Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 16, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Time for a nap, as have to say, today seems to be a time filler, but others may find interesting scenes. Tis a new day in Salem, Kristen wakes up, Brady brings her breakfast in bed, room service he calls it. Small talk, wedding plans, calling florists, etc.
Nicole is doing another interview of a good candidate, with whom she finds fault, but this one tells her she was warned by the agency that Nicole had already turned down 16 good candidates, and doesn't really seem to want to leave the job herself. They have a few words, the woman leaves.
Eric is calling the hotel, asking the female desk clerk some questions about the night he stayed, but though she wants to help him, the boss is worried about bad publicity. However, she agrees to come to Salem to talk to him. Now the agency calls Eric, telling him about Nicole turning down all these people. She walks in, he questions her, she mentions a couple of the women's inabilities, one which Eric notes, Nicole cannot even do herself. They argue just a bit, Brady walks in, seems Sister Elizabeth said there was a cancellation, so they want to move up their wedding, which will be in just a few days now. Eric doesn't say anything, you know, the soap opera non-answer for a commercial break. Nicole flits out, after reminding Brady what a big mistake this is. Eric says sure, he will marry them, all is fine. Nicole plops herself on a bench outside, noting to God she has done all she could to try and open Brady's eyes as to why he should not marry kristen, to no avail. But she suddenly gets a brainstorm, says "I know...thank you" and takes off.

Theresa & Anne are jabbering away as Theresa fingers Dr. Jonas' bracelet, and then they spot Jen. Abby arrives to join Jen, says Chad is fine, is going with Jen to JJ's arraignment. Theresa walks past them, drops the bracelet, Abby notes it is Daniel's, Theresa pretends not to know, is smirking, said she found it. Jen is not up for these games, she say, and takes off. More smirking from Theresa. Daniel comes by, she returns his bracelet, he just thanks her & leaves. Gee, she thought he'd be more grateful. But look, says Anne, he left his keys. Theresa smiles, takes them, goes out to have a duplicate of his apt. key made, returns, smirks some more to Anne.
She takes her duplicate key. gets into Daniel's apartment, snoops around, finds that broken pic of Jen & Daniel, sits on the sofa, talking to herself about it, and Daniel and Jen being no more, returns the pic (please tell me exactly WHO keeps broken glass in a drawer?) changes her mind, and takes the pic with her, the frame is coming all apart now. She leaves, muttering something about Jennifer.

A sullen JJ is sitting in his cell when Justin arrives, tries to tell him to get his act together, as he has to grow up. JJ rants on and on about how everyone lied to him, his father was a rapist and all pretended he was some hero. Justin says he was, he made mistake, we all do, but he straightened his life around, became a good man. JJ is not appeased, he is sorry he is named after his father. Justin gets angry, scold him for his pity party, but JJ doesn't care if he stays in jail. Justin tells him to ask Nick what life was like in prison for him. Justin gets really ticked, telling JJ that things may be bad for him, but are worse for others, Chad was shot last night, took 2 bullets, Abby was there, could have been killed herself. This takes JJ aback, he sits down. However, the cop comes for him, takes him to court. Jen, Abby and Hope (who came for support) are sitting in the back. JJ is brought in, Justin follows. Judge Goldberg (tough man) comes in, all rise, etc. He recites the charges against JJ, who pleads not guilty. (possessing and selling drugs, assault, vandalism). In the matter of bail, the judge notes that after his previous shoplifting offense, JJ continued to flaunt laws, and so bail is denied. Poor Justin was barely able to get a "Judge" out, but was ignored. This judge is hard nosed, no nonsense. Faces fall at the "no bail" pronouncement.

Dr. Dan is in his office, makes a call reducing some meds Chad is taking, decides to check out that flashdrive. He puts it in, and is about to open the icon, and of course gets interupted, pulls it out, throwing it under a file or something resting on a book, as he welcomes Kristen. She is all excited, thanks him for saving Chad, tells him wedding is moved up, he is best man so be prepared. She notes Jen is maid of honor, but Daniel says that is no problem, Jen is very focused now on JJ's problems. They talk a bit about Parker, a nurse comes in to give him his keys, he gets a call to surgery and leaves. Kristen asks if she can use his office for a few calls, it is bedlam at home. (man, what a flimsy excuse). Sure, make yourself at home. Dan rushes out, she plops herself in his chair, laptop open in front of her, and the camera focusing on the little blue flashdrive behind it.

The hotel clerk comes into ERic's office, he is thanking her. She wonders what she could tell him that she hasn't already. Oh, he has a few questions about the woman who checked in at the same time. Oh, Fay Taylor, replies the clerk.

Brady opens the door at the Kmansion to Nicole, who knows he probably doesn't want to talk to her. He agrees, has heard it all 6 thousand times already. Nope, no you haven't. Not this. Kristen has been unfaithful to you.
Kid's father died in a horror movie death by falling down a elevator shaft, her son is a criminal, and her daughter has an IQ of a salad bar... Her life sucks.".. Though it is insanely funny... But Anne really hit it below the belt!!

Polenta brain Brady Black so deserves to have his heart stumped on.. He is dumb/deaf and blind!

