Days of Our Lives - Thursday, May 9, 2024


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
36.13. Tight show, all plots interlinked, Konstantin is going down!

Sarah is on her laptop. Xander has a mug for her for Mother's Day. According to Xander Victoria picked it out herself. She is going to bring it to Mother’s Day dinner at her Mom’s. Xander says “Oh yes, can’t wait to see Konstantin again”. Sarah is not dying to see him again either. She segues into “speaking of mothers. Did you reach out to your mother?”

Xander stares at his fingers and says that Mother’s Day in Scotland was in March. Sarah says he could still phone her. Xander curtly says it is not going to happen. Sarah presses, it is weird that in all their years together she has never met Xander’s mother or even spoken to her on the phone. He never talks about her. Xander tells her some things are not worth talking about. He goes to check on the baby.

Konstantin wants to take Maggie on a honeymoon all over Greece, paid for I assume with Maggie’s money. Maggie reminds him that it is not a real marriage therefore no honeymoon. Konstantin says something about showing her his beautiful islands but they are interrupted by a call from Marlena. She wants Maggie to come over to discuss the wedding plans. Marlena tells John and Steve that she hopes that Maggie will listen to reason.

At the DiMansion, Harris and Ava are tailing Stefan into the living room. He says he is sick of them being around him. They don’t want to be here either. They are here about the book. Harris recaps that the book is coded and Clyde wants them to scan the pages to him. They are off to the police station, which is where Stefan comes in. Stefan is not going to the police. He doesn’t care or want to help. Harris tells him about the blood on the book and they are going to analyze it. The story is that Stefan stumbled upon the book and handed it to Harris, they want Stefan to back that up. Stefan agrees. He wants Clyde stopped too. They all do.

Sarah, like a dog with a bone: “So you said that Mother’s Day was in March in Scotland?” Xander looks evasive. Sarah wonders if he reached out to his mother back then (from jail?). She can see it is a sore subject, but she wants Victoria to know both of her grandmothers. Xander says in this case, no, and Sarah would be in complete agreement if she knew his Mum, so they need to drop the subject. Sarah apologizes and acknowledges that it is clearly triggering for him.

Xander says that Victoria is very lucky to have Maggie and that is the only grandmother she needs. He needs to leave and take care of some unfinished business. Sarah guesses it is with Stefan. Xander wants to find out for sure if he set him up. He has a plan. He promises it is nothing illegal. She is worried about what he will do if he finds out for sure that Stefan was behind the frame job.

Maggie arrives at the townhouse and sees the trio. She is surprised that they all want to discuss wedding plans with her. They make her sit down. What is this about? Maggie wants to know if this is an intervention? She says let me guess: I need to know Konstantin is a bad guy, he’s using me, and I shouldn’t marry him. She thought they were past this. Maggie can’t believe she was dragged over for this. She tries to leave but Marlena stops her.

Stefan is pouring a drink when Xander enters. Harris and Ava let him in. Stefan assumes this is not a social call. Xander says because their last one went so well. Stefan recaps that the last time they met, Xander had some ridiculous story about how EJ had called him to put out a hit. Xander agrees it was ridiculous, especially now he knows that Stefan was on Clyde’s payroll. Stefan protests that was by coercion. Xander doesn’t care how, it has been gnawing at him. He thinks he was focusing on the wrong DiMera. He thinks Stefan set him up. Stefan huffs.

Sarah is thanking Victoria for her mug. She knows that Daddy picked it out. She wonders what is up with Xander and his Mummy. If Victoria finds out anything she needs to let her know. It is time for their walk. Alas, the door is blocked by the horribleness that is Konstantin. He wants to talk. Sarah has that fake smile on.

We return to the townhouse gang to the tail end of John explaining that Konstantin has been brainwashing him. They recap how they figured out he was missing time and how they deprogrammed him. Marlena says they were able to fool Konstantin into thinking John was under his control. They tell Maggie about Kon’s order to steal and destroy the prenup. John gives Maggie the real prenup.

