Days of Our Lives - Fri. Nov. 20, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, November 20, 2009
Episode12213 Taped 10/8 Director – Albert Alarr

Nathan is wrapping up Stephanie’s ankle, she has her fantasy of him kissing her, shakes herself back to the present, he is ordering her to put ice on it, and leaves. She calls him back, saying he is making a big mistake, flashes back to seeing him kissing Melanie, but only claims he wrapped her ankle too tight. He fixes it, and again takes off. The nurse at the station gets a call that there has been a bus accident, and a lot of injuries. She remarks she is going to have to call in a doctor to send down to ER, Stephanie :”innocently” says that Dr. Horton is still here. The nurse says “good, he is an intern and can’t say no”. A bit later Nathan is back, saying how he has to help out in ER. And Stephanie asks about his date with Melanie. He says he is going to have to cancel that, and leaves to call Melanie. Stephanie mutters to herself, “sorry, I had to do that, Nathan, but Melanie is not right for you”.

And over at Maggies, Mark has traveled all this way to get his money back from Melanie. She says something about just going to an ATM, but he is not nice about it all, talking of how she took his money and left. She says he was drunk and passed out, she had to catch a train. He grabs her arm, starting to drag her into another room, when Melanie’s knight in shining armor comes riding in thru the conveniently left open kitchen door on his white horse. Yep, tis Philip, asking what is going on. Mark more or less tells him to keep his nose out of it, he & Melanie have business to attend to. Philip catches on he is a dude from her past, figures she probably scammed him out of some money, asks how much. Mark says $10,000. Philip takes off his watch, hands it to the guy, says maybe this will help. Mark looks at it, laughs, not worth 10 grand. Nope, more like 5, replies Philip. Mark is refusing to accept the watch as payment, tho he puts it on, as Philip asks if he ever heard of the Kiriakis family. Sure, says Mark, everyone in Europe has heard of Kiriakis. You treat the family with respect. I am Philip Kiriakis says Philip, and bingo, Mark is a changed man. Talks of just coming to see his old friend, Melanie, kisses her on both cheeks, then gets Philip in a bear hug, does the same to him, and out the door he goes. Phil asks Melanie how she scammed the guy for that much money, she replies she told him she could get him an Arabian horse for that much. Phil is impressed. They open cans of sodas, both sitting on a counter top, chat a bit, she gets the phone call from Nathan, Phil wonders how many more guys could pop up at some time or other, and wonders just what Nathan would think of her shady past. Melanie has returned to where she was sitting atop the counter, but stays standing, and it doesn’t take long before she & Philip are kissing.

Rafe comes into the Pub, telling Arianna that he found Sami, and Sydney, too…..she is now with her mother. Arianna is delighted, asks about Nicole. Rafe says she has been arrested, Arianna says she has said nothing to Brady, he is upstairs. While they talk, we see someone reading a newspaper, (I think it is called the Salem Spectator, lol) but it is obvious the person is hiding behind it. Rafe tells Arianna that Roman & Caroline are with Sami & Sydney, and he thought he should give them all some space…..however he has to leave now, he turns, and pulls the newspaper down, and there sits their sister, Gabriella. Seems Mom sent her to check up on Rafe & Arianna cuz they never hear from them, they haven’t called home in ages. She mentions Arianna doing drugs, going to prison, but is glad she got out early. Rafe & Arianna say they have been busy, but are contrite, promising to call tomorrow morning, and go visit mom next week. They tell Gabi she can get on the bus and return home, but she claims she is on winter break (how convenient!) and that mom went to visit gramma, so Gabi is going to stay a few days. (Bet it ends up being more than that!) Rafe takes Arianna aside, they have no idea where Gabi can stay, Ariana’s room is too small, she can’t stay with Rafe, Sami & the kids. Rafe reminds Arianna that there is a vacant room down the hall from Arianna’s, he will fix it with Caroline, and that gets settled. He is next outside with Gabi, telling her it is good to see her, mentions Arianna having a boyfriend. Gabi asks if he knows about Arianna being in prison, Rafe doesn’t think so. Says he is a nice guy, and he is happy that Gabi will be there for Thanksgiving. (Bet Sami will be surprised, huh?)

Brady has arrived at the jail to see Nicole, he is going to help. She is surprised, after all she did, but he is her friend. She moans how everyone hates her, and how she lost her baby. When Brady remarks how Chad’s DNA showed up a match with Sydney, Nicole realizes he doesn’t really know why she was arrested, thinks it is just for the illegal adoption. She takes advantage, asks him to post her bail. He goes away, returns, he has done so, even arranging for a room at a motel for her. She leaves, he returns to the Pub, Arianna is happy to see him, apologizing for not bringing the coffee upstairs as promised. Brady says he wasn’t up there anyway, that Chloe had texted him about Nicole being arrested, so he went to post bail for her. Arianna cannot believe this…”after everything she had done”. Brady has no idea what she is talking about.

