Days of Our Lives - Wed. Nov. 27, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The show opens with replays of all the closing scenes from yesterday, and it would seem, the most interesting part of the entire show today. Gabi is doing her histrionics and that takes up a good portion of time today. As Kate, Sami & Gabi finally roll Nick's body into the rolling river (lol, at the bubbles the pump is shooting up) and he comes to, grabbing at them, screams as the shocked ladies try to fend off his grabbing hands, but Nick is yelling Help, help, and then, just rolls backwards into the middle of the river, and down he goes. Gabi is hysterical, and cannot say how many times Kate & Sami have to calm her down, telling her to think of her baby. She is sobbing about Nick not being dead, but Sami claiming he was, (she says hey, what am I...a doctor? We all thought he was dead) First Gabi wants to go save him, (drowning herself in the process, as Sami points out) then she moans about going to the police. Kate stays the calmest, and after doing their best to get Gabi settled down, they fill Nick's bag with rocks, and all 3 together, throw it in the river. Alas, no one noticed that the tag on the strap was caught on a bush branch. The camera noted it though, several times. Gabi wants to just go home now, hold her baby. Good idea. The women leave, all going their separate ways. Kate has commented that she will keep Nick's phone, to make people think he is in NY now, and since she has the receipt for what he shipped over there already, will arrange to have someone pick the stuff up. She & Sami comment that his family would not be suspicious at all if Nick just melted into the woodwork in NY.

Hope arrives at DiMansion with a search warrant, doesn't go in herself, sends 3 cops. EJ asks if she is not going to give him a lecture on what a monster Kristen was. She smiles, no lecture, just one sentence. Your sister is exactly like you. She takes off.

Brady is on the phone with the informant who claims to know where Kristen is, arranging to meet him in the park somewhere, will pay him. He paces in the park, the guy shows up, gives him an adress, but says she may not be there long, get over there now, and also mentions how she keeps saying Brady's name over and over and over. As the guy leaves with Brady's money, Hope comes out, had been eavesdropping, sees the address is the worst part of town, will go with Brady, and calls for backup. They get to some seedy apt., Brady kicks open the door, bunch of druggies in various stages of being out of it. He sees the blond in the corner, her back to him, goes over, turns her around. Nope, not Kristen, tho she recognizes Brady, insists she is Kristen. Hope gets her on her way with backup, saying the woman saw Brady's picture in the paper, and is so wasted. The woman is insisting she is Kristen, and that Brady came back to her. Everyone is out of the room, Brady is disappointed, looks at the large pkg. of what I guess is cocaine, starts to leave, but goes back and grabs it.

Eric refuses to give Nicole any story. They discuss it a bit, but the bishop told him to stay away from the press. He talks about wanting to resume his life as a priest, is disappointed Nicole would try to use him for a story. She asks what did he expect...after he accused her, refused to believe her denial, would even begin to think she would do such a horrible thing. He knows he hurt her, is sorry. But he is now disappointed in her. He leaves, goes to DiMansion, looking for Sami. Not there, EJ has no idea, but will tell her he was there. Eric comments that he & Sami have talked a lot since this incident, and she never ever mentions EJ's name. EJ asks what Eric thinks is the reason, and ERic figures that EJ knew all along and Sami is covering it. LOL. EJ assures the good Father that he & Sami are very much in love, but Eric says this is not going to last, because of the kind of man EJ is. And it only a matter of time.

Nicole runs into Victor, buys him a drink, and sits talking over events. She chastizes him a bit, but actually thanks him for his dastardly deeds, because now Brady did not marry the witch, realizes what she is and Kristen is gone. Cheers. She also comments that she is off the hook with Eric who now realizes the truth. Victor is puzzled, she explains the accusations of her drugging and seducing him. Vic is mean he really was drugged? Yes, I am the one who found him, all out of it, and got him to the hospital. Vic says on video he did not appear that way.
Eric is returning, stopping outside, looking up, telling God he knows he is being tested, and he has to find the way. He goes inside as Nicole exits another.
Kate is walking along, Nick's phone rings, someone asking if he is o.k. She texts back that all is fine, he is in NY, very busy, lots to see and do. The person sends back, Good Luck.

Lucas comes to visit Will with a gift for his granddaughter's 6 mos. birthday. But Ari just got put down, not for long, we hear her cry, Sonny goes. Will tells Lucas about Gabi taking the job in NY, Lucas is not all that thrilled, but understands and promises to talk to Sami about this. Will knows she is going to be on his case about him moving. Sonny comes out holding Ari, says he was playing with her, loves her so much, and so...figures that Manhattan could probably use a Club TBD, too. Everyone is happy, jabber, jabber, Lucas leaves, promising he will come to NY for 1 yr. birthday, and for Will to call him if he needs anything.