Maggie can’t believe it was true. She doesn’t understand the brainwashing. John tells her about the card. Maggie says that it was his daughter’s card. John says more lies. It was the same card that Stefano used back in the day. They have no idea how Konstantin got it. Maggie remembers Konstantin going frantic after he lost the card. John tells her again how Konstantin told him to steal the prenup. Maggie says that lying *bleep*.

Sarah tries to get out of seeing Kon. He barges uninvited into the room and tells Victoria he is going to be her "granddaddy". Sarah says "sort of." Konstantin is grateful to have Sarah’s support, as the rest of Maggie’s family and friends hate him. Sarah says that she is glad he lifts Maggie’s spirits. Her mother is a very special person. Konstantin says that he is glad to be able to stay in Salem with his precious Maggie and that he has Sarah’s support. Sarah says that he has to promise her that he will not break Maggie’s heart.

Stefan says he doesn’t give a rip what happens to Xander. Xander says Stefan is lying through his teeth. If Clyde could make him run drugs for him it is not a stretch to think he could also order Stefan to set up Xander, especially since Stefan doesn’t give a rip what happens to him. Stefan lies that he did not set him up and tells Xander to get out.

Xander says he doesn’t know who shot Harris, or why he was the lucky sap who was set up to take the fall, but he is almost certain that Stefan planned the set up. Stefan says based on what? Xander says Stefan had the motive, means and the money to buy the posh designer pants, and slip that "princely sum" into his bank account. Stefan says $50k is hardly a princely sum. Xander says he never mentioned the amount.

Harris comes home and tells Ava that Rafe and Jada were excited to get the book and were avid listeners to the story. They also think it is blood on the book and now it is off to the lab. Ava thinks that Gil probably killed somebody else. Harris says Gil was an enforcer who could have done murder, torture or other things. Part of Ava doesn’t want to know. Harris says they need the facts. He hopes they get a DNA match on the blood. It might not bust Clyde but it might give somebody else justice.

Maggie is putting the pieces together. Konstantin came to town to give condolences to her after his "dear friend" died. She really thought he cared about Victor. Marlena says Konstantin saw how vulnerable she was. Steve tells her that her guard was down, it was understandable. Maggie says he never forgave Victor. Or John.

John tries to excuse that Konstantin was in considerable pain from burying his daughter (40 years ago?). Maggie says that does not explain or excuse what he did. Everything he said was a lie. He came to town to steal her husband’s money. And everything else. Including her. Maggie says "damn him, he has messed with the wrong redhead!"

Ava serves Harris a beer. They chat about how they can possibly track Clyde’s location when they email him the pages. They are being decoded too. This could bring him down. Ava wishes Harris didn’t have to go. Harris told his Navy Seal buddies he would help them. Ava wants him around because she’d miss him. He has a flight in a few hours, but has time to drink a beer and take a nap. Ava says he is not taking any naps, she has other ideas.

Stefan says the $50k was mentioned in the Spectator. Xander says nope, every word of that article had to be cleared by him and Chad before Everett could publish it. Stefan blusters that the article was conflict of interest, Xander’s own paper writing a story about him as a suspect. Xander says, my own paper, fact checking. Stefan lies that EJ must have told him the amount over drinks. Xander says sure, you and EJ having a lovely drink together. Nice try, mate. He can’t prove he is lying, but he knows he set him up, and will make him pay. Stefan asks if he is threatening him? Xander says he absolutely is and departs.
Konstantin swears on the “River Styx” that he cares about Maggie. Sarah says that when her father died she never thought Maggie would find love again, but she did, with Victor. She knows that as long as she is with Konstantin that Maggie will never find love a third time. She is glad her mom has a companion.

Sarah tells Konstantin about Xander asking if he would live in Maggie’s house forever and that got her thinking, so she looked up green card marriages. It could be years before he could leave Maggie’s home. Konstantin says at his age a few years feels like forever. He assures Sarah that Maggie is in charge. If she wants him gone, he will be gone.

