Abby's Paternity Test


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
I really NEED to see another twist in this storyline. Not just because Clyde is ultra-creepy, and yucky, but because ANOTHER lame switch that we know about way in advance just doesn't seem up to the level we've been seeing from the show lately (at least in the Ben/Abby/Chad and Nicole/Eric/Daniel stuff).

So...let's hear some ideas...what would be a "twist" that you'd like to see in this story? NO SPOILERS but speculation is okay.

Here are my ideas:

1) Clyde gets killed and nobody knows he switched the tests.
2) Martin doesn't cave in to Clyde, but pretends he did somehow.
3) Martin DOES cave in to Clyde, but it turns out it was a different paternity test Kayla had arranged.
4) Stefano is also playing a game, and re-switches the tests.
5) The baby is Chad's, but Ben stands by Abby anyway.

#3 would be my personal favourite option.
Kayla has a second test done secretly at another lab and the true father is revealed - no games, no lies.

Abby decides to stay in the relationship with Ben even though she's pregnant with Chad's baby. I'm not a fan of Ben and Abby, but there are ways to dramatize this other than switched paternity. A woman pregnant by one man but in a relationship with another and it was all out in the open.
Actually, since Clyde suggested it, Ben goes to donate blood, Kayla decides to use HIS results instead of Chad's that are on file, to be safer.....and thus, Martin does what Clyde wants, the sample he tests is NOT the father,

And it a twisted, convoluted mess. LOL

Because, perhaps the sample proves Ben IS daddy, but Martin is told to say Nope. Clyde then figures it was Chad's files used, so is satisfied, but that was not the case. Now two people each have half the truth. Kayla who knows really whose file was used in the test, and Martin, who knows really if the sample given him really is the father or not.
That is exactly what I am thinking, Poirot. Something is gonna go wrong. lol When Clyde told him whoever the father is, make him not the father.

That's not what he actually said. He said the comparison sample is not the father, because he established that Ben's never had any blood work done at the hospital.
I vote # 2. It would be a wonderful to finally have someone in Salem actually have a backbone and thumb his nose at the slimy Clyde. And to add an interesting twist, Martin contacted Salem's finest, cluing them in on it from the get-go.
Ah, but Clyde knew what button to push for Martin. He knew his wife's name, his baby's name, and then made sure he knew HIS man had easily gotten into Martin's home (the "city inspector") so he had Martin on the ropes.

And yes, Clyde made sure that Ben had never been in Salem hospital, so had no file. And so thus, he knew that the only sample that could be tested would be Chad's.

Honestly, that is why I would love for Ben to go donate blood in the a.m. and Kayla to use HIS file results as the anonymous sample.
I vote # 2. It would be a wonderful to finally have someone in Salem actually have a backbone and thumb his nose at the slimy Clyde. And to add an interesting twist, Martin contacted Salem's finest, cluing them in on it from the get-go.

I like that idea too. If I were in that situation, I'd marshall every resource to get my family to SAFETY, personally see them onto the plane/train whatever, then go about tricking the heck out of the blackmailer and doing whatever I could to stop him/her.