What's been going on?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Western Wisconsin
Hello all,

As some of you may have noticed, I have been something of a shadow on the boards here. It's been a busy month. We left for Canada on Sept 25, and were gone nearly two weeks. Came back to a very full DVR!! A few days after we came back, my grandmother passed away after a very short hospital stay. My home was filled for the next week with out-of-town guests as my cousin and I planned her funeral and cleaned her apartment, etc. (Thankfully I have a job that gave me paid time off for such things!) Naturally Days fell to the sidelines and there wasn't really that much free time that week!

The following week, I started a new position splitting time between two buildings which ended up keeping me very busy. BUT I am finally feeling caught up and getting used to the rigours of my new schedule now (two weeks later, lol). I'm watching the last 10 minutes of Friday 10/26's episode and am looking forward to getting back to "normal," which thankfully for me includes a daily visit to the Spectator! Hope all is well. Did I miss anything good on the boards??
Welcome back. So sorry to hear about your grandmother.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother.
It's nice to see you posting again. I didn't know about this posting in The "Daze & Knights" part of the board.
I just happened on to the SANDY post & it brought me to the Daze&Knights.
I'll have to come to this section more often.
My name by the way is Denise.
Nice to meet you!
The fun on the boards is song titles that remind you of a days character. It's been a hoot.
It sounds like you've had a roller coaster month.

I'm sorry about your grandmother, Jason, but glad to see you back and posting.
Welcome back, Jason ! And my condoleances to you for the loss of your grandmother.

Like soapkitty said, I like many things here, but the song titles and the Facebook posts threads are lots of fun. And if you want to catch different opinions, read those about Nicole and Sami or Nicole and Jennifer/Daniel. A few teams in there, definitely. Oh, by the way, I'm team Nicole. Hate Sami, now hate Jennifer, never liked Dan-the-Man. :D

:OT:Where have you been in Canada ? And did you like it ?
Hope you had a good vacation Jason. So sorry to hear about your grandma {{{hugs}}}. Too bad you missed the huge party in the corner...Rew had the margarita machine going non stop, there were snacks galore, music was blaring, and I guess we got a little to rowdy because Poirot had to come over and break up the party. Rew, of course, is still in the corner, but the margarita machine has been take away :(

Thanks all.

We take a vacation every year in Vancouver, and we are considering a trip to Toronto in January.

Lots to catch up on here at the Spectator! (Oh and I hate Dan-the-man, too.)

Hey Jason, so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. I'm sure a roller coaster of emotions over the past while. Nice to see you back.

And as for Toronto......weeeelllllll.......it's over rated (Just kidding Torontonians!!!) but I hear Calgary is a nice city and the gateway to the Rockies! LOL! :)