Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stefano is smart, strong, calm,collected.. He is a true mastermind, unlike Ej who acts and reacts impulsively... He knows Ej's every reckless move
EJ is really naive if he thought Stefano was going to crawl away and die...
Can't wait for Fatha to crush that worthless ingrate!
Today is the first time I paid enough attention to Sami to see that her Salem jail-issued denim shirt is tailored to fit her body like a glove and enhance her bust-line.

I remember the last time she was in jail; the denim shirt was oversize and tied at her waist.
Looking forward to this episode...maybe Jenn will have a revelation about her ill-fated relationship with Dr Sleaze while's she's chasing white rabbits? One can hope.... I love humourous episodes, this one looks like it'll be enjoyable. Too bad Billie couldn't return for this installment of the Book Club.
Rafe has been in that hospital forever! he was place in that forsaken bed so EJ-Sami could happen without interference...He must be covered with bed sores...I am asking for volunteers to help me give him a proper sponge bath!! Anyone interested?
I'm in. When do we leave. I have some hospital experience
I enjoyed the book club scenes especially when Julie talked about cruising.. then she had
the big purse and everyone wondered if Doug was in it :)

How many like eating peanut butter with a spoon? I do.
I have colored paperclips. Mine are plastic. Maybe that's why the
handcuffs wouldn't open.

Interesting what Rafe told Sami in the video.

The look on EJ's face made me laugh when he realized nothing was found
at the Bernardi house. When will EJ understand there will be only way to get
Samantha out of the mess? Stefano told him he would be begging. Will EJ do it?
I enjoyed the silliness and laughing of the book club gals. Julie complaining about the cruises was hysterical! Loved, loved, loved Kayla! So refreshing to see her in a situation so different than the hospital. She was still so logical and profound in her points on the book. They didn't really need the pot laced donuts to make this work but had to prop the JJ drug story, I get it! Nicole was quite interesting through the whole scene. Can they please give her some story worth her amazing talent?

Elvis was intolerable as usual I hope he blew it big time today..with Stefano and the Salem P D. Sick of his sanctimonious attitude.
I laughed alot during the book club scenes. We need more of the 'comedy' on Days....the last really fun episode was the boys at the strip club - dancing for charity...and that was a few months ago!

Rafe's video for Sami was touching...can't wait for him to start therapy..his scenes should be riveting!