Days of Our Lives - Mon. Aug. 2, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, Aug. 2, 2010
Episode #11,387 Taped 5/21 Director – Albert Alarr

Bo is talking to Ciara, who tells him the wallets Mommy had belonged to Uncle Roman, Uncle Justin, Uncle Abe. She wonders why Mommy had them. Bo hugs her, says he doesn’t know, but he will find out. Bo calls the lady cop over, tells her to watch out carefully for Ciara, she has been thru a lot. Jocelyn takes Ciara off to the playground before they play the game of “spit”. Lol. Now Bo gets a call from Justin, meets him at the Pub, where Justin tells him he is very worried about Hope, it is like she is two different people, Adrienne is worried, too. Bo gets a call from Hope, who is at the house, wants him to come now, they need to talk about Ciara, she has been saying some things.

Earlier, nighttime Hope has gotten dressed, checks herself in her compact mirror, remarking this is not her best look, but will suffice. She is ready to finish the job she started, spitting out “Brady, you are a dead man”. She calls Bo. She now is downstairs, spotting a letter opener on the table, is about to pick it up, when Vivian returns home. Viv starts saying something about Hope hating her, but Hope says that is not true. Viv reminds her she practically threw her out of the house earlier, when Carly was trying to fill Hope’s head with untruths about why she killed Lawrence, but admitting Lawrence had a few problems. She tries to tell Hope how Carly is to blame for everything, but Hope claims to form her own judgements. Hope says Carly spoke truths about some men, (she is eyeing that letter opener) but then tells Vivian to stop obsessing about her dead nephew, and start keeping an eye on her husband instead. Hope leaves.

Viv gets a gleam in her eye, and next we are watching Maggie put the finishing touches on a cake she has just covered with chocolate frosting when she answers the knock at her door. There stands Vivian, wanting to be invited in, Maggie doesn’t, Viv barges in anyway, babbling about how Maggie had a very long and happy marriage, was widowed less than a year ago, and already is making passes at Viv’s husband. Maggie indignantly denies this, they are just friends. Vivian persists, talking of how Maggie is always laughing and joking with Victor. That is what friends do, retorts Maggie. Vivian keeps it up, Maggie insists she get out of her house, right now, Viv warns her to stay away from Victor, or she’ll be sorry, Maggie says “Bite me” and slams the door in the departing Viv’s face. LOL Viv mutters that was a poor choice of words…my bite is worse than my bark.

Baker gets an unexpected call from Hope, who thanks him for his loyalty to her, says she is going away, won’t be around any more, and this is good-bye, hanging up abruptly. Next he gets a call from someone, and later meets Charlie down on the docks. Seems his filly came in, paid 50-1. Charlie gives him the envelope of cash, asking if he will now come to the poker game. Nope, Baker is leaving town. We later see him writing a note to Hope, saying he came into a windfall and is leaving town, too. He will never forget her, will always love her.

Nicole is talking to Marco, giving him his instructions, Baker’s picture, name and address, and that he should do whatever it is that he does. Marco figures she wants him whacked….no, no. Just keep him there, no phone calls, don’t let him leave, til I figure out what to do with him. Marco leaves, and within a couple seconds, a knock at the door, she figures Marco has come back with more questions…..but it is Brady, who asks who the guy was. Nicole always thinks so fast on her feet, claims he was a messenger from the news station. And before you can blink your eyes, Brady is kissing her, been thinking and thinking, realizes he cannot fight it. Whoosh, his shirt is off, they are on the bed, he is undoing her blouse, and bingo, we are in afterglow. Well….it is they who are in afterglow, Brady admitting she was always the one, he just fought it. They cuddle, very happy.

And down on the pier, EJ is still on bended knee, professing his love to Samanther, and going on very eloquently about marrying him. Sami is obviously touched, she is tearing up, but interrupts him…she can’t, she can’t accept, she still has feelings for Rafe. She just cannot do this. EJ doesn’t want to take no for an answer, saying something about taking her by the hair back to his cave (I played that back 3 times, could not get what he was trying to say). He talks of how when she told him she was intending to live permanently at the mansion, he knew things were different for them, they could have a great life, just as they have been, with the children. She is sorry, but no. He is rather dejected, and eventually we see them back at DiMansion, Sami again talking of not being able to accept him because of her feelings for Rafe. Now he wants her to just take the ring and hold onto it. She refuses, he insists, asking what he would do with it, wherever he put it would keep reminding him. She can put it in a sock if she wants. (then why doesn’t he?) He grabs her hand, putting the ring in it, closing her fingers over it. She is tearing up, of course, as Sami always does. In comes Johnny (cuz remember, Allie evidently no longer exists!) who wants to know why Mommy is crying. He sits between them, Sami just reminds him she has been crying a lot this past year, hasn’t she. There is talk about them being a family and being together, Johnny smirks a bit, “does this mean you are getting married”. Sami laughs, realizing Daddy has been talking to Johnny. Well, yes, a bit. Now EJ just tells Johnny that they are going to be together as a family, just like before, just like in that picture he drew.

And in Cleveland, Fay is ready to return to work, Rafe arrives, shows his badge, has questions about Nicole. Fay has to get back to work, if he can hang there, she will be talk with him when done. Fine with Rafe. Fay goes to her locker, opens it, takes out her purse, Rafe watches. When she is gone, he manages to open her combination lock, muttering to Fay that she should not be using birth dates of loved ones as the combination. He finds an envelope from Nicole to Fay, figures he hit the jackpot, but it is empty. He closes the locker, Fay returns, all ready to find out what kind of trouble Nicole is in now, asking immediately about that dear, sweet baby. Rafe assures her Sydney is fine, mentions Nicole is into something with EJ. He is casual, but firm in the questions he asks, Fay realizing Nikkie could be in trouble, especially when Rafe mentions Nicole losing her pardon. She admits Nicole told her something, making her promise not to tell a soul.

