Days of our Lives-Fri., Nov. 5, 2021


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Nov 23, 2006
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This is a sort of Cliff notes quickie summary.....
Ben & Ciara await results of a pregnancy test, kayla comes to tell them, yep, you're having a baby.
Abby divulges Gwen's secret, that she had already lost the baby, Gwen claims no proof, Chad shows the chart they found in Snyder's book. Jack reads it, is appalled. (very good scenes with Jack, Gwen, Chad, Abby) Chad & Abby leave, Gwen tries to say she is sorry to Jack, he cannot understand how she could have done this, after all family opened their hearts to her, turned other cheek, etc. She calls him dad, he says NO, don't call him that, leaves.
Steve tells kayla he is worried about John, he knows nothing about any case John is on, neither does the receptionist. John not answering texts or calls. Something is amiss.
Meanwhile Xander has caved into Trask's blackmail, gives her the satchel with one million $$, she promises word about Gwen's secret will not come from her, takes off with the money. Gwen & Xander are together, she tells him it is all out in the open now, he obviously is regretting letting Trask take the money.
Ciara & Ben are so happy, are talking over having the baby, peristent knocking at the door, Susan bursts in, has a huge premonition about their baby.
Non possession day

Belle and Shawn in bed. She wakes up from nightmare. She tells Shawn her mom possessed. They slept 12 hours after their trip. Belle says her mom had a strange voice and said "Expect the Unexpected". Instead of getting up, they make love.

Ben comes out of shower and Ciara on bed. She says the test still says they are pregnant. They call it a miracle. They talk about going to hospital to find out if true or not.

Trask tells Xander she wants the money or she'll charge Gwen. She says she knows Gwen's dirty little secret. She overheard Gwen and Xander talk outside door. She knows Gwen not sex worker and she knows she lied to Jack about miscarriage. Xander agrees to give her money. She's going to use money to set up legal defense fund for illegal immigrants. She tells Xander she's using his money since all his crimes wasted a lot of taxpayers money.

Steve and Kayla still at the K-mansion den. Kayla tells Steve Abby thinks Gwen is still lying to Jack. Steve didn't want Gwen go to prison, but feels bad if she has been lying to Jack.

Shawn and Ben are at nurses station at hospital. They are discussing Ciara might be pregnant.

Kayla with Ciara in patient room. Kayla putting rush on the tests. Ciara tells Kayla Marlena has been helping Ben feel better about them having a baby.

Belle is in the townhouse and no one one home. There's a knock on the door. It's Steve. He's looking for John. Belle says Marlena told him he's out of town. Steve's worried, but if Marlena says so it must be true (not always)

Jack, Gwen, Chad and Abby still in the Horton living room. Abby tells Gwen she's taking back the apology. She knows it's not her fault she lost the baby. She says it an accident Gwen fell down the stairs and the baby died. But it wasn't in that order. Gwen says Abby must be off her meds. Abby pulls out the medical record. They found it in the book "A Miscarriage of Justice". Jack gets it before Gwen and reads it. Chad yells at Gwen. Chad and Abby leave.

Ciara joins Ben and Shawn waiting on the test results.

Jack is upset because he trusted Gwen. Why did she lie about the baby? She should feel grateful because his brother helped her stay out of prison. She said she knew if she told him he wouldn't love her. She calls him dad. He tells her don't call him that anymore. He goes upstairs.

Kayla finally arrives and tells everyone by the nurse's station that Ciara is pregnant.

Chad and Abby at the DiMera mansion. Abby is feeling better and not guilty about the baby.

Xander arrives back to the Horton house. He has good news and bad news. Gwen says she lost her father. Xander thinks Jack died. She says Jack found out about the miscarriage. Xander first assumes it Trask, but Abby told him. Xander hugs and says he's sorry.

Chad tells Abby it's good she doesn't have to feel guilty. Abby says she feels horrible for her dad, but glad the truth is out.

Steve and Kayla in her office. He tells her that John is on a case, but he didn't tell anyone. He can't call him either. He thinks something is wrong.

Belle arrives at nurses station. Shawn tells her Ciara is pregnant.

Ben and Ciara at home. He brings her the pre-natal vitamin. He won't let her do anything until baby is born. There's a knock on the door. It's Susan Banks. She's had a premonition about their baby.
I enjoyed the episode. No possession was a plus.

Ben, Ciara and Shawn were adorable together. I loved it. Susan next week should be interesting. I'm going to ignore as much as possible that the baby is a possession plot point and enjoy Ben and Ciara and see where it goes.

