Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 23, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Eric & Nicole swelter, are growing weaker, perspiring profusely. Eric tried to push the grate, to no avail, burning his hands. Nicole is greatful they are together, but so sorry she won't be able to tell Daniel....her voice trails off. Eric holds her, both going unconscious.

Paul is at the hospital with John, came to see Tate, they chat, Paul spots Brady, goes over to apologize for being such a jerk last time, they get to talking baseball, games, etc. John comes over, sees they are getting along, is happy. Brady leaves, welcoming Paul to Salem & the family.
Paul goes to talk to Sonny, tells him that although he previously told him he would take the job only if Sonny was o.k. with it, not true. He has decided that he wants to stay in Salem, be with his new found family, and he has a job. He also notes he still loves Sonny, wants him, causing Sonny to back away, shaking his head. Paul knows Sonny is married, and if things work out with Will, fine. If not, well, he is here. Paul leaves.

Xander & Navidad finish cleaning up all the fingerprints in the office. He is going to Chicago, already has a phone there which has made calls, so has an alibi. Navidad will go in opposite direction, wait to hear from him.
Daniel sits in a hotel in Chicago, impatiently waiting for Nicole when he gets a text from Eric (Xander sent it) saying they are at a different hotel. Serena comes rushing in, panic look intact, babbling, hesitant. Daniel realizes something is not right, she finally manages, taking a long time to do it, to say she thinks Nicole & Eric are in danger, Xander may kill them.
Daniel calls Vic, leaves a message saying if anything happens to Nicole & Eric, he will kill Xander himself. He calls Brady, tells him what's up, has already called police. He is on his way back to Salem, will be there shortly. Brady is on his way.

Ben comes into the Club, is all happy as a lark, tells Sonny about Abby moving in, rhapsodizes over how he felt when he first saw her, yada, yada. He leaves to go home, straighten the place up, Abby is telling mother now. He leaves, checks to see where Abby is, and bingo....she is at the DiMeras.
And in the garden, Chad is giving Abby more of the same negative talk as he did before. He is really nasty, and even says despite what he said to her, here she is back for another roll in the hay. Ben has arrived, and is eavesdropping. Abby manages to tell Chad off, tells him about moving in with Ben. Chad says, so go ahead, who is stopping you from moving in with that loser. She defends Ben, he loves her, respects her, and is a way better man than Chad. Now Chad says that she must be there then, because Chad is better in the sack than Ben. She denies this, Ben is wayyyy better. (Just a really nasty confrontation). She leaves, Ben is about to leave, when Chad turns, and shouts out loudly. There Father. You heard it. Abby & I are finished, for good. Are you satisfied now?

Ben goes home, is pacing, is angry, is about to throw something across the room. Abby comes in, all excited. Ben stops, his back is to her.

Daniel & Serena have arrived at Nicole's office, Daniel breaking the window to open the lock. No one in the office. Gad, it is hot in here. Brady arrives, saw Eric's car parked about a block away. That means they both are still in the building. They race down to the basement, all going in different different directions, calling for Eric & Nicole. They are opening doors, yelling, and of course it is Daniel who finds the furnace room. He yells for Brady & Serena, thinks he has found something. He is trying to move the shelving, Brady arrives, helps, they are pulling it away from the door. They do note what seems to be bullet holes.
Serena punches the buttons to turn the heat down or off.
John & Abe sit in the Pub, talking of Paul, of Tate, of Brady & Theresa. Both get a call, and are on their way.
Daniel & Brady finally get the door open, finding the two unconscious friends. They are tending to them, Eric seems to be coming round, they keep calling his name. Daniel is tending to Nicole, but cannot get a pulse, He tries again and again, calling her name.

In the park area, Xander sets his briefcase on a bench, takes out his cell, starts to make a call. His back is to us, we see the gun with silencer aim, and down Xander goes. A pair of men's legs step over him.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman -- no, it's Super Jonas once again descending into the basement depths of Salem to rescue those in distress. Roman and Abe should face the fact that they and their police department have become obsolete. As for lowlife Xander, he demonstrated the same failing as such past Salem evil-doers as Fake Rafe -- staying in town past his expiration date. If he'd have jumped in his car and hit the Interstate, he'd be long gone instead of lying face down in the Town Square's private area. As for the rest of the episode, it was the same old -- blah, blah, and more blah, with no Rory to brighten the scene.
Yep, JS. It's one of those shirt/dress things. It looks like a man's nightshirt the way Abby is wearing it. I guess the wardrobe people have just shifted Melanie's leftover "pants-less" stuff to Abby.
In response to Ben's anger, couldn't Abby lie and say that Chad was referring to their relationship from the past? (I can't watch the shows, so don't know how this scene went down, just something that occurred to me.)

I'm annoyed that Paul keeps pressuring Sonny with his repeated claims of love. He needs to back off (even if we know what a son-of-Sami Will has become).
Okay so I know this was mentioned yesterday and last week, but where exactly does Nicole work? At an 8 hour a day news company? If it happens between 9-5 we are on it, but off hours are not our thing? Is it a TV station? A newspaper? A magazine?

I guess I'll just really have to control my total wonderment that Daniel is in a hotel out of the city of Salem and knows Nicole is in danger, but doesn't think about calling Salem's Keystone Cops till he gets to town????

I don't mind silly stories but come on they have to make some sense, come on, is that asking too much?????

Thank you, so much, Poirot for watching and writing up this episode, this entire summer of stupid.
Let's all get ready now for the great Eric/Nicole scenes of the past week to be completely dropped and negated by Daniel Jonas tomorrow :sick::angry:

I was looking for the cape too. So this fool calls FROM CHICAGO and claims he called the Salem PD, Victor and then Brady. And then equal fool Brady who just left John does exactly what Daniel tells him to do like a good little boy instead of calling his father. And where was Roman????? And Marlena????? And of course Detective Dr. Dan has to be the one to not only figure out the boiler room but also find exactly where Eric and Nicole are hiding! Puh-leeeeeeaze! Somebody please get this man off my tv! Since when is John a supporting character to Daniel?!?
LOL to Serena trying to turn the heat off.:rotfl:

JS, Abby either had on no stockings or clear ones. :eek: And speaking of wardrobe, they couldn't give give Nicole a full cup bra for these scenes? I wanted to drink a shot every time she adjusted that demi bra. Serena's dress was another thing that was just noticeably too tight. I won't say too short because if it were a size bigger, it wouldn't have been self-adjusting.

I was surprised that Ben found out so quickly. Something tells me he is going to pull a Sami and manipulate this situation to his advantage.

I was equally surprised to see Xander shot at the end though I agree it was just a tranquilizer, probably to neutralize him in time for Victor to arrive. His eyes were still open.
If Nicole's office building was closed and the doors locked, how did Xander and Navidad get out and how did Daniel and his crew get in. :rolleyes: Did Xander & Navidad just walk out the front and leave the door unlocked for Super Dan to waltz on in. Daniel has to drive FROM Chicago but still gets there BEFORE the cops who are MINUTES away. UGH!!!

Stefano needs guard dogs! Ben should've been bitten or eaten on sight. Who wants a life with a woman (or man) you have to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment tracking? This is nuts! Ben's a weasel and Abby's a fruit cake. She actually goes to Chad's to tell him she's moving in with Ben. What was she hoping to accomplish? UGH!!!!

Ooh, I wonder who's after Xander. :rolleyes: No surprise if it's Victor seeing as how Super Dan ratted him out. I hate this character.
I thought the same thing, dark horse. I guess if push-came-to-shove, Abby could tell Ben that Chad was referring to a sexual encounter of the past.

I thought the same at first, but then as they continued to argue it became more and more obvious that it'd happened since Chad came back to town.

And no, Abby does not have on pants/tights/leggings. I still maintain she's been raiding Jack's wardrobe and wearing his old shirts, in a cry for someone to notice her grief and point her to Marlena for some therapy.

I face-palmed when Nicole started crapping on about Daniel AGAIN and then told Eric she was glad she was dying with her 'friend'.
Well, the old writing regime is still in full force. Dr. Super Tan Dan to the rescue, and becomes the town's superhero to rescue Eric and Nicole. Brady and the cops, who were right there in town, could not find them until Dan gets back from Chicago :rolleyes:
I'm surprised Daniel did not go out and bring Xander down himself after rescuing Eric and Nicole :sarcasm:, although I expect that was Victor's man who shot him. I also think that was a tranquilizer that brought him down.

I found the Chad/Abigail/Ben storyline today completely stupid. Why did Abigail feel she had to go tell Chad in person that she was moving in with Ben? I think Chad was correct that she was hoping he would object enough and admit he wanted her so that she could get out of moving in with Ben. I also think Ben got what he deserved by putting that tracking device on Abigail's phone. Also, what is the wardrobe department thinking of when they keep putting these women in very short dresses with no tights?

Somebody still needs to explain to Paul that he has a sister and niece as well. He doesn't seem to be aware of Belle's existence yet.
If only the Phoenix would watch The Simpsons, he'd see that Mr. Burns keeps vicious guard dogs with huge fangs to keep unwanted riff-raff off his mansion grounds. As for Abigail, her visit to Chad was an example of the Deveraux family's irresistible urge to go "confront" somebody. How many times has Jenny shown up at some unlucky person's door for a pointless confrontation? Finally, regarding the Xander hit, if it was Victor who ordered it, he should have used the shooter to rid Salem of Clyde. This guy appears to be far more effective than the Xander look-alike, Damon.
Thanks for the summary.

Oh good Lord. No words to describe how frustrating this soap is, for all reasons mentioned above. Too much Taniel the Superman, not enough of the cops, and the idiocy of Ben and Abigail. The only good parts were that Brady was involved in the rescue and the family reunion revolving around Paul.
I have to say I'm surprised that Ben found out about Chad and Abigail so soon. I can't say I'm entirely pleased that he learned about it through that darn app, because I'm afraid now that he is going fall even further under the insidious influence of his poisonous pappy. (I almost typed out HIS name which would have meant I would have to sprinkle my keyboard with Holy Water and I'm fresh out. So good thing I caught myself.)

I really enjoyed the bonding scenes between Brady and Paul. I have to say that I've come to really like Paul which I didn't think I would when he first showed up just because he was so over-the-top. But now I think he's a genuinely good guy.