Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 1, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 1, 2014

Confrontation day in Salem. Rafe walks into the room at the hospital, where Jordan is talking with Clyde, who now wants to introduced to Jordan's friend. Jordan introduces her stepfather, Clyde Weston, who now says now glad he is to meet a friend of Tammy Sue's. Rafe is a bit surprised, but affable Clyde just says that was her birth name, then says he took up to too much of her time already, and leaves. Jordan notes she has been wanting to tell Rafe about him, but Rafe knows, understands, and of course, just as they are about to talk, he gets a call from the station, has to go, will meet her in the Pub in an hour.

Abby is at the club, using her laptop to write her letter of resignation. Ben comes up, she has him read it, he asks why she can't just say she is resigning, Abby explains that Sami has insisted she put in there about the board member. She leaves to go print it up at work, and hand it in. Clyde has been watching, and now goes to talk to Ben, asking about that pretty gal, but Ben is mum. Clyde tells him that Tammy Sue has fallen in line, and he expects Ben to do so right behind her, shows Ben the check from Jordan. Ben assures him he will never get a penny from him (Ben). Clyde tells him he broke him before, and whether he is blood relative or not, he can do it again.

Sami & Kate are having cocktails and regaling each other with tales of taking down the DiMeras. Kate laughs at how Stefano left a voice message for her "Katerina, how could you do this". they laugh over Victor buying the two companies, and Sami gleefully tells how she donated EJ's first race car to a children's museum, picturing their chocolate covered hands all over the car, scratching the paint, putting holes in the Italian leather. Now Kate wants her favor from Sami ...about Jordan, but Sami is not keen on the idea. She hopes Kate is not thinking she has any chance hooking up with Rafe. Oh, no, they just have a good time together.

Kate runs into Rafe, who tells of Jordan's stepfather being in town, and he doesn't think she is at all glad about it. Kate sounds a bit sympathetic, then tells Rafe it probably would not be a good idea, then, to tell Jordan about the two of them (Kate & Rafe and their romp in the hay). But Rafe says the longer he puts it off, worse it is, and that they have to be honest with each other.

Eve is all gushing sweetness and light and she visits Maggie, putting on the compliments. Maggie isn't buying any of it, Eve talks of the lawsuit, Jen being unreasonable, even mentions JJ. Then makes the mistake of dragging in Dr. Jonas's name, how jealous Jen seemed to be of his bit of attention to Eve, despite the fact they have been broken up for a while. She goes on and on, til Maggie coldly stops her by announcing that Dr. Jonas is her son. Eve doesn't believe her, knows she has daughters. Yes, you ran over one, comments Maggie. But I do have a son. Eve now coyly figures Maggie was quite the wild child, gave the out of wedlock child away. Maggie gets furious, orders her out of her house. Eve is taken aback, but wants to just say what she came for, plain and simple. LOL as she talks of Maggie having money now, and since Jen is being so unreasonable about the lawsuit, perhaps Eve & Maggie can come to some sort of agreement/arrangement. Maggie now throws Eve out.

JJ & Paige are at the lake, having gone for a night swim, and now sit on the beach. They talk a bit, with JJ noting he really does love Paige, is gonna be beside himself when she is gone in less than a month to CA. they begin kissing, but JJ puts a halt to it, not the place. Paige figures they should probably leave.
She goes home, where her mom is ranting away about Maggie, Paige listens but shuts her down, has something she wants to say. Ooops, Eve's phone rings, business, will take it and be back in a minute. She goes into another room, as Paige mutters that Eve is not going to like what Paige has to say.

Maggie comes to visit JJ, asks him how he & Paige are doing, fine. Why do you look so sad, then. JJ only says they just are figuring something out. Later, Maggie calls someone, wants to talk to them NOW about that lawsuit. It is important.

Abby and Jordan bump into each other at the hospital, dropping files, picking things up, apologizing. Jordan sees the letter of resignation, wants to know why. Abby explains about the affair with a board member, so, she is leaving, will get another job, don't worry. Abby lets Jordan know Ben told her about being related, and the stepfather being in town, and admits the board member was EJ. Both gals are chattering, Jordan feels bad that Sami is doing this to Abby, when who comes in, but Sami. She comes over, Jordan mentions Sami did not have to make Abby write those details in the letter, Sami begins harrassing Jordan. Abby tells Sami to lay off, Jordan & Rafe are deeply in love. Jordan mentions them having such a good relationship, and sorry that Sami's was not like theirs, and so Sami sweetly comments that if their relationship is so good, wonder why Rafe is still having sex with Kate.

