Days of Our Lives - Mon. Apr. 22, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 22, 2013

Kristen is frustrated, having been unable to find Manila envelope. She calls Brady, who tells her Maggie has returned her scarf, she says she could not find the envelope, he mentions taking it out at Common Grounds to get an opinion from Marlena, so Kristen offers to go check there.
Earlier, Maggie had brought the scarf to the DiMera home, saw the team Tshirt that John had given Kristen, and told Brady a couple tales of coaching a kids' team years ago, and how she realized, that day that John gave the shirt to Kristen, his deep feelings for her. She claims now perhaps John just wanted to remind Kristen of a time when things went more smoothly. Brady isn't buying that. She mentions the plaque his dad gave him from the gondola, but he thinks his dad perhaps is jealous of him.

At Common Grounds, Ciara looks at the Manila envelope, (with the name on it visible to us, not to her) draws out the picture and stares. Hope returns, is busying herself with someothing and distractedly asks what Ciara has. Ciara evades the answer, putting the envelope in her backpack, and eventually mentioning a surprise for Daddy, but she isn't telling Mommy, cuz then it would not be a surprise. Hope has good news, she just got off the phone with Daddy, he finished what he had to do, and is coming home. Ciara is very happy, thinks they should go tell gramma, and off they go.
Kristen visits Common Grounds, hears from a waitress the envelope is probably in the trash, so she goes out back and pokes thru the yukky garbage. Later the waitress comes and says that the particular trash where the envelope she saw was deposited has already been picked up. Yayyy, thinks Kristen. It is destroyed.

John meets up with Brady in the Square, Brady reads him a riot act about giving Kristen the shirt, claims John is jealous of his own son, tells his dad he is marrying Kristen, get used to the idea. He also says Marlena is right, John still has feelings for Kristen. Just then she calls, & he arranges to meet her at home.
Now John runs into Maggie, who brings up seeing the shirt. John clams up, Nagging Maggie persists, is worried that Brady might resort to drinking again, and since she is his sponsor...John tells her in no uncertain terms to butt out, and leaves her standing alone. LOL

Chad & Abby sit in the square, waiting for Anne to show up They want to try an head off trouble for Cameron, from them all being at the strip club last night. Anne shows up, but before the duo can say a word, she is apologizng for last night, thanking them for getting her home, claiming she doesn't really drink, so it must have affected her quickly. She then apologizes to Abby for "previous" misunderstandings, claims that she realized when Chloe left town the way she did, that everything Chloe had said about Abby and her mother was just a pack of lies. She talks of recently being given a promotion, and not wanting any hard feelings to cause any problems. Abby & Chad both say fine, Anne turns away, and the face she makes is hysterical.

Over at the hospital Abe & Theo run in Cameron. Theo's therapist comes out for him, Abe talks to Cameron, has not seen him around. Talks of how Theo cares about him, etc. Cameron claims it is work, even admitting to a side job to help pay his school bills, and that in a month or so he will be able to spend more time with Theo. Abe is expressing concern, Cam tells him to butt out, leave him alone. Abe starts to say he is family, when Cam curtly cuts him off. Abe is not family. Only Theo is. He leaves to make rounds. Maxine has overheard, Abe asks her if Cam is alright. Maxine says he is a fine doctor, is trying to live down the gossip that he only got the job because of sis, Lexie.

Abby arrives, runs into Cam, starts to tell him she is sorry for what happened last night, and he lights into her, telling her to just leave him alone, mind her own business. He takes off, Abby talks to Maxine, who knows he has a second job (doesn't know what it is). Abby hints about anne perhaps making trouble, and to let her know if she hears anything.
Next, Abby is in Kayla's office (calling her Dr. Brady????) using her computer. She daydreams about Cam coming and apologizng, then kissing her, but pulls herself together, figuring that will never happen.
Maxine is at the nurse's station, hearing Anne asking the hospital adminitrator's asst. a question about seeing him. It is about an employee, very important, could affect the hospital's reputation. The asst. promises to talk to him, but warns he is leaving town in a couple hours for Chicago. Anne walks away murmuring..."Chicago. Perfect".

At the rectory, Nicole is trying to get some flyers out, Vargas comes in, she is swamped, no lunch, just a breakfast bar in her purse. He leaves, returns with a couple packages, offers to help her with her mail merge, and next they are eating take out chicken, she is grateful. Guess what, he even brought dessert, a powdered sugar cream filled bismark. Now he pulls out a can of whipped cream. She protests, already cream filled. He shakes it, squirts a bit in his mouth, then says one can never have too much whipped cream. He sprays some on the donut, but actually on her fingers holding the donut. She smiles, starts to lick one of her fingers. He grabs her hand, licks one of the fingers, she gets solemn, and next thing, they are kissing passionately ...on the desk, right under the picture of the Pope!
Nagging Maggie persists, is worried that Brady might resort to drinking again, and since she is his sponsor...John tells her in no uncertain terms to butt out, and leaves her standing alone.

:clap::clap: You tell her, John!! I have loved Maggie for so many years, but this buttinski behavior is really a turn off.
P.S. Hope & Ciara go to the Pub, are eating some clam chowder. Hope gets a work phone call, goes off to the side to take it. Ciara sits with her chowder, pulls out the picture, and in comes Kristen & John. Ciara is looking at the pic, and Kristen, back and forth a couple times.
Thank you, Poirot.
I wish someone besides Ciara will look at that dang picture already.

Wait a minute....Ciara, Theo, and Abe are all on today? WOW!

Yep, John's got a plan. Wish he was on more, and not a prop for Kristen and Brady. I just don't like that he's hurting Marlena in the process. In the same storyline....I am so tired of Kristen and Brady.

The Abby / Chad / Cameron / Ann storyline is just plain stupid.

Nicole and Vargas in the rectory!?!? In front of the Pope's picture!?!?! Is it Pope Benedict (since filmed so long ago), Pope Francis (could have been put in digitally), or a fake picture? I hope it taped so I can see. :) These two are the only ones besides John who interest be today.
Kristen mentioned him to Maggie. She said something about how it would be if Neil Curtis showed up and he and Maggie just went for a friendly stroll. Maggie said it would be possible for them to go for a friendly stroll. The context was a reference to John and Kristen NOT being able to just go for a friendly stroll. I'm paraphrasing here but the comparison was between these two former relationships.