EJ has returned to DiMansion, ranting into the phone to Fatha about Matteo changing his story and now accusing EJ of hiring him. He suddenly realizes that Fatha’ is the one who put Matteo up to this. He hangs up, turns to find Stefano sitting there in the room, smile on his face. EJ wants to know why, but Stefano assures him that tomorrow Matteo will blame someone else, and the next day another person, EJ will be off the hook. He offers EJ a brandy, EJ refuses, as Stefano lights a cigar. (And so much for his diet and lifestyle changes after his heart attack and diabetic coma). EJ asks why Stefano put the hit on Rafe, Stefano claims he thought he was investigating the DiMeras. EJ knows others have done so in the past, it should not have mattered. Now EJ starts talking about Sydney, getting custody, and as he talks, he is realizing that Stefano has known for some time. He mentions how Stefano was going to tell him something, but after Sami visited him, he changed his mind. EJ tells of Rafe testing Sydney’s DNA and that Samantha is her mother, and that Nicole switched the babies the night they were both born. But you knew that, didn’t you? Stefano is making excuses, talking of how he thought EJ loved Nicole. He says he did love her, but though EJ has been talking rather quietly, he is angry. Stefano talks of how EJ was raising his own child, as EJ comes up to his father, putting his hands on either side of Stefano’s face. EJ gets livid as he reminds his father how he let him mourn a child who was not even his, and his fingers slide down, and he tells Stefano he loves him, but he cannot do this….. and now his fingers are wrapped around Stefano’s throat, tighter and tighter, Stefano’s gags, as the breath is being squeezed from his body. EJ has him down on a table, not letting go. Aarrgghhhh.

Thanks for the great write up!!
I am so over the Stephanie/Nathan/Philip/Melanie thing! Sheesh!!! Not sure I even want to comment on it more than that! :)

Oh Brady!!! WHat have you done. I look forward to his reaction when he realizes the baby was Sami's! Yikes!!!

Go EJ...stangle Fatha!! Get him!! :)
Thanks, Barb.
I always look forward to your summaries.

Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie, what are we going to do with you??!!!
My, but we do have a lot of busy bodies in Salem, don't we. I guess it wouldn't be possible to write a soap without them. They always keep things stirred up.
Wow these have been some good Days episodes this week! Hate this mess with Mel and the others. Obviously she wants Philip so she needs to be with him. Its not fair to Nathan or her for them to be together. Stephanie is such a sleaze. And a few other things lol. Glad we didn't have to see bo and hope today. Bored with that. But I really like this Vivian person. She has the evil down to perfection. Have her and stefano ever been together? I think he would be the chick in that relationship lolol.

I can't wait to see brady find out what he did by getting Nicole out. And what will EJ do to fatha?! Come on Monday! Great write up!
Gadi is on winter break??? Dosent' that happen in December?

Stephano has more lives than a cat, Kate will arrive and save him
I am going to quote a line from one of my favorite movies. It seems to fit EJ. "You are hanging on by a very thin thread, and I dig that about you." Rod Tidwell to Jerry McGuire. I don't like EJ and Sami together, but I love that EJ's world is crashing down and he realizes it was his Father that was part of the master plan. James Scott plays the villan so well. He is one of my favorite actors on the show. We all love to hate him. :D
Thanks for the great write up as usual Barb!

I look forward to seeing EJ go after Stefano, however this is the first time in my life I think I am going to say this...Come on STEFANO...(I just hate EJ!!!)
Brady, should know by now how messed up Nicole is, and how it is always about herself.
Stephanie...get a life and stop acting like Maggie, Chloe, and everyone one else who sticks there nose in everyone's business...This action is getting old by everyone.
Melanie...What are you doing, just make up your mind!!
Gadi is on winter break??? Dosent' that happen in December?

Stephano has more lives than a cat, Kate will arrive and save him

Winter break is different for everybody. It depends on if Gabi is in high school or college and whether or not she goes to public or private school. I attend a private, Catholic university and our winter break begins the last week of November (or the week of Thanksgiving) and continues through the first weekend of the new year.
Thanks for the great write-up!

The Melanie/Stephanie/Philip/Nathan storyline I care nothing about. I fast forward through them on my DVD. The same with Hope, I don't care about her either.

So, maybe EJ will stop blaming Sami for whatever he is blaming her for.

I can't get over how simple Brady is acting. How dumb is he? Wait till he finds out the truth. It will be his fault Nicole is out of jail. She'll immediately get out and plot how she will take back Sydney. Thanks to Brady. What a simpleton.