Sami arrives home as the cops are leaving, gets a bit worried, EJ explains. She won't say where she had been, just "out". Ej says the cops found nothing in Kristen's stuff, and the kids were already asleep when they arrived. He talks of not bothering her, and will withdraw into his corner, but comments at her wearing the earrings he gave her for Valentine's Day, and it being a good sign. He leaves the room. She is smoothing her hair, looking in the mirror, and suddenly realizes one earring is missing. Where could it be. No, no, not there. She flashes back to them dragging Nick to the edge of the river. The camera shows the swirling water, the bits of bubbly foam, goes to the bank, and there rests Samanther's earring, shining brightly.

Gabi arrives home, says she has something to tell them. She is pale, looks upset. The guys get her water. She is sitting on the sofa, gets up, she can't, she thought she could but she just can't. They are perplexed. What is it? She starts by saying "I am not moving to NY, I am not taking the job. And that is as far as she gets, as the guys grin from ear to ear, babbling wonderful news, thanking her. Will has her in a big bear hug. She is looking startled.
So the tag is left behind, his bag is full of rocks (which could likely be fingerprinted in any normal investigation), and his cell phone signal could also be traced.

Did they at least strap the backpack to him? Because if not, Kate probably should have shipped that off to new york too.
Yes, and there is a clip up in the Dec. 2 week in Crystal Ball which might give folks an idea of what happens when that occurs.
Hey, that's right. they actually used the word "rape" which they did not do yesterday. I kept hearing, "he put his hands on me" and "he attacked you". Well, Gabi was just so hysterical constantly that she was getting tiresome. Oh, I understood it, Made me laugh because Kate & Sami worked in unison, knew what had to be done, were so much calmer, and in the end...agreed they "did it for Will".
I wish we would see more Kate and Sami together. I guess we might get that over the next couple months or so?

Anyone else wondering if Brady's tip was set up by a DiMera to lead him to temptation in that crackhouse? After his words with EJ yesterday, I'm wondering.
Sami, Kate and Gabi were still the best part of the show. Kate and Sami schooling Gabi on how to deal with this going forward was priceless. All the where's Sami, EJ telling Brady, Hope, Eric he didn't know he wished he did, Will telling Sonny he hoped Sami wasn't doing something crazy, cut to scene of Sami, Kate and Gabi doing something crazy - were perfect.

Interesting that Brady, Hope and Eric all reminded EJ of who and what he is, and that Sami will leave him.

I'm so glad Eric told off Nicole and EJ.

Unfortunately, Brady is still to stupid to live. It's a good thing he's pretty.

Sonny is a way better boy friend than Will.
They really need to stop with people like Sami and EJ talking about rape. It just comes across as ridiculous. A couple weeks ago EJ chastised Sami about her drugging and raping Austin and yet she wasn't allowed to say anything back to him about what he did to her. And now Sami telling Gabi that Nick tried to rape her and therefore him dying is what he deserved....and then she goes home to her rapist. There's just too much hypocrisy in these scenes.

I'm glad that people like Brady, Hope, and Eric can see EJ for who he really is. I just wish Sami would wake up and smell the DiMera. Loved Hope's line to EJ that he is just like his sister. Yep. And Eric isn't fooled by EJ either.
EJ to Sami: "Where have you been young lady?" SERIOUSLY!?! And he wasn't even joking. This is supposed to be a "love story"?

Ok moving on...

I thought it was hysterical when Hope and Brady entered the apartment and Hope had the gun drawn yet a bunch of people ran out right past her! Other than that, I thought Brady was pure filler today. And if the point of that was to get him to try drugs again, why would he need to go on a wild goose chase to do so? He is already hurting so it's plausible he'd just starting doing drugs or drinking.

Nick's bag was empty. Very interesting camera angles in the river scenes. At first I thought the women were being watched as in one of the early scenes it appeared the camera was under water watching Gabi. I don't think Nick is dead.

I kind of tuned out everyone else but I may watch again tonight or over the weekend.

No Rafe all week
Perhaps the collar was choking Eric..He appeared to be smarter sans collar..Eric NOT only suspect that Ej knows more than he is willing to let out..But he figured that is why Sami hasn't mention Ej to him!

