better path now. Chad is a good guy. But Abe notes there still is Andre, he doesn't trust him. He always watched Lexie struggle with how Stefano would try to influence her, and he is afraid Andre may do the same to Theo. He calms down a lot, is sorry he spoiled their date, She figures it isn't over yet, they have ice cream, and eventually, he gifts her with a pearl necklace. She is very touched, has him put it on her. The laptop is on the bench beside him.

Abby lets Dario know in no uncertain terms, she won't be doing with him into witness protection. She cannot believe he would ask her to leave her mom, family, friends, and especially her son to go in hiding with him. Dario figures Thomas would come along, he is his step-father......but Abby interrupts that Chad is his father and would not allow it. Dario renews his threat to give up the picture of Chad. He comes out from behind the table, she is standing in front of him, he brings up how she his away from Chad, and Thomas, and her family before, why not now? She slaps him, talks of how he had been a good friend to her back then, but she was a good friend back. And then he lied, oh, yes, she knows he did not need to get married to avoid deportation. Kate told her about it, all he needed was a bit of paperwork.

Now he protests about how he loves her, she says if he really did, he would not be asking her to leave her family, friends & son. He threatens again the pic of Chad over Deimos, she notes he would be hurting his sister, Gabi even worse. She is not going with him, no. He thinks she would grow to love him,....nope, not a chance. She will never do so, and is not going with him, mentioning going out, getting his phone, destroying the pic. He laughs plenty more copies on the Cloud and other servers. She is not going. Eli comes in to see Dario, she leaves.

Steve comes into the Pub, where Kayla seems in a sea of paperwork. Seems when Roman took over running the club for Caroline, he just tossed and ignored the invoices, so she has to sort and file, pay, etc. Steve sits down, they get all lovey-dovey, complimentary, both talks of how lucky and blessed they are, etc. He is upbeat about clearing her name at the hospital, she will be Chief of Staff there forever, always be a doctor, and no, he would not go to Greece with Paul, John is with him, and Steve's No. 1 priority is Kayla. (Hey, These two know how to do it, for sure. ) Steve says it is rather slow, why not close early, they can spend time together, alone. He will take her to dinner. She agrees, goes to tell the kitchen to close down, Steve sneaks out the front door.

When she returns, there are flowers and candles on the table, lights are low. She comments she must have a secret admirer, as Steve comes up behind her with a single yellow rose. Kisses, hugs, They each have a beer, sit, take a sip, then Steve turns on some music. Dance with me. Always, she replies. They get up, dance to a romantic song.

Gabi is holding the ring as Chad returns from the shower. He doesn't even get a chance to say a word before she is sorry to spoil the surprise...but he quickly says, no, that is Abby's ring. This sets Gabi off again, about the Halo, the kiss, the vow renewal. He finally gets to ask if he can say something, that he was rummaging in his desk for something, came across the ring, Lucas came in, he dropped it in his pocket, forgot, meant to put it back when he took his jacket off.....Abby is still upset, wants it away, out of this room. O.K. Chad will take it downstairs, far away from you and here.

Theo comes into DiMansion, looking morose, tells Kate & Andre about having seen the pic of Chad himself, was about to delete, but could not, his dad arrived, was mad, took his laptop. No, he cannot access another computer, the code is in his. Kate is ranting a bit, as is Andre, with Kate noting they have to do something to protect Chad, who of course, walks in, "protect me from what". Mumbling, stumbling, Theo goes to leave, Kate & Andre hurry to "walk him out". Chad is rather puzzled, but opens the desk drawer, takes out the ring box, puts in the ring, tosses it back in the drawer, goes back upstairs.

Abby comes into the Pub, where Theo sits, nursing a soda. She asks if he was able to get in, find the pic. Yes. So.....did you delete it? Theo doesn't reply, just looks sadly down at his soda. Abby's smile disappears.

Eli talks to Lani, telling her of the deal Dario pulled to get into witness protection, is giving up his partner. Lani did not know there was one. Eli won't tell her who it is, until they get everything set and in place. He goes back to see Dario, Abby leaves, and he tells Dario that the FBI is getting everything into place to get him away in witness protection. He will be on his way once he keeps his end of the deal. Dario says to make arrangements for his wife as well. Eli is surprised...she is going with you? Oh, yes, she will be with me.