Next week should be good!
Thanks for the write-up! I look forward to watching Friday's show! :)
Thanks for the recap Barb.
Good thing he stops before h kills Stfano or "Mommy Dearest" will take over the whole shabang. If I'm remebering correctly the prnup says if Stefano dies she gets everything. Am I right?
Thanks for the great write-up!

The Melanie/Stephanie/Philip/Nathan storyline I care nothing about. I fast forward through them on my DVD. The same with Hope, I don't care about her either.

So, maybe EJ will stop blaming Sami for whatever he is blaming her for.

I can't get over how simple Brady is acting. How dumb is he? Wait till he finds out the truth. It will be his fault Nicole is out of jail. She'll immediately get out and plot how she will take back Sydney. Thanks to Brady. What a simpleton.

Next week should be good!

Hi and welcome! And yo are so right! Brady is such a simpleton these days! Not only to with Nicole but with Arianna as well. I mean Mr. Knight in Shining Armour is willing to snoop out his grandfather all for the love of a dope dealing druggie....?
Well, it took a year, but looks like EJ has finally gotten the truth of what Tony once tried to tell him, that Stefano lets you be on top because he wants you there and when he doesn't anymore watch out!

Yeah Ej is a jerk, but he is a hot jerk.

Brady. Dumb on a stick. He is taking EJ's place as the new stooge of Salem.

Thanks for the write up.
Thanks for the write-up. Love that EJ is finally realizing what his father is capable of and that he will do whatever he has to to keep his children in line. I can't wait to see EJ go after Stefano. I know he won't kill him, but I know it will be good seeing Stefano realize that his beloved Elvis is trying to kill him.

As for Brady, can't wait to see him realize what he's done and how many people he's helped Nicole hurt (inadvertently). I also can't wait to see him and Sami when she realizes he's the one to get Nicole out of jail. That is going to be some good stuff.
I could just slug Brady for being so DUMB!!!! I really hope Lucas doesn't come back & get involved in this Sydney stuff. That's the last thing we need.

Please send Stephanie to a galaxy far, far, away. Enough of her and what she wants already.
When Brady pays the bail, he tells Nicole there is a bit of paperwork, and then she will be out. When the cop lets her out of the cell, returning the envelope with her belongings, she looks at a picture of Sydney in her walley, and says something about going to get her.
I could just slug Brady for being so DUMB!!!! I really hope Lucas doesn't come back & get involved in this Sydney stuff. That's the last thing we need.

Please send Stephanie to a galaxy far, far, away. Enough of her and what she wants already.

Agreed! Stephanie is in no position to judge Melanie (although she should make up her mind!). Steph is such a fake! Didn't she just make nice with Mel? Only to stab her in the back? I wish she would go live with her parents!

Brady! What the heck are you thinking??? Do you really think it's a good idea to spring a desperate, mentally unstable woman who would do anything to get Sydney back? Whoever said he was "dumb on a stick" nailed it!
When Brady pays the bail, he tells Nicole there is a bit of paperwork, and then she will be out. When the cop lets her out of the cell, returning the envelope with her belongings, she looks at a picture of Sydney in her walley, and says something about going to get her.

If indeed she does steal her .... I wonder how she will do it. I guess Sami/EJ don't know she will be out? How could they let her out of their sight?
I think Nicole will get Sydney from the mansion. Here is what I think...EJ will have Sydney at the mansion. Mary and the staff won't know what's happened with Sami really being the mother. So Nicole shows up and asks for Sydney, they give her the baby since they don't konw the whole story and she takes off.

I think the only thing that will save Brady is that he is eventually going to be the one that finds Nicole and Sydney and brings Sydney back to Sami.

I am SO done with Stephanie. Cannot stand her. I FF all her scenes.

Hope is really getting on my nerves too. Geez, funny how she was all mad that Bo originally brought Carly to their home and put their family in danger. But now that she's a little jealous...make that a lot it's ok to move back in the house. Well, hello the danger is still there. Someone had mentioned in a post that Hope had realized she was wrong and wanted to come home. I don't see it like that at all. I think she wants to come home because of Carly and that's it.

Not sure how I feel about the Vivian return. I was all excited because I loved her and Ivan but not sure so far.
I am SO done with Stephanie. Cannot stand her. I FF all her scenes.

Ha, that's exactly how I feel about Melanie; actually, I've felt that way about her since approximately last October. Rarely have I despised a character as strongly as I do Melanie. She's like nails on a chalkboard for me and has ruined Philip, who used to be my favorite. Oh well, c'est la vie.

I love Brady and I love Nicole, but really, Brady should be a little less trusting. However, pardon me for wondering when Nicole had her bail hearing and why bail was granted for someone the prosecution has every reason to believe is a flight risk, since she's tried to run with Sydney before. Does Sami not remember why she gave Nicole the $50,000 in the first place? Surely she would have mentioned that to Roman. So, so, SO stupid.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot!