Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 30, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 30, 2014

Well, it all hit the fan today. And the emotions are all over the map. Eric is in the church garden, where his mother finds him. They have a nice talk. She knows he is getting married, just wants him to be happy, and if Nicole does that, fine, he has her blessing. He talks of having forgiven her, assures her he is not going to be a priest again, and finally tells her of eloping today with Nicole. She is surprised, promises to tell no one, though is not happy that he is not returning to Salem. He asks her to look in on Jennifer, he thinks she needs a friend, and look after Daniel as well.

At the P.D. Will is absolutely adamanant about signing the confess, tho EJ does his best to dissuade him, as does his mother. They argue about it, to no avail. In the room outside, Lucas arrives, sees Sonny & Abe, learns what is going on. He wants to see his son. Will has said no, but Sami tells him that what his father is so proud of what he did for him years ago, don't take that away from him. Will agrees to see his dad. EJ & Sami leave the room, but EJ takes the confession, telling Will to sign nothing unless his attorney reads it first..
Out in the other room, EJ questions Sonny, who tells everything he knows about the gun, but when EJ asks when was the next time he saw it after putting it up on the shelf in the closet, Sonny reluctantly admits that he came home to find Will holding it. Faces fall. Lucas hugs his son, questions him, but Will is very determined. He insists he is guilty, Lucas says to look him in the eye and say that.

Hope has come to see Gabi, says it is police business. Gabi says she was just going out to the park, get Arianna some sunshine and fresh air, & indicates she already knew about Will confessing, Sonny told her. They are sitting, having a friendly conversation, playing with the baby, Gabi babbles about the dress Ari is wearing, that Will bought when she was an infant, and was way too big.
Later, Gabi is talking to Ari, about how much they all love her, and want only the best for her. Hope comes out, says forensics will be there soon. Gabi says no, she doesn't want them there yet, and then tells Ari that they are going to see Daddy now, and they all leave.

Jennifer is asking JJ if she is sure JJ heard it right. She really cannot understand it, Nicole is her friend, as is Eric and why did they not tell them about eloping. JJ doesn't know, says Daniel seemed even more upset than she is.

Nicole answers the door to find a very angry Daniel. She doesn't know why he is there, should not be, and they really are shouting at each other. She is making up all her usual excuses about her and Eric wanting privacy, time to work things out, etc. etc. but Daniel finally lets her know that he knows all about them going to Vegas, eloping, and that he realizes she never told Eric anything. She denies, says Eric forgave her, and they are going to be married. She pleads, Daniel is going to call Eric, she says not to. More arguing and yelling, and finally Nicole breaks down and tells Daniel, he is right. She did not tell Eric, and goes thru a litany of reasons, talking of being each other's first loves, making mistakes, ERic returning as a priest, her understanding his calling, trying to help him, and when Kristen did what she did, how much she tried to help. Would not give up. And how then Eric seemed not to care about the evidence, he told her he loved her, so she destroyed the evidence. She goes on and on. Her bedroom door is ajar slightly, and someone is outside, hearing every word.
Daniel now wants to know just why Eric was so upset with him, what did she actually say. And Nicole tells of how she told Eric that Daniel was in love with her. Daniel is beside himself, is going to tell ERic now. She is going with him. She is sad faced, but knows what she has to do. Outside in the hall, Jennifer is in a state of shock over what she has heard. Uh, oh, Daniel gets an emergency call, 13 car pileup, has to go to hospital. Nicole promises she will tell Eric. Daniel leaves, she calls Eric, who is sitting alone on a bench in the statue garden. He happily says he will be there, but can tell something is wrong. She says that Daniel is out of his mind, she will come meet him. He hangs up, and Jennifer arrives, telling him to not say one word, just listen to her.

Later Nicole arrives, telling ERic they have to leave now, she changed their reservations to an earlier flight. She has grabbed his hand, but then notices the strange look on Eric's face. What's wrong?

At the cop shop, Will has had enough of everyone trying to talk him out of his confession. He is determined, calls out to Abe to bring him the confession, he will sign it right now. Abe comes in with another copy, and has brought the public defender with him. Lucas questions, Abe says Will waived his right to an attorney. EJ, Sami & Sonny have come in. EJ warning Will not to sign the paper, if he does, he won't be able to help him. Sonny has come in, pleading as well, Will doesn't have to do this. Will wants a pen.

And then Gabi comes in, asking Will if he has signed that confession yet. No, he hasn't. She tells Will he doesn't have to sign that, shouldn't. Then says..."I know you did not shoot Nick....because I did.
I would like to know at what time did Gabi confess to Hope or did she? When did Jennifer tell Eric what she heard eavesdropping at Nicole's apartment?
Are we to assume those things happened?

And who is Will trying to protect since it sure isn't himself. Will is not listening to the people that loves him and who he claims to love. Is Gabi confessing under guilt?
So, the "cavalry" arrived just before the show was over for the week!!! Thank Goodness...I was getting "worried" (yeah, right!!!)

I can only guess that while we were watching what was going on at the "Big House", Hope & Gabi continued their little chat and somehow or other, Gabi confessed to Hope??? Otherwise, her telling Gabi to come along with her was out of left field. Poor really must be "temporary"?? insanity!!

Days is doing this of late. Not letting us be privy to scenes, conversations, which we then learn details about later on.
The look on Eric's face showed he now knew what Nicole had done.
As for Gabi......She did seem as though she was on her way down to the police station herself when Hope arrived. But Hope did tell her she just wanted to confirm a couple of things in Will's statement.
I'm guessing Hope had some type of evidence tying the crime to Gabi and forced her to admit it. Likely the diaper bag. Hopefully we will learn about it on Monday. I did also find it odd that we hardly saw Hope and Gabi today. I fully expect Rafe to arrive and go nuts even though he has been through this already with his sister Arianna.

Also, Kristian Alfonso(Hope) wasn't acting when she was playing with the baby. Very cute!

I hope Eric goes bat crap crazy on Nicole however, I also think he will get over it pretty quickly. I don't see these 2 as permanently being apart. Jennifer and her hideous suit had no right to blab. She should have walked in instead of going off to find Eric.

Overall, a pretty anti-climactic episode and ending. That's what happens when the writing is so sadly predictable. :rolleyes:
Pity poor lying Nicole. She should have realized that she can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time, particularly when one of them is a seriously-aggrieved miracle surgeon. And what's with Gabi? She goes from frantic worrywart to ruthless killer, and then does the devoted mommy bit before suddenly confessing to murder? Only in Salem. In any case, Hope and her hopeless colleagues should get down on their knees and thank God that they have a confession. All Days viewers know that they can only close cases where the perpetrator confesses or is caught red-handed. (While she's on her knees, Hope should also abjectly apologize to Lucas for the shabby way she treated him.) Finally, there was a thirteen care pile-up? Who could have guessed that there were thirteen cars in Salem, particularly when every location in town seems to be a only few-minutes walk from any other location?
Was I the only one picturing Daniel walking out of Nicole's hotel room to get into a phone booth and change into his superhero clothes ? :rolleyes: Yeah, cause we all know Daniel is the only doctor in Salem who can save people's lives. 13 cars ? My, I can also picture the poor victims lined up outside the surgery room waiting for Miracle Dan's care. :rolleyes:

Aside from this annoying hero Dan stuff, I actually found the scenes between him and Nicole pretty good. Yes, there was some arguing, but you can see these two really care about each other. Of course, Nicole seems to have forgotten this for now, as I was very disappointed that in the end, she still wanted to get out of town and not tell Eric. Still, it was much more entertaining to see Dan and Nicole argue than it will ever be seeing Sami and EJ yell at the top of their lungs. :sick:

Now I am glad this whole secret is out, but I have never hated Jennifer Rose Horton more than I do now. She had no right to go tell Eric like that. She should have made her presence known to Nicole and Daniel. And if Jen Jen truly means it when she says Nicole is her friend, she should have talked to her and tried to help her. Little Miss Perfect had no right to act as she did. Let's hope Daniel will kick the saintly Jennifer to the curb once and for all. And who knows ? Maybe this mess will lead to a reunion between Nicole and Daniel. In my view, it would be much better than both of them pining after saintly boring Jennifer and Eric.

Glad also the Gabi "mystery" is over too. Called it, as many of you did. Pretty predictable, I think.

I FF pretty much all scenes with Eric and Marlena. I'm sorry, but Eric really, really bores me to tears (no offense to the actor, though, poor guy, he's just doing what he's told to do).
I would like to know at what time did Gabi confess to Hope or did she? When did Jennifer tell Eric what she heard eavesdropping at Nicole's apartment?
Are we to assume those things happened?

And who is Will trying to protect since it sure isn't himself. Will is not listening to the people that loves him and who he claims to love. Is Gabi confessing under guilt?

I wondered the same thing. I thought I missed it because I was fast forwarding the Eric/Nicole/Daniel junk.

Now I don't mind occasionally not being privy to scenes - but in this case, these edits were overharsh. It really felt like I missed something, but then again, maybe Gabi DIDN'T tell Hope, they just both knew what was up.

Hate hate hate what they did with Nicole. I hope she fesses up right away and blames only herself, like she learned to do over the past year (save the last month). *crosses fingers*
I like how this played out, with Hope having a hunch that Will was not the real shooter, and going to see Gabi, who already seemed intent on an agenda. No drama or coercion, just an implication of Gabi stepping up and doing the right thing. I myself did not predict Gabi as the shooter (maybe because I missed the signs viewers picked up on, as I don't watch, just read here). Gabi seemed completely under Nick's influence.
I like how this is kind of resolved, but kind of a cliff-hanger.

Poor Eric. Poor Nicole.
Pity poor lying Nicole. She should have realized that she can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time, particularly when one of them is a seriously-aggrieved miracle surgeon. And what's with Gabi? She goes from frantic worrywart to ruthless killer, and then does the devoted mommy bit before suddenly confessing to murder? Only in Salem. In any case, Hope and her hopeless colleagues should get down on their knees and thank God that they have a confession. All Days viewers know that they can only close cases where the perpetrator confesses or is caught red-handed. (While she's on her knees, Hope should also abjectly apologize to Lucas for the shabby way she treated him.) Finally, there was a thirteen care pile-up? Who could have guessed that there were thirteen cars in Salem, particularly when every location in town seems to be a only few-minutes walk from any other location?

LOL!!! I said the exact same thing about the cars! I think Hope figured it out before she went to see Gabi and I think we're to believe that Gabi confessed to her before they left the apartment.

And Nicole... Nicole Nicole Nicole... The actress who plays her is really good because I always feel sorry for sad, lonely Nicole even when she's being lowdown dirty. And the whole thing with Daniel's being in love with her was LOW DOWN!!! And stupid, only she would think that if she could just get that ring on her finger everything would go her way. Like she's never heard of divorce. She is so believably desperate for a man.

I wondered the same thing. I thought I missed it because I was fast forwarding the Eric/Nicole/Daniel junk.

Now I don't mind occasionally not being privy to scenes - but in this case, these edits were overharsh. It really felt like I missed something, but then again, maybe Gabi DIDN'T tell Hope, they just both knew what was up.

Hate hate hate what they did with Nicole. I hope she fesses up right away and blames only herself, like she learned to do over the past year (save the last month). *crosses fingers*

As sad as it is, I don't think Nicole is going to save herself. She's hell-bent on having this bite her in the rear. It's just such a face palm watching her implode.
Wow what a great show. A lot of emotion in the scenes with Daniel and Nicole. But I do think Jennifer did the right thing-as we saw at the end, Nicole was STILL trying to lie. If Jennifer didn't tell Eric then, Nicole may have gotten away with her scheme. I know I will just hate to see the friendship between Nicole, Daniel and Jennifer be destroyed in the end.