Chad goes up to the bedroom, Gabi already in bed. He is sorry, she says all is o.k. she doesn't want to talk about it any more tonight, they can do so more calmly in the morning. She pulls the covers over her, turning her back to him. He says she is still upset, but about something else. She tells him to go sleep. He lays back on the pillow, glancing at her back.
Thank you Valerie for pointing out that Theo is an adult and can make his own decisions. I know he has special needs but I didn't like Abe treating him like that. I do like Abe and Valerie. He's been alone a long time. But Roman has too!!

Dario needs to go. He is so flipping slimey now!! I don't think the character of Dario was originally like this. Trying to blackmail a woman into going into witness protection? Ugh he needs to go. Seems like what everyone thought about Raines might be true. Though he hasn't been acting really nervous. When he first came on I actually thought he might be paired with Abigail. He took a real interest in her but confirming Dario's story, and I assume it's a story, is suspicious. It appears Abby is finally getting a brain and will not give in to Dario at all. We can only hope. That picture doesn't "prove" anything.

I thought yesterday that Gabi knew that was Abigail's ring. Awkward. And no Chad you are not getting lucky tonight. Can't believe he'd even try given how things were between them.
Just remembered and no idea how I could have forgotten, but when Steve was romancing Kayla in the Pub, he gifted her with a bracelet, and said Happy 1st anniversary....She was so happy he had not forgotten. Then, he says he is a bit rusty but...........he then does, in SIGN LANGUAGE, that he is happy, and Happy anniversary sweetness...then signals "I love you".
Dario needs to go. He is so flipping slimy now!! I don't think the character of Dario was originally like this. Trying to blackmail a woman into going into witness protection? Ugh he needs to go. Seems like what everyone thought about Raines might be true. Though he hasn't been acting really nervous.

Yes, I think Raines is in this with Dario.
Steve: He's Salem's Mr. Romance. Nobody does romance like the Patch man. He could give Abe some pointers. He might also be able to teach Roman enough so that he'd get an occasional kiss.

Mayor Carver: Abe is now Salem's latest helicopter parent, having a fit because Theo is working for DiMera Enterprises. He sounded like Sami when Will went to work for EJ.

Dario: Why is he so eager to go into witness protection? Didn't he ever see the scene in the film Goodfellas where Ray Liota's character, who has entered witness protection, complains that he'll now have to live the rest of his life as a "schnook." Also, why is he so certain that the infamous photo incriminates Chad? Doesn't he realize that the fact that he took it places him at the murder scene too. Who knows, maybe the cops will decide to add the Deimos murder to the many charges against the king of Salem slime.

Theo: He got a hard lesson about why Salemites shouldn't carry out clandestine affairs in public places. Also, does he realize that he's not being paid properly by Chad? When Will worked for EJ, he received a spiffy sports care and a deluxe penthouse in the sky.

Gabi: Can somebody please shut her up. Chad should dump her no matter what Kate says. Imagine being married to this always-jealous incessant yammerer. How will she react if Chad glances at an attractive woman in the Town Square or hires a pretty private secretary? As for the infamous ring, it would serve Gabi right if tonight she dreams that she's being pursued by Abigail's ring and can't get away.
Thanks for the summary. Even if Abe annoyed today with Theo, I really loved the romantic scenes of him and Valerie, as well as the anniversary dinner Patch put together for Kayla. My heart melted. :love::love::clap:

Am NOT a fan of Dario AT ALL! He used to be a bad boy in 2011, but never like this! Hate that they changed his character. I'm so glad Abby revealed that she knew about his marriage scam and isn't giving in to him. Let's hope that continues. But I really want to know more about this deal he made with Eli. Please let it involve Raines!

Gabi was annoying today. She should've handled the situation more maturely. Instead, she is acting just like Brady did with Nicole/Eric and that whole fiasco.
Abe acted like a royal horse's patoot today. How rude to treat Theo, his grown son, like that in public or private, for that matter. Way to go, Valerie. You have more sense than his father.
Thanks Poirot.

