Possession & whatever


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Have made no secret how much I hate this storyline, don't care what Ron or the actors says about how "fun" it is. Sure isn't for me. I don't like sci-fi or horror, any of that. And perhaps my current feelings may be because of personal losses this month & my constant inability to sleep at night.
Am sure the cast was having a ball filming, laughing at their getups, their lines, especially Deidre Hall (Marlena). About time they enjoyed something they are forced to act. However, it just is not going over for me at all.
So....on Thursday, the only thing I really liked was Chad & Abby, with both telling EJ to knock it off, not working, & standing by each other. EJ was a pig, first class.
Marlena in her devil outfit is a fail, overkill, and while I am sure the actress loved being able to stretch out and do something else........nope, hated it. Probably will be worse.
I already, for the first time in all the years since I began watching Days, no matter what, skipped nearly a whole week, because of this storyline. I just could not.
I don't like Ouija boards, am with Chanel on that, only participated a few times years ago, and just NO. Paulina & her secret is boring beyond belief, as are Lani, & her "devotion" to her "dad". Stop the dragging, either tell or forget it all. And stop with the "Allie/Chanel or Allie/Tripp/Johnny/Chanel" junk. Pair them off however or not. Enough already.
I'm with you. Watching today and realizing this story is going past Halloween just hit me. Agree on the Chanel and Allie stuff too. If these ladies can't decide who they want to be with then it's past time for them to at least break up with the people they are with. I hoped they would have Paulina decide to just keep her secret. Of course the story makes no sense because why would Tamara go along with lying to Abe? Also the Chloe/Philip/Brady stuff reminds me of Abby/Chad/Ben. I mean we know Chloe actually wanted Brady but settled for Philip and Brady really wants Chloe but pretends he's backed off while he puts them in these ridiculous positions. But like with Ben, we're supposed to think Philip's paranoia is not rooted in any reality. He might not be reacting well but he's not nuts either.

I think the only person I can tolerate is Nicole. I actually like EJ around her because he smiles and is cute when he does. :)
I will say that today the writing was at time so tedious I had to go with Johnny and Allie sibling....

I've relied on summaries for a time when I was disgusted with the show, now I've got time to write the summaries so I will continue but really the show needs to pick it up a bit and with the 24 month ahead taping schedule they've got they aren't able to be reactive. (sarcasm on the filming 24 months ahead of time)
The posession story is just the latest in a long line of tedious and not interesting stories on this show. Corday needs to dig his head out of the sand and get a team of headwriters to bring new life to the show. Beyond Salem was so refreshing compared to the stories on the regular show that I had hoped the show would become better but no such luck.
Oh Poirot, please be gentle with yourself. You have been through so much. All of us on this board love and support you.

Now, as far as the possession story goes, I am 100% with you! It has it's moments but they are few and far between. It's a little too campy for my taste. I did love Chad and Abby giving EJ what-for!
As far as the possession story is concerned all I can say is MAKE IT STOP. It is not remotely entertaining. Marlena in her devil costume made her look like a hag - certainly not a look Deirdre Hall would embrace at her age. Now that Steve has Kristen, time for him to find John and they both go to work on Marlena. Unfortunately, if this continues with Ciara and Ben's baby, it's time to call Celeste.
we're supposed to think Philip's paranoia is not rooted in any reality. He might not be reacting well but he's not nuts either.

I agree with everyone here so far, most of the characters are boring or idiotic or both. People are allowed to be smart for about half of an episode max, and the reliance on a few set pieces is getting really ridiculous.

And every story is missing big beats that a writer who's half as devoted to fans as Ron Carlivati is credited with being would not miss. Like a fake-dementia-Doug-in-peril story without his only legal functional child, or ONE of her kids, involved (as mentioned elsewhere), or not explaining why suddenly Paulina has the urge to tell her "so called secret" (still hoping for a twist because it's better than thinking all the cards are already played).

I've never enjoyed the one-off shows, and now this year the ridiculous storytelling of the one-offs is being incorporated into a whole storyline, with inconsistencies big enough to pilot a starship through. Yippee!

Like robin, I watch so I can summarise since I'm currently working from home. To be honest... without you folks here I'd probably not even bother with the show at all - I even turned it to General Hospital, a show I loathe, for a few minutes on Tuesday.
I don't care about Ouija boards or occult stories—if they're well done. I'm not one who thinks we're all going to be possessed by watching this nonsense. Bored to death? Maybe. This is more tripe. Just because something is wild (yellow-eyed Marlena stringing John in a crypt, then raising up dead people) doesn't make it fun or interesting. It's not even fresh. Kidnappings are a monthly occurrence. People coming back from the dead on Days of Our Lives is more common than a baby being born without needing a paternity test. Yawn.

The most compelling stuff of late has been the scenes with real human emotion anchored in either show history or the few new characters they've invested in building context for. Not tricks. I'm trying to ride this out. I'm hoping it doesn't go past Christmas. I can't start the New Year with demon babies and Mar-Devil.
The most compelling stuff of late has been the scenes with real human emotion anchored in either show history or the few new characters they've invested in building context for. Not tricks. I'm trying to ride this out. I'm hoping it doesn't go past Christmas. I can't start the New Year with demon babies and Mar-Devil.
From a fan event, the possession story will run at least through February sweeps.
Hard to believe NBC & Corday would let this garbage go on that long. I thought the end of December was the ending?????? "The Holidays"
I don’t know how they will drag it out that long, especially with John already being locked up. Surely people will realize that Marlena is possessed before then. No details were given.
Since Ciara just found out she's pregnant, the story must go long enough as the Devil wants his "demon" baby. Maybe the baby will be SORAS'ed to be born in February, which may culminate the end of this story.

I don't like the thought of a demon baby. I'm just assuming that is the story Ron Carlivati wants. I hope once the devil is sent away, the baby will become a normal baby after that time.
From a fan event, the possession story will run at least through February sweeps.

Yep, I read this on another site, not sure if its true but if it is then that is insane! That is just way too long to keep this dumb story going, by then I think even the few that like watching this will be sick of of it. I would love to see viewership sink like a stone just to see what NBC would do. Of course viewers don't matter anymore now that the show is on autopilot and films many months in advance. Even if they wanted to make changes, there is no way they can change course as most of the stuff has probably already been filmed.

Surely people will realize that Marlena is possessed before then.

What people are you referring to- the brain dead idiots of Salem?!

Aside from John, no one else who has had close contact with Marlena (Belle, Ben, Julie, Kayla, Johnny) has clued in on the fact that she is acting strange- doing and saying things that are completely out of character. I hate characters being portrayed as being dumb but this is ticking me off even more and has me yelling at the TV. :)
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It was good in 1995. It is quite embarrassing and tacky in 2021. It’s not entertaining nor is it suspenseful like it was the first time around. It’s not fun. It’s not original. Bad call to bring this story back.
tennisdoc, I agree with you about it being embarrassing and tacky. I wasn't watching in 1995, but the
scenes I've seen seem better and not silly.