Good grief I don't think I can hate Chad and Abby more. And I'm not a huge Gwen fan. But they are so obnoxious. Chad acts like he didn't sleep with Gwen and Abby didn't seem to care that she was hurting Jack. And compare to what these 3 have done in the past, Gwen's lies are small.

Nice to see Belle with Steve.

Thanks for the recap. :)
In the Real World Kayla would lose her license if she let someone look at a prior doctors office with his private items there.
That was so ridiculous. I really hate Abby & Chad, not that I was a big fan of theirs to begin with.

Now for Jack.....
What kind of father tells his daughter not to call him dad because she did something bad in the past? That was totally crappy of him.

Now when Gwen could use a dad it's not convenient for him to give her the love and support that she has never known in her prior life.

And finally is the most absurd · ludicrous · pointless · senseless · foolish · stupid · inane · nonsensical · half-baked · ill-conceived · crackpot · idiotic · brainless · mindless · witless · asinine · moronic · preposterous · insane · unreasonable · irrational · illogical · outrageous Story.
I absolutely hate it and think it has no entertainment value for me.
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Let's face it, Abby would have left town no matter what because the actress needed time off. So this whole "secret" that led to her feeling "guilty" even after everyone said it wasn't her fault is malarkey.

Great job miss prosecutor, setting up a legal fund with extorted money.

I don't care about Ciara and Ben or their moronic baby. With that kid's genes, we're doomed.
Abby stated she hope her hunch was wrong because she did not want to hurt her dad, but she looked to me as if she desperately really wanted to find something to take her sister down( and Dad was collateral damage. so be it!).
And finally is the most absurd · ludicrous · pointless · senseless · foolish · stupid · inane · nonsensical · half-baked · ill-conceived · crackpot · idiotic · brainless · mindless · witless · asinine · moronic · preposterous · insane · unreasonable · irrational · illogical · outrageous Story.
I absolutely hate it and think it has no entertainment value for me.
Think you have definitely covered every adjective pertaining to the story perfectly, maybe add silly & dumb. LOL.
Really good job!
Abby stated she hope her hunch was wrong because she did not want to hurt her dad, but she looked to me as if she desperately really wanted to find something to take her sister down( and Dad was collateral damage. so be it!).
The thing is...Jack really needed a wake up call, he was constantly turning a blind eye to Gwen's lies & manipulations. He really did not know her, was pushing the daughter he did know and raise aside. He never doubted Gwen for a second, despite all she had done to his family before.
It is very difficult to tell someone the truth about something they have strongly believed for some time....should someone not tell, let the culprit go on lying to your loved one, let your loved one continue to be suckered in?
What Abby did was every bit as bad as what Gwen did to Jack and Jennifer. I can understand Abby being angry because she suffered so much due to Gwen's lies, but she should have been smarter about how she handled it. She could have confronted Gwen in private and told her to tell Jack the truth. Gwen is probably going to go totally off the rails now and go after Abby and Chad.

Kayla should be brought up on charges for numerous things but letting Abby and Chad rummage through Synder's office was really bad. She knew full well that they were looking for medical info to use against Gwen. She is one doctor I would never trust.
I think I'd like it if Gwen sued the hospital and used her payout to start her own empire. Maybe a medical business that has more than one doctor. Or she could back a law firm that protects suspects from sitting in that office forever.Or maybe a bakery that has a front door that opens and allows people to go inside.
I think whether or not Jack raised Abby is up for debate. He was dead a third of the time, and running away a third of the time.

I don't particularly like this story and still wish they'd revealed that Gwen's mother only thought she was pregnant by Jack. I have no words for the choices they made since then that others haven't already expressed.
Now for Jack.....
What kind of father tells his daughter not to call him dad because she did something bad in the past? That was totally crappy of him.

Now when Gwen could use a dad it's not convenient for him to give her the love and support that she has never known in her prior life.

I totally agree with this statement. Jack could have been upset with Gwen for what she did and expressed his disappointment, but to totally turn his back on her and walk away when he knows full well that she did not have any kind of love and security while she was growing up was totally wrong. Considering the things that Jack has done in his life, what Gwen did was nothing compared to that.

As for Chad and Abby, neither want to take responsibility for what they did either. Chad ignores the fact that he was the father of Gwen's baby, only that his actions hurt Abby, and while Abby did not push Gwen or cause her to lose the baby at that moment at the top of the stairs, does not negate the fact that she had been harassing Gwen since she found out about the baby which could have stressed Gwen out enough to lead to her miscarriage.

I totally agree about Kayla and her actions allowing Chad and Abby access to Dr. Snyder's office knowing full well they were looking for dirt to use against Gwen. Kayla should be fired and a new Chief of Staff brought in, preferably Mike Horton.