Torture, cruelty, enough!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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:beat: Enough is enough. :beat: Poor Ben. This is beyond our Days. Torture in the first degree. Why are the writers putting us through this?

Shocking and appalling. Eve doesn't even have the brains to put this scenario together. So stupid and unfortunate for this kind of over-the-top behavior. Nauseating. :sick:
Eve could have kidnapped Ben and had him brainwashed to kill Ciara without all of the torture that we are witnessing on the show. It is beyond what is necessary to tell this story.
I totally agree and that is why I read the summaries before I decide whether or not to watch the show. Another big no for today.
I'm thinking it's just a show and if I don't like it I turn it off. I'm not that invested in it. It's for my entertainment and like a lot of the actors who have opened there big mouths about politics, I can cut them out of my lives if they are no longer entertaining.
The level of intensity is just not necessary. If I recall correctly, the John brainwashing stuff was basically him in a dark room watching a bunch of images to convince him he was Roman back in the whole “pawn” storyline. Nothing remotely as graphic. I may not be remembering correctly because it was a long time ago, but I have some recollection of us just seeing the images on the screen and an occasional zoom or fade in of John’s face looking confused. That would have been plenty for the Ben brainwashing. No need for electrodes or torture techniques. It’s not an episode of prime time NCIS or something on HBO.
What a horrible week! And it's only Tuesday! As I said in another thread, Eve could have just drugged Ben or hypnotized him to get her revenge. That degree of sadistic rubbish is uncalled for and it does nothing to further the storyline. Now, we have to endure the Sarah and Xander porn show. It's just disgusting and nasty!
The headwriter was bragging over some "expert" saying Days was on fire!!!!(Twitter) I wrote that have not run across anyone who thought well of it........however there were a couple folks today saying John's torture was worse, & Stefano did the same thing as now?????
I've been watching Days since the beginning and I can't remember seeing such graphic scenes. Maybe I just missed them but I think I would remember if they were this bad. That's not what we watch soaps for! We have the evening news for that stuff!
The whole stripping people down to the bare minimum, have them sweat and no sex is involved?? Sick and tired of Days' writers thinking they are "edgy" when they are disgusting. Maybe they are enjoying this in the room when they go over the plot. But the fans of the show are not digging it and if we have to watch until we approve, they will lose their fans. Sure you can turn it off. You can quit watching the show. But the powers that be at Days are never held responsible.

By the way - has anyone ever written to Days, Ken Corday or NBC and received a response? I haven't. Same for Soap Opera Digest when I wrote to them about Carolyn Hensley's column when she ended it with "Hey it's just my (#)-ing opinion." I was a longtime subscriber and have been with Days since its inception. Yes, you need to keep the stories fresh but they have strayed so far from romance, there isn't any. The closest you get to romance is Doug and Julie and John and Marlena.

All the younger set do is hop on each other and most of the time one of them feels regret. There is very little build up to a hook up. Sorry but that's how it seems. NO weddings or births happen normally. You never expect them to happen somewhat calmly anymore; so where is the surprise? Contraception is pretty non-existent but no one gets sexually transmitted diseases. No childhood sweethearts marry and no one finishes college except those over 30 who go back to school and become a doctor in about one year. Oh yes. and they are a specialist in every area.
You are so right Moira! I understand that soaps are escapism for some of us and we do have to suspend reality at times. No one is ever punished for a crime and if they are, it is merely a slap on the wrist. Days has gone so far off track I don't know if it can be redeemed. The science fiction stuff was pretty silly. Marlena possessed by the devil, Melaswen, and Dr. Rolf and his magic potions, just to name a few. It may have been silly but it wasn't gross and disgusting. This stuff is!
The headwriter was bragging over some "expert" saying Days was on fire!!!!(Twitter) I wrote that have not run across anyone who thought well of it........however there were a couple folks today saying John's torture was worse, & Stefano did the same thing as now?????
If Days is on fire it's more akin to a house burning down, not that it's producing exciting drama. As for Stefano, I didn't see the early brainwashing scenes, but was watching the show when Rolf downloaded all of John's memory onto a DVD. If I recall correctly, that scene had John strapped down with electrodes attached to his head and some kind of device, but it didn't involve any of the sick torture nonsense like that's happening now with crazy Eve, poor Ben, and the utterly perverse Vincent.
The only positive I can think of, is that it takes way less time to watch because of all the fast forwarding I’m doing. There are many night time shows I won’t watch due to the gratuitous violence. This is beyond disgusting for daytime!