Kristen comes into the hotel room, and from behind the still bleeding Daniel has his hand over her mouth, telling her to be quiet. Not Kristen....they have a huge battle, with Kristen kicking, scratching, biting, all over the place, landing on the bed, more fighting by her, until at last Daniel manages to get a choke hold, and Kristen passes out. He carries her out of the room, to a nearby linen closet, lays her on the floor, and sits down to rest and gather himself together, bemoaning not having his phone. But Kristen comes to, starts beating on Daniel with a pail. He is yelling in pain, finally knocks it out of her hands, they struggle, he manages to hold her at bay, hand over her mouth.
Back in the room, the goon comes to, just as thug #2 comes in, asking where they are. Goon #1 says he got knocked out, doesn't know where they are.
And then, out in the hall, outside the linen room door, the thug stands, with a gun pulled and aimed, ready to open the door. Inside, Daniel is admonishing Kristen to be quiet.
I was almost asleep during the JJ and Paige scenes...but I actually found the parts with Rafe and Jordan interesting. Nice to see Rafe meeting Clyde and, as he told Kate, starting to put the puzzle pieces together. I'm also glad to see Jordan rubbing it in Sami's face that her relationship with Rafe, albeit boring, is more successful than Sami's was. And as much as I can't stand Sami, I'm glad she revealed the truth about the romp.

I don't understand Daniel. First, he forgot his phone. Second, why didn't he just kill Kristen when he had the chance!? I know that may sound bad to some of y'all, but this woman ruined his friend's life, raped his other friend who was a priest, and has tortured Marlena and John for years. Plus, it is likely she is not going to get hers in the end a la jailtime. He should've just snapped her neck when he got the chance, escaped, and had Victor "clean up" the mess.

I loved seeing Eve and Maggie's chat...Eve's lines about Maggie being "young and wild" were hilarious! Too bad that wasn't the truth, and instead we get the stupid eggbaby story. I liked seeing them getting mad too...and just who did Maggie call about Eve in the ending? That looks interesting. It was nice to see Maggie not being too nosy for once.
Daniel should have actually called the desk. He was already bleeding, to show he had been beaten up. That was truly disgusting how Kristen beat him, while Daniel tried to defend himself, but could not bring himself to hit her. I mean, a left to the jaw would have done it.
5 STRAIGHT DAYS and I still don't understand why Kristen just didn't just go straight to the source and kidnap Brady, or use Eric or Nicole as pawns instead. Taking Daniel was a waste. I'd much rather watch her verbally spar with Nicole or attempt to explain to Eric why she did what she did to him.
I don't understand Daniel. First, he forgot his phone. Second, why didn't he just kill Kristen when he had the chance!?
Perhaps, the Love Doctor was overconfident after his success in capturing Dr. Chyka. However, today's events make it clear that the Chyka affair was just beginner's luck. He made the same mistake as Nicole and Ms. Priss at the cabin -- failing to get the bad guy's gun -- and then didn't dial 911 immediately and instead spirited the Salem witch off to a supply closet. Sorry, Daniel, you've got to start emulating ace detectives like Magnum P.I. or Jim Rockford, not the Salem P.D. Another flop is Eve, who just didn't stick her foot in it with Maggie, she was up to her neck in a septic tank. Speaking of fools, another league leader is creepy Clyde who just doesn't understand that Salem isn't Poplar Bluff. The only question is whether he'll eventually be dismantled by the mighty Rafe or the muscular Ben. The only success today was Samantha Gene, who continues to succeed in making enemies wherever she goes.
Kate and Sami are still the best part of the episode. Jordan should have stayed out of Sami's business. If you are going to pick a fight with Sami, you better be able to go the distance, and be prepared to get burnt. I'm tired of Kate and Sami being wasted on boring Jordan and boring Abby. It's more fun watching them sell off all of Stefano's and EJ's toys, and dismantle the Dimera empire.

Kristen is pointless. I don't know why they brought her back the first time, and she is even more useless this go around. Unless she actually kills Dan, Jenn, Jordan, Ben, and Abby, and then goes to prison for it.

