More prayers for Ron


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Hi all, I know it has been a while, and Ron has really been going thru soo much. He developed a large blood clot in his leg, plus a very small one in his lungs, went on blood thinners in pill form, which were not working because of his cancer surgery..his body cannot absorb meds in pill form or something, so he has to give himself a shot every single day. They had put stents in to help with the kidney stones that developed, and they began to get sort of crusted up (sort of like barnacles I hear). I don't know how to say this really nicely, but he gets diarrhea so bad, he will fall to his knees in pain. His cancer is a very rare form, and has to be treated with very powerful drugs, which affected him, at one time, in a way we almost lost him.They reduced dosage which has helped a great deal.
Today he has an appointment to be seen/accepted for a clinical trial in South Carolina...Greenville. Am asking all you wonderful friends to say a prayer for him today, he sure does need every single one, and then some. God Bless you All.
Ron & the rest of the family are still in my prayers!!
Prayers are going up for Ron and everyone else with this terrible disease!
It's hard when the treatment almost seems worse than the disease sometimes.
I am in Greenville, SC! ...I live here.. and I work 10 minutes from the hospital doing that trial--- I will pray for them all! Prayers sent for Ron and for you. Please let me know if he needs anything at all-- remember, I'm 10 minutes away and I've lived here most my life I can find just about anything he needs! :) ::hugs:: prayers and thoughts are with him and all of his family.