So glad that Kristen has Zero chance of ever conceiving a child.. Though she probably be a good mom..She sucks at being human!
I agree, Mandie, Anne was mean today... but also funny. I'm sorry, I loved the "IQ of a salad bar" line ! :rotfl:So true. Abigail is not that bright is she ? Though she is more boring than stupid, contrary to Brady. Polenta brain, indeed. And now Eric too. I can just see him firmly believe Nicole raped him. :sick::mad:

Oh, and flashy being on Dan's desk while Kristen needs to make phone calls. Where's her cell ? Sooooo contrived, sooooo stupid. :rolleyes:

JJ, Jennifer, Abigail, Justin (though he did speak some truth and I love Justin) : :zzz:

Theresa : Crazy ! And how did she know what key was the key to Dan's apartment ? Was it marked ? :rolleyes: Another contrived and stupid thing.

Lastly : While I love Nicole, I love her loyalty to her friends, I now want to tell her : enough. Give it up ! Both Brady and Eric have told you, very rudely, to "butt out". So let them get burned and come crawling back to you, begging for your forgiveness. In the meantime, step back, please ! This is getting annoying to see Nicole argue with Eric and Brady all the time. Frankly, these men don't deserve her friendship anymore.
Nooo Nicole needs to leave that job at the rectory. Time for Eric to come chasing her.

Can't believe they had us with the possibility of that lovely new job and now they are going down the path of her not following through. Unfair.

Another Candy..... wasn't Sonny and Will's babysitter the other day called Candy as well.
This name must be more popular in Salem than elsewhere.

"god how could you make Brady so dumb"

The writers are having god delusions. I wish they would get Brady back to having an ounce of sense.
Do love these moments between Eric, Nicole and Brady, they work really well together, it would be lovely if they had something less gruesome to focus on.

Nicole pulls out the trump card.

Brady bails the moment he thinks his women folk are going to choose someone else.
The Salem "justice" system is a marvel to behold. JJ, who is charged with simple assault, vandalism (criminal mischief), and a low-level drug offense is denied bail, while out in the world beyond Salem persons charged with major felonies who are not deemed serious flight risks are granted bail. Is this judge so frustrated by the Salem P.D.'s failure to catch serious criminals, including the DiMeras, that he drops the hammer on the few poor miscreants who are unlucky enough to end up before him? That said, Theresa better hope that she doesn't end up in front of this judge. A smirking girl with a taste for controlled substances, who has committed criminal trespass by entering the Love Doctor's apartment, could expect no mercy. Another person who would fare poorly is Kristen. If convicted of drugging and raping a priest, she could expect a maximum sentence from this judge, who, If he could, would probably order her to be hanged in the middle of the Town Square.
Another boring episode. Boring week overall. Yawn. Just as I suspected, lots of suspended scenes of people staring at the flashdrive--I wonder if it has it's own contract.

The only thing I'll say about the whole Eric/Kristen situation is that it involves so many other characters: Brady, Victor, Marlena, Nicole, Daniel and soon enough Jennifer and Sami and probably Stefano and the Salem PD once the truth comes out.

Why weren't Kayla and Adrienne in the court scenes? The show does some ensemble scenes right(i.e. SPD scene last week) and then does other ones completely wrong(i.e. missing Marlena on Monday).
LOL, that is what the judge noted......his middle name, Patrick. I remember that the only reason for the JJ was because he was also was Jack, Jr. ...thus JJ.
No, he isn't. But I guess it was to differentiate him from his father, when Jack was alive.

Writers always find a way to to that when they someone named after some relative still alive. Thus Roman's daughter was named after his mother, who is always called Caroline, so they call Roman's daughter "Carrie". And Marlena named her daughter after her sister Samantha, so she is Sami.......tho the DiMeras love to call her by her full name. When Bo named his son after his dad, the son was always called Shawn Douglas, or Shawn D.

Sorry, got off track here......just nothing much in the show today.

But the judge did say Jack Patrick Deveraux

And let me add, I am soooo sick of the Kristen raping Eric flashbacks, it truly is overkill. She cannot have a conversation about the weather without flashing back, and the same goes for Eric. If anyone says hello, he is remembering his dreams, images. Enough is enough!!!
Seriously Wardrobe Department needs reprimanding...First Abby was dressed up like a atrocious granny and her hair was hideous to Sami/Ej bloodbath engagement party... Now Nicole ensemble was a monstrosity.. Fix it.. Do they spend all their money on Sami that they have nothing left!
I'm glad they said Jack Patrick today as I had forgotten about that and thought the show currently had 2 Jacksons.

I remember when Shawn Sr died Belle and everyone started referring to Shawn-Douglas as just Shawn. But didn't Marlena also call her sister Sami? That was way before my time but I remembee the episode when Marlena was down in the pit in the abandoned house and she had a vision of her sister and called her sister Sami.
Marlena sometimes called her sister just "Sam".

In that flashback, I think she did refer to Samantha (her twin) as Sami and Samantha called Marlena "Marni".

Sami was called Samantha (as a baby/child) and wasn't called "Sami" until she came back to Salem as a teen and Alison Sweeney started playing her.