At the Brady house, Hope waits for Bo, slipping a knife into the sofa behind a cushion. Bo arrives home, and there is nighttime Hope, who admits she only said that about Ciara to get him there. You can see Bo is wary, with the questions he asks, or things he says. Hope talks of the lovely home….so many memories. Bo agrees. She then talks of him moving another woman into this home, into her bed, calling him Beauregard. She turns away, slips the knife out from behind the cushion. Bo is saying she is scaring him, he doesn’t want her to hurt herself. Oh, she won’t hurt herself…..(and if you saw Glenn Close do this in that movie, Fatal Attraction) Hope raises the knife, spitting out that “on behalf of women everywhere” this is the end for you, Bo Brady, (we don’t see him) as she springs forward, the knife in her hand, plunging towards him.

Thanks for the write-up. Wow sounds like a great show. Sami finally is getting a little of the brain today and refuses to marry EJ. Bo/Hope- what out Bo because Hope wants blood

This sounds like the best episode in a very long time as far as action and relationships (Bo/Hope, Maggie/Vivian, Brady/Nicole, etc.) No fast-forwarding through any of this! I get so tired of the many repeated scenes which have seemed to be numerous during the past few months. Looks like every scene in this episode is fresh and different. The only thing I'll miss in today's episode is Victor - I just LOVE Victor!
Am I the only one aggravated by EJ not taking no for an answer. It makes him seem pathetic.
Guarantee you, kitkat, even more so as you watch.

He ordered the ring from some jeweler in London....amazing, huh? Guess ol U.S.A. just has no jewelers worth anything. But truly, it is Hope who is just soooooo scary, today. Bo can see this for himself. I think the minute he sees her with the nighttime Hope "look" his antennae goes up.
Thanks for the writeup!

I have enjoyed the Night Time Hope storyline and think Kristian Alfonso is doing a great job. Unfortunately it's about the only thing I'm enjoying besides Maggie and Victor.

Arrrgggh, Brady and Nicole make me sick. He is just so stupid. He's been preaching to Sami not to trust EJ, but yet he trusts Nicole and thinks she's changed. He sure forgot about Arianna fast.

And don't even get me started on Sami and EJ....blech! At least she said no, but as usual that means nothing to him.

Days was dead last in total viewers last week. Does that tell TPTB anything? They need to fix this mess.
Wow!! Great write up! I will be sure not to miss this one!!

If I was Maggie...I'd have smacked Viv in the face with that cake she just made!! :)
Thanks for the write up. Will be seeing the show in about 10 mins. So looking forward to it. Bet Hope will be great. Oh no Brady and Nicole. Wonder if another miracle baby is on its way. Sure hope not.
Can't wait for Monday's episode. Loved Maggie's comment---way to go Maggie!!
In the episode description quote "EJ just tells Johnny that they are going to be together as a family, just like before, just like in that picture he drew". At this point I was anxiously awaiting for Johnny to say "like when you had Sydney all the time Daddy and wanted to go on the long trip". I had to re-read that section to make sure I didn't miss any hints along that line and now I'll have to anxiously wait until Monday, the time is nearing when Johnny will let this cat out of the bag.
Nope, Johnny doesn't say a word about that. Actually, he says very little.
In the episode descritiption quote "EJ just tells Johnny that they are going to be together as a family, just like before, just like in that picture he drew". At this point I was anxiously awaiting for Johnny to say "like when you had Sydney all the time Daddy and wanted to go on the long trip". I had to re-read that section to make sure I didn't miss any hints along that line and now I'll have to anxiously wait until Monday, the time is nearing when Johnny will let this cat out of the bag.

Well Theo knows the secret and he's already blabbed Ciara's secret. Maybe he will blab this one too... one can hope???
Wow i cannot wait for this!

also I think one of the writers really really has it bad for the saying "Bite Me" Victor used it once or twice- now Maggie, I think Nicole used it once...
someone over there really wants someone to go Mike Tyson on someone... maybe they should ask Poirot for some more synonyms or witty comebacks if all they can come up tih for everyone is "bite me"
But good epp. I hope it lives up to Poirot's portrayal/writing.
Poirot said:
Sami is obviously touched,...

I'll certainly agree with that. Back in the olden days, people would have called her "tetched." :rotfl:

(Yes, Barb, I know what you really meant but couldn't pass it up.)

How dumb Can you be

Please dear writers - give Brady a brain- stupid, stupid, I tape the show and just skip the nicole parts-its just too stupid
An Emmy Please

Hope is so real in the double role - wow what acting. sometimes, I think it is two diffent people-scary...
Thanks for the great writeup!

Did Maggie really say "Bite Me!"? LOL, our Maggie said that! :rotfl:

Glad to see that Sami finally has a good thought in her head and says NO. But... I thought EJ's proposal was beautiful and very romantic.

I am loving Hope in dual roles. Kristen does such a great job! Very realistic. I have to wonder about the ending, though. Barb, you said Bo was not shown, so if I may venture a guess or two... (1) it's Hope thinking/dreaming about it or (2) Bo is standing there ready for the attack and stops Hope in her tracks. You mentioned that he seemed wary of her so it would make sense that he would be ready for anything.