I wonder if everyone goes to Janet's store (Gabi's friend) when they buy jewelry?

Roman needs to hire a bookkeeper to keep up with the bills. Then Kayla won't
have to do it.

I almost had to use tissue when Kayla and Steve were dancing. The bracelet Steve
bought her has an anchor on it.

Abe needs to remember Theo is no longer a child. Theo will make mistakes
like the rest of us do and that's ok.

Who will be the one to get Theo's laptop back? And is this Theo's personal laptop?
Shouldn't he have a separate for work?

Poor Chad. Gabi must have gotten a headache and didn't want him to bother her :)
The Steve/Kayla scenes were much love, great use of their history. He gave her a bracelet with an anchor on it the necklace with anchor the night of their wedding...the one on the yacht. Because SHE is his anchor. He talked of all the times she patched him up, that sign language stuff from their past......loved it all.

Glad Abby stood up to the sleaze....who really does not know how to take NO for an answer.Really tired of Gabi being at DiMansion.
@macgyverswife: Gabi made it obvious that Chad was not going to "get lucky" :rolleyes:, as she went to bed pretty much fully clothed. :)

Chad should have put the ring in that secret compartment built into the lower left side of the fireplace. Or, that locking table drawer where guns are kept. The point is moot, though, because no one will ever find it where he left it. :rolleyes:

@DrBakerFan: Yes, our boy Steve is a very romantic guy. I'm starting to wonder about my own feelings about him! :eek: :eek: :eek: That said, Kayla/Steve are the most tolerable of all the couples, except, perhaps EJ/Abigail. :)

True that, regarding Theo being underpaid, and Gabi's constant drama! :)

I really hope that Theo gets that photo erased!
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Just remembered and no idea how I could have forgotten, but when Steve was romancing Kayla in the Pub, he gifted her with a bracelet, and said Happy 1st anniversary....She was so happy he had not forgotten. Then, he says he is a bit rusty but...........he then does, in SIGN LANGUAGE, that he is happy, and Happy anniversary sweetness...then signals "I love you".

That was a great tribute to the past! Someone is doing his/her homework for a change.

Abe put Theo's laptop next to the arm of the bench he and Valerie were sitting on. How many bets that he'll forget it and it'll end up in the wrong hands? LOL
Gabi is an immature brat. It's a piece of jewelry, for criminy's sake. I'm sure the sheets she's sleeping in were also slept in by Abigail, and are in the bedroom where she and Chad slept and ... cough ... did other things. So, what next? Is she going to ask Chad to burn down DiMansion and build a new one elsewhere so her fragile ego isn't bruised by the idea that Abigail exists? Is she, at some point, going to press him to keep away from Thomas, because she can't handle that Chad and Abigail have a child together, even though she's probably fine with that now?
Thanks Poirot - this was a truly awesome episode in many ways---hope it continues!

- As an unapologetic romantic, I confess that I found Steve & Kayla's scenes at the Pub totally awesome! The only way I would have changed anything would be to have them dance to Ed Sheeran's "Barcelona" (only if I had an unlimited music budget, of course). The sexiness of the dancing would have been thrilling! These two surely do have it "goin' on"! They prove you don't have to be young to have passion. YEA!!

Second- Thanks Poirot for the history of the anchor. I noticed it, but didn't know the backstory. Love the way we see reminders of the history. Must be the new writers. Thanks!

Third- I wanted to stand up and clap when Abby slapped Dario! Sure hope she stays strong and away from Dario. I agree with so many here that he is just too slimy to be rehabbed. He can't go away to soon for my liking.

Fourth - The Chad and Gabi scenes are just forced and show no real feelings. Just my opinion. But why would he want a whiny woman like her and why would she want to be with a guy who obviously still has strong feelings for his ex-wife? Bring on changes, please!

Fifth- Yea to Val! Abe was SO wrong to treat Theo that way. And to take the laptop? Who does that? Certainly not a parent who trusts or supports their kid. I know Abe really is great with Theo most of the time, but he was way out of line this time!