I am glad the nonsense with Will is over. I think we all pretty much figured out it was Gabi but it was still a cliffhanger-worthy moment anyways.

Marlena and JJ were obviously filler, even though it was nice to see them.
Jennifer can go take her pepto bismol suit and high poofy hair and throw herself in the river! She had no business going and telling Eric what she overheard. It was not her place. She should have confronted Nicole and/or Daniel about it. Based on what she overheard Nicole was going to tell Eric and if not her then Daniel would. I hope Daniel is super ticked off at her for this.

I hate Sami's pants. Will is an idiot.
She did not stay long enough to hear Nicole agree to go with Daniel to tell ERic.

I think Jennifer was appalled that Nicole had evidence to clear Eric and destroyed it.
And then, she knew there was something going on between Daniel & Nicole that was upsetting them both.
I am in a quandary. I wish she would have waited to see what either Daniel or Nicole did, instead of running to Eric. But, she already knew they were planning on eloping, and probably felt Eric would not be doing this PERHAPS if he knew.

She considers Eric a friend, and knew what had happened to him and how horrible it was for him, and every one.
and she considered Nicole to be her friend, & could not believe Nicole had not told her. And of course, she remembers what Nicole did to her (accusing Jen of pushing her down the stairs, so she lost her baby). It took Jen a while to get over that and forgive Nicole, but she did.

Jennifer is definitely not one of my fav characters, but I wonder what I would do if I learned a friend was so deceiving the person they were about to marry.
I couldn't recall if Jennifer left from eavesdropping before hearing that. I still say it wasn't her place. She should have confronted Nicole.

I hate the way Days edited these scenes. I know why they did it that way but it made it seem like you missed something as a viewer.
She considers Eric a friend

But Jennifer had no problem keeping Kristen's "affair" a secret from Brady, whom she also considers a friend. She even went as far as buying a pregnancy test for Kristen. So kind of a double standard to me. What gives Jennifer the right to play God the way she does anyway ? Yes, what Nicole did was horrible, but I still say Jennifer should have confronted both Nicole and Daniel. But I guess prissy Jen did not want to get caught listening at the door !
Jennifer "says" she's Nicole's friend, but she has shown herself to be uneasy about Dan and Nicole's friendship before. She is quite duplicitous, while behaving like a naive, innocent and pure sweetheart. I would not want Jennifer as my friend. She did back up Kristen; she is selective in her loyalty to friends. I think Jennifer has been jealous of Nicole's friendship with Dan, and couldn't wait to get something on her that might end up destroying that friendship bond. When all is done, she will pout like Ciara.
Interesting number of cars in accident, 13 that unlucky number. In two
weeks, we have Friday the 13th.

I was surprised what Sonny said about Will handling the gun after it was put away.
Did Will suspect Sonny or did he suspect Gabi?

I'm sure we learn next week what Hope and Gabi talked about. We never saw
Hope show the pictures to Gabi, but I'm sure they talked about them. I enjoyed
the couch scene with Arianna.

It was wrong for Jen to tell Eric, but as we learned Nicole wasn't going to tell Eric after
she promised Daniel she would. I think Jen got to the door when Nicole told Daniel she lied
to Eric about Daniel loving her. I think Jen left right after she heard about Dr Chyka and the
evidence Nicole found. She left before Nicole agreed to talk to Eric, then the phone rang.

It was funny when Jen told Eric not to talk, but listen. Too many times people in
Salem interrupt conversations or assume something else.

I'm glad we heard today that Gabi killed Nick and not have to wait until Monday.
You know, it's really too bad that we can't afford internal monologues any more. These past few weeks it would have been helpful in understanding everyone's motivations!! (I'm almost willing to say some of the characters should have been talking to themselves!!)

Overall a good episode - Gabi had me near tears as she was talking to Arianna (who was amazingly adorable as always).

Something tells me Gabi's not going to get a light sentence.