SPOILER !! Week May 6

In real life, if there was something terribly wrong with the baby, Chanel would probably get an abortion. But this is Salem, and I’m sure they can magically heal the baby. Where’s angel Lexie or Johnny’s woo-woo granny?
The thing is, I think Jada had an abortion in the past, but it was done evidently off camera and we learned more or less after the fact. I don't think Days will want to go there at all, tho they might have Chanel considering it. However, then, they just might go "miscarriage".......

Don't know why writers want to have young couple have children so fast......as the writers then ignore the kids, wanting to immediately age them to teens or something. Heck, maybe with Chanel it will be a false alarm.
My only hope for this story is that Konstantin does not implicate Jeannie T in their plots.

Not because I don't think she deserves some comeuppance, but rather because 1) I find this plot mind-numbingly insulting (Jeannie T's family is loaded and literally inherited their money) and 2) I'd rather Jeannie Theresa have a revelation and real sense of character development rather than being the "bad girl" again.
Wed spoiler pic from https://soapoperanews.net/2024/05/07/days-of-our-lives-spoilers-may-8-johnny-confides-in-ej/

Tate and his friend Aaron (Louis Tomeo)