Eric telling Ej that his relationship with Sami is fleeting...Ej is sweating...Guess once he finds out about Nick...He is going to blackmail Sami into staying with him!
Hey Poirot you forgot to mention that Sami told Gabi that nick got justice because he tried to rape Gabi. Funny how that only works one way cause jr raping Sami was love according to her. Hypocrite.
It seems as if Sami thinks that EJ is some sort of DiMera superman for whom the ordinary rules of society simply don't apply, so that when he commits what would be rape if done by a mere mortal, with him it really isn't. A not so super Salemite is the still-clueless Brady. When word gets around that he's paying for information on the whereabouts of Kristen, he going to be a mark for every con man in the country. In fact, he'll probably now be getting more than his share of emails from Nigerian princes offering him a share of a $500 million fortune. However, paying probable fraudsters may be a better option than relying on the Salem P.D., which only now is getting around to searching the DiMansion. As for the supposed death of Nick Fallon, it's turning into a farce. The co-conspirators are leaving a trail of evidence behind that's a mile wide. That said, it probably won't matter if Sami left an earring on the riverbank. The Salem P.D. is so inept that she could have left behind a plastic bag containing notarized letter stating: "I helped drown that doody-head Nick Fallon, whom I HATED," and Roman's cops wouldn't catch on. Only in Salem.
That said, it probably won't matter if Sami left an earring on the riverbank. The Salem P.D. is so inept that she could have left behind a plastic bag containing notarized letter stating: "I helped drown that doody-head Nick Fallon, whom I HATED," and Roman's cops wouldn't catch on. Only in Salem.
I watched the show without FF again. That's two days in a row ! Wow ! :) And I must admit, it made me laugh so hard. Unfortunately, not because I find it so good, though it is a little more interesting than usual, but mainly because some scenes are so stupid, so badly written, one can only laugh. The three women, and Nick, screaming at the top of their lungs, AGAIN, and no one in sight. Gotta love this ! Kate telling Gabi "You're not used to this" when talking about killing someone : priceless. :rotfl: Only in Salem indeed. The same women getting back to HTS, Gabi almost yelling how they murdered Nick. And Sami and Kate being afraid and trying to shush her. Again, it does not matter. Even if the police officers of the infamous Salem PD had been there, they would not have cared one iota. One case at a time, and they were already busy searching the Dimera mansion, a week after Kristen's escape. :rotfl:Yeah, in the words of Dr. Phil : "So... How's that working for you ?".

Lucas was there, gotta love him, though him, Will and Sonny were kind of filler today. Oh, well, I still love me some Lucas. :love:

Eric is not as brainless as Brady or Sami at least. He knows EJ knew and I say "Good for him", though I don't like the way he made Nicole feel. Yes, she was wrong not asking for an interview right away, but we had to have the cheap drama, even in that. :rolleyes:

Victor and Nicole ? I love them both ! Just love them, what can I say ? :love:

Oh, and finally, the great cop Hope Brady, still having to put up with brainless Brady, who just knocks a door down, to further show how Hope is the best of the best... for the Salem PD, that is. :rotfl:And the Kristen look alike. So, how many crazy people are there in Salem ? Oh, never mind ! :rolleyes:

Brady taking the drugs : saw that one coming a mile away.

But... amazingly enough... I'm at least amused by the show lately. I'm sorry if this sounds pretentious, I just don't know how else to put it. :wink:
Brady was due to take those drugs. He was showing being tempted right and left by the booze, so it was only a matter of a few hours when the temptation would get the best of him, and it did.
Vic will have his hands full now, because he may have prevented that wedding, but now his addle brained grandson will be back in the "hey, man, far out" land of hazy vision, inability to think, and hallucinatory times.
Sami, Kate and Gabi were still the best part of the show. Kate and Sami schooling Gabi on how to deal with this going forward was priceless. All the where's Sami, EJ telling Brady, Hope, Eric he didn't know he wished he did, Will telling Sonny he hoped Sami wasn't doing something crazy, cut to scene of Sami, Kate and Gabi doing something crazy - were perfect.

Interesting that Brady, Hope and Eric all reminded EJ of who and what he is, and that Sami will leave him.

I'm so glad Eric told off Nicole and EJ.

Unfortunately, Brady is still to stupid to live. It's a good thing he's pretty.

Sonny is a way better boy friend than Will.

Eric telling off Nicole was wrong. He just expects her to forgive him after all he said to her, after what he threw in her face and wouldn't listen to her but instead believed the worse without forgiveness and she should just forget it all because he said he was sorry! That's not going to happen that quickly and he should have just apologized kept his mouth shut and walked away.
Eric telling Ej that his relationship with Sami is fleeting...Ej is sweating...Guess once he finds out about Nick...He is going to blackmail Sami into staying with him!
It wouldn't be the first time EJ has blackmailed Sami to get what he wants. It would fit with what EJ told Brady and Eric that the ends justify the means, and EJ doesn't have a problem with doing whatever it takes to get Sami and make Sami stay with him.

I wonder if Lucas is going to play a part in the Sami/Kate/Gabi/Nick SL. If Sami confides in Lucas, and doesn't tell EJ what is going on, that will kick EJ's jealousy and possessiveness into overdrive.