January 3, 2005

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Nov 23, 2006
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Episode # 9966; Tape Date:12/02/04; Air Date 01/03/05; Director: Albert Alarr
Summary: Brady recovers at the clinic as Chloe realizes he loves her…and Billie is determined to search for Georgia. But the main even here is the wedding from hell…as everyone watches in horror…including the mother of the bride.
AT THE CLINIC…Chloe listens from behind the curtain as Brady talks about her to the doctor. He goes to get out his picture of Chloe, but Nicole returns, telling him that she called Belle and explained what happened. He wants to go be there for the wedding, but Nicole reasons with him, telling him if he feels better, they will make the reception. Nicole says she loves him, but he continues to talk about Chloe. He tells her to go and call and make arrangements for a car to pick them up. She leaves, telling him to rest. After she leaves, Chloe wonders if Nicole really loves Brady, for she realizes that he still love her. As he sleeps, he dreams of marrying Chloe. She slips from behind the curtain (as he is mumbling her name) and places her hand on his head. Finally, she bends down and kisses him. He opens his eyes and says “Chloe”.
ON THE PLANE…Billie is trying to hurry the pilot up when Bo arrives, telling her NO. She is furious with him but he is also angry at her for lying to him. She says that Bo has other children and she doesn’t. Georgia is all she has and is determined to find her. 16 years is too long to have been separated. She goes to see the pilot and he finds the tape recorder she was using. He plays back the message she recorded for her daughter. In it she tells her that she loves her and that she also has a wonderful father, Bo Brady. She talks about how she was conceived out of love and about how much she loved him and she knows that Georgia will too. She tells her that if something should happen to her, she will always be there watching over her. Billie comes back, telling him they are leaving and for him to get off the plane. But he says no, he’s not going home…he is going with her. She protests, saying Hope will be angry, but he says that Georgia is his family too…Hope will understand…eventually. Billie gives a little half-smile.
AT THE CHURCH…it starts a little differently, the wedding hasn’t begun yet. There are still guests arriving, including Doug and Julie. They, along with most of the guests, wonder why Belle is marrying Philip. The wedding planner tells Kate that she just got a call from some girl named Jan, telling her that Shawn may try to stop the wedding. Kate tells the guard outside not to let anyone else in the church…there will be NO interruptions. Well right after that order, Sami and Lucas arrive and he stops them. Sami blames Kate (and yes, she calls her “Mommy Dearest”) for not letting them in. Inside, Mimi tells Belle that there is still time to change her mind, but she tells her no, she is marrying Philip. With that, Mimi heads on down the aisle, followed by John and Belle…as all eyes are on them. Meanwhile, Shawn is on his motorcycle, headed to the church, determined to stop the wedding. Belle stalls for a moment, having flashbacks of making love with Shawn. Everyone watches as Belle takes a moment, fingering the locket around her neck.
At the DiMera castle, Tony (dressed in a tux) visits Marlena and Roman. Marlena is shocked to learn that Belle is marrying Philip. Tony asks if they want to watch and of course she does. He turns on a monitor as Marlena cries when she sees Belle. She is also thrilled to see John walking. She notes that Belle is beautiful, but she doesn’t look happy.
Belle is finally ready to proceed and the wedding march starts again. As they head down the aisle, one of the photographers bumps into John and he falls. Marlena sees this and gasps, telling Tony she hates him. She wishes she were there to help John, but Tony assures her that Kate is there to “comfort” him. We see Kate rush to him and help him up as Tony rubs it in, asking just how long it will be before John and Kate get married. He has a cart wheeled in with candles and champagne, asking if they want to make a toast to Belle and Philip…as well as John and Kate…as both glare at him. Marlena cries as she leans on Roman. She talks about how she sees no joy in Belle’s eyes and wishes she had been there for her. Tony continues to taunt them. Roman tries to punch him, but is stopped. Tony continues to taunt them about Kate and John.
Kate announces to everyone that there will be a short delay as Lexie tries to convince John not to go through with it, but he is determined. Kate tries to get him to use the wheelchair, but he will have none of it. Outside, the Marines arrive right after Sami and Lucas, so he relents and lets them all in. Kate warns Sami not to try anything. Hope talks to Julie about John’s stubbornness as they laugh saying all men are like that. Hope says she practically had to chain Bo to the bed…he isn’t going anywhere tonight. Celeste tells Abe that she keeps having horrible images about the wedding and that there will be many hearts broken tonight. After learning what is going on, Sami comments to Lucas that maybe Belle’s perfect wedding isn’t going to be so perfect after all. Sami wanders over to where Lexie is working on John and watches and listens. Lexie notices John’s glassy eyes and asks if he is on any medication. He lies, telling her only aspirin. After Lexie walks off, John takes out the syringe and gives himself an injection. Sami sees all this and with a shocked face, says to herself, John is a junkie! Meanwhile, Shawn arrives outside the church but is stopped by the guard. He staggers off, saying he must stop the wedding. Lexie tells Abe that John is pushing himself too hard as Celeste continues to have visions…of a bloody wedding gown and bloody roses. Hope talks with Alice and Julie as Alice tells them that Shawn knew about the wedding and how upset he was when he saw the invitation. Doug refers to Shawn as a Bozo for not marrying the love of his life. Alice says his name and gives him a look as Doug realizes her meaning. He kisses Julie, saying at least he wised up…eventually…and kisses Julie. Julie tells them that Belle is marrying the wrong guy…and everyone there knows it. Shawn is beating on the door, yelling for Belle not to do it. John is ready now as he and Belle prepare for “take 2” and they start again. They head down the aisle (the Marines now involved in the procession) and John gives her away as Kate helps him to his seat and sits beside him. The ceremony starts and when they get to the “forever hold your peace” part, John and Kate both eye Sami. She is prepared to say something but Lucas holds her back. Belle and Philip repeat the vows the wrote for each other, with both of them including parts about how they have been friends for ever and grew to love each other. She says he is the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with, but when she looks at him, she sees Shawn. Outside, Shawn gets on his bike and fires it up, having an idea. Celeste is still having visions and to herself says “the nightmare is beginning”. The ceremony continues with the lighting of the unity candle with lots of shots of the guests…some smiling, some not. Shawn says this is the only way…and takes off. Inside the church, everyone hears his bike revving up and start looking around with puzzled looks on their faces. Kate says “Oh no…he wouldn’t” Then we see a shot from the other end of the church as Shawn comes flying through the stained glass window above Belle and Philip. Everyone is scrambling around to take cover from the flying glass as it freezes on Shawn’s face.

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