

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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If you could create and bring to the show one new character, who would it be?

So many different thoughts/options. What about Marlena's heretofore unknown brother? the one she has never mentioned, acknowledged, did not want anyone to know she had? Same father, different mother. Father had long time affair, Marlena knew, but was ashamed to tell anyone. Father raised the boy, lived in Texas. The brother (let's call him Michael) married, had a son who made it big time in the rodeo circuit, which finally was making a visit to Salem. With all the motels filled, Jamie manages to find a place above the Brady Pub, and soon finds himself involved in many of the Salemites's lives and activities.
I would bring in an Iraq War Veteran, A medic working to become a doctor. Someone who could work at the hospital. She would have NO family connection to Salem but grew up in a big city and upon returning home it's too much noise and distractions, she heads to a mid size town in the midwest. Lucy Brown would be a no nonsense woman who knows what she wants.

(until she drinks the Salem water and suddenly can't think without a man around or do anything for herself. My creation hopefully won't be in the Wendy trap and would have better sense than to hang out with Tripp)
I have no idea what sort of character but it would be someone not related to anyone. They have to keep rotating love interests because everyone is related. They have a hospital so they have an easy way to bring in a new character as a doctor or nurse or admin. No need to have them suddenly having a back story connection. Jada didn't even need a backstory in my opinion. I'm sure we're going to find EverettBobNick is even related to someone in the near future.
I’d bring in Charlie Dale’s previously unknown twin, Harley, who could help Xander run Titan after the big reveal about Victor’s real will. I’d also bring in an attorney who’s honest (unlike underhanded Melinda, baby-stealing Sloan, crooked Ted, dead bird Aiden, and awful EJ) and who actually knows what he/she is doing (unlike bumbling Justin, lost-cat Carrie, and the clueless Belle).
What about Marlena's heretofore unknown brother?
I feel like her past is too established, but I'd love this idea if it were Kate's brother.

I'd create a new Horton with a logical Horton name - Tommy's grandson, Grayson "Gray" Horton. His father (Sid Horton), who will not be in Salem (at least not initially), was born after Tommy left/disappeared from the show in Hawai'i and is approximately Hope's age; thus Gray is approximately Shawn-D's age.

Gray works as an Environmental Lawyer and refuses to take cases involving divorce or criminal defense, but Salemites still ask him because they think that's how it works (this will afford "chemistry pairings" with various characters for friendship and romance). His firm dispatches him to Salem to fight a Titan project that is polluting the Salem River, and then he gets involved with a group headed by Julie to stop DiMera Industries from building a skyscraper too close to the Square.

Recently divorced, Gray is reluctant to get involved romantically again. He misses his young son (unnamed and unaged) whose mother has sole custody. There is some mystery as to how he lost custody completely. His ex-wife and son live in San Diego. On route home to Salem after a weekend visitation, he lands at the Airport and shares a ride with Jada Hunter (who had visited friends in Seattle) back to town. Fearful of her relationship with Rafe and her abusive past with Bobby, Jada develops feelings for Gray; Gray, meanwhile, has become smitten with Melinda's skills as a lawyer (artfully avoiding felony charges vis-à-vis the Jude situation) as she works with DiMera against his interests.
Always have a backup plan.

The show needs a new villain. The DiMeras are dusty, Clyde is creepy, and the Kiriakises are too busy playing house with Hortons and grifters.

So, we bring in a name actor - maybe Jerry ver Dorn (Guiding Light's Ross; One Life's Clint) or Jordan Clarke (GL's Billy), or Robert S Woods (OLTL's heroic Bo). He's a self-made billionaire who owns TV networks, publishing houses, and property all over the world. His name is Adam Steele.

His company, United Steele, is moving in on DiMera's industry-of-the-week. He even has acquired Steven, Jake, and Peter's shares. He knows a secret about EJ's past that will destroy (ha ha) his career as the DA as well as his marriage to Nicole and his relationship with Johnny. He has information about Alex (he knows about his true paternity) and gets Titan under his thumb. He buys Paulina's building and evicts her. He seduces Kristen and beds Kate (after he sets it up so she thinks Roman's cheating with Marlena). He doesn't like Chanel's donuts. He basically spends 3 months ruining lives around Salem and gloating about it. His early victims make business sense or don't seem that personal, but around the end of the third month, it seems he's got a grudge against the town.

In month four, the denizens of Salem's in-crowd are out for blood, and start trying to make trouble for him - only for him to take off the kid gloves and get really nasty. Marlena is blinded in an explosion (blamed on Steele, but actually an attempt to kill him). Ava tries to seduce him, and then to kill him, only to end up dead herself. Even Kayla works against him after he endangers Stephanie and threatens Joey. It seems he's untouchable, and even the good guys are powerless. However, his relationship with Kristen flourishes, as she seems to relish in the town's destruction, and Rachel likes the guy, too.

In month five, things really get heated. We start rooting for Alex, to whom he's really mean, even though we know he knows he's stealing Xander's inheritance. We're torn with Kayla as she contributes to a plan that could cost her medical license. We even root for EJ to find something on the guy that will bring him down. But there's no light at the end of the tunnel for Salem's core families. Steele starts calling in markers. He outs phony heir Alex, costing him literally everything (even Maggie turns on Victor's grandnephew). Steele now owns Titan and Xander is a pauper again. He's swindled Chad out of the paper, which he is crushing on purpose. He ruins Roman's marriage and when Roman seeks revenge in person, the Pub is blown up. When Paulina and EJ take political action, Steele gets them removed and put in jail for a bribery scheme. Kristen sours on the relationship after a return of her delusion of a reunion with Brady, only to find out that Rachel wants Adam to be her daddy now.

Entering month six, Steele is setting up an elaborate scheme to merge Titan and DiMera, laying off scores of working-class Salemites. Kristen has moved Rachel to a safe location (so she thinks; Rachel immediately contacted Steele). Kayla's research has been completed, and as planned, it is corrupted to poison Steele. The whole town is ready to confront this man who is destroying the city they love; there's a big meeting at City Hall, and Paulina (out on bond) and EJ (in prison blues and cuffs) are allowed to attend. People are out for blood.

As the month closes out, the day of the confrontation comes, and Steele doesn't show up. There's blood in his office and penthouse. Nobody can find Kristen. Paulina has disappeared, as has Marlena. Kate is found in a closet at Steele's with a gunshot wound, and Jeannie T is there, holding a gun. Nobody has a clear picture of what happened, but one thing is sure: Steele is not in Salem anymore, but the repercussions of his actions will resonate for months and years to come.

And he's really gone, for a while at least, until we can find out viewers' reactions. The six-month frame means that nearly everything filmed will be wrapped before it airs, and then if the story works to bring him back after viewers have seen the full run, a new story can be created, leaving space between villainous sprees so the story can be developed as necessary.
Anybody that hasn't already lived a dozen lives should be retired an a senior citizen village.