This is what the writers should have done with Sami and Kate. Sami tells EJ back in November she believes him when he says he didn't know anything about what Kristen did to Eric. Sami marries EJ, has him sent to prison, all the things she has done so far, but it's because she knows EJ knew what Kristen did to Eric. Kate has teamed up with Sami because she wants to get back at Stefano, and Nicole is also helping them because of what the Dimeras did to Eric. Kate, Sami, and Nicole together would have been awesome, and they have the history to make it interesting.
Snoozefest overall. I tuned out a lot.

The Kristen-Daniel thing was beyond pointless and idiotic on so many levels. And I don't understand why Kristen was in that outfit knowing fight scenes were coming. Sami always wears pants when she has fight scenes. I thought the scenes of Daniel beating Kristen were disturbing. He is an idiot. He should have immediately called for help instead of running off to the supply closet.

Speaking if which, it went from a tiny closet to the room where EJ and Abby had the near romp in a matter of seconds. It was also obvious when the stunt double was being used for Kristen. Yep I'm over this storyline.

The whole Eve-Maggie thing was bizarre

I'm so over Jordan that I truly didn't care when Sami blurted out the truth
"Save the Day Danie"l couldn't even remember to get his phone. LOL
How silly was it for them down the hallway and go in "same" door
and find a big linen closet.

I loved what Sami said about donating EJ's race car to a
children's museum.

Didn't Kate lie to Sami. Kate told Sami she saw Abby at the club.
Sami asked her about saying stuff to Abby. Kate said yes,
but yesterday Kate was nice to Abby.

Rafe knows Jordan's real name :)

I enjoyed Maggie and Eve. Funny stuff about Daniel
being her son.

Interesting to hear Sami tell Jordan about Kate and Rafe
after she told Kate should wouldn't.
Kate told Sami that she twisted the knife with Abigail. So, that's why she was nice to her. I still don't get it. As even Kate said yesterday, Abigail has always been nice to her. There is no reason for Kate to hurt Abigail. Then again, I still think Kate and Stefano may be double crossing Sami.

I bet Sami will expect something in return from Kate now in exchange for revealing the Jordan secret.

One more thing, Maggie specifically said that Jack was Jennifer's HUSBAND! They really want us to forget that they were divorced.:rolleyes:
Daniel should have actually called the desk. He was already bleeding, to show he had been beaten up.

While I agree that this is dragged out (pun not intended) and ridiculous, I don't think that would have worked. Kristen would say he tried to rape her and she fought him off. Since the St. Louis police are not familiar with Kristen's history, I think they would be more inclined to believe that Daniel was the aggressor, especially if Kristen gives them some realistic looking fake tears about how she trusted him because he's a well known doctor. End result would be Daniel would be in jail in St. Louis and she would be free to wreak more havoc. Daniel knows he needs to get her back to Salem, where reputation is on his side and not hers. Of course if anyone finds them in the supply closet it'll look even more like Daniel is the aggressor--too bad he forgot his phone.

That being said, I'd like this captivity garbage to end and let's move on with whatever else Kristen is planning to do. Or just have Nicole run her off the road again. That would be fine with me.
There WAS the other goon knocked out on the floor, and Daniel was the one with the reservation. the ropes were still on the chair, etc. etc. I don't think Kristen or the thug would have gotten off so easily. Especially when Daniel would tell them to contact the Salem police about Kristen....
I will agree that now the stupid man has her in that supply closet..... where NONE of the hotel maids would ever visit.....:rolleyes: he definitely will look like the aggressor here.
Kate loves to twist the knife nicely. She put down both Ben and Abby while being nice. She told them they were no match for EJ, and couldn't handle him. Ben is more Abby's speed. Then referenced her affair with Bill, which the Hortons held against her forever, calling the Hortons hypocrites without actually saying the word.

I actually like it better when Sami and Kate are all smiles when delivering the hammer. The scene when EJ is in jail, and Sami's laughs in his face when he says they should work things out is priceless.
I can't believe it, I almost felt bad for Jordan today - getting chewed out by Sami after her dealing with creepy Clyde. I was thinking of something random and maybe I missed this but where the heck does Ben live?

I still like JJ but Paige is a snooze. She has one facial expression.

Eve and Maggie - OMG there was a mention of Maggie's daughters? Not digging the plot with Eve but I like the actress.