Maggie wants Konstantin behind bars. Steve says nothing he has done is a crime so far. John was the one who broke into the house. They want Konstantin to think his plan is working, it is the only way to nail him. Maggie doesn’t understand. Even without the prenup, he could not have gotten any money if I wasn’t… she trails off, realizing. “He was planning to kill me, wasn’t he?”

Harris and Ava are in bed. Harris is dolling out romantic pillow talk about Clyde. He recalls meeting Ava at Bayview. She was unpredictable and mysterious and a little lost. She changed everything about his life. He did for her too. He makes her life worth living. She loves him. He loves her. She can’t wait for him to get back. He promises he won’t be long. She has her ways of tracking down people so he had better keep to that promise.

Konstantin blathers on about how he would never take advantage of Maggie. Sarah will hold him to that. He talks about Maggie sharing her wealth with others and how admirable it was. Victoria bleats. Konstantin remembers Catriona at that age. Sarah shares that she lost a daughter too (it is the anniversary of Mickey’s birth and death). Konstantin says he must get home to Maggie and departs. Sarah looks pensive.

Steve doesn’t have proof, but they do believe that the plan was for Konstantin to kill her post wedding. They have a limited time to get him to commit a crime before his visa runs out. They want to know if Maggie is in on their plan? She agrees. John gives her a little cross that is an ISA device that will summon John or Steve 24/7 if she is in trouble. They also want to track her phone. Maggie has to pretend everything is normal until they make their move, can she do that? Maggie says just watch me.

Harris is packing his bag. The ISA will be decoding and tagging the images in the book. Harris is to call as soon as he lands. She is to call if Clyde contacts her again. He warns her to keep her eyes open and not relax. She never relaxes. She tells him to be careful. He says he is bulletproof. Once Clyde is gone she never has to worry again.

Xander gets home to Sarah. He asks if anything exciting happened when he was gone? She does not mention Konstantin's visit, but she asks about Stefan. Xander says Stefan wouldn’t admit anything but he is more convinced than ever that Stefan set him up, it was written all over his face. He would be a terrible poker player with all his tells.

Sarah advises that tells are not proof. She thinks that maybe they should just let this go. She's scared he will go crazy and do something rash. Xander promises that he is not going to let anyone or anything separate them ever again. He will take care of himself and his family. Victoria squawks and he goes to her. Sarah looks concerned. Not sure if it is about Konstantin or Stefan.

Stefan is muttering “Xander Cook, you are getting a bit too close for comfort, pal” when Gabi calls from Statesville. He lies to her that he and Rafe are working hard on proving her innocence and she will be out soon. They will be together again soon and forever.

Steve thinks things went well. Marlena says Maggie is a lot tougher than people realize. They check the Maggie signal on her device. She is arriving home. John says that he gets not forgiving if somebody had hurt one of his daughters, but going after Maggie, who had never done anything to him, that is not happening on his watch. Or mine says Steve. Or mine, says Marlena.

Konstantin is staring at the Victor portrait. Maggie comes in and arranges her face from angry to passive. Konstantin talks about his flower arrangement and asks about Marlena. Maggie assures him that Marlena had some great ideas and that it is going to be a wedding to remember. Yes it will be, agrees Konstantin. Maggie just smiles. End.
Great job, brisbydog.

I tried to Google when Harris' last air date is, it said August, but don't know how reliable that is. It does not sound logical to be that far out, given what happened today. Steve Burton (Harris) returned to General Hospital a few weeks ago as Jason Morgan, though no idea when that that show taped.

I hope Maggie lets others in on what is going on with Konstantin, especially Sarah and Xander. Relieved that Maggie believes what she was told and is going along with the plan.

Once caught in his deception, will Konstantin sing like a canary as respects what Theresa did? That will mean the truth about Xander being Victor's son, not Alex, finally.

I don't want Stefan to go after Xander. Let him concentrate on his beloved Gabi.
Guess I forget who Xander's mom is because I thought she was dead.

Thank goodness Maggie stayed and listened. I was afraid she was going to storm out and in true soap fashion they would let her go. Does she feel the fool now? Hope she can keep up the charade.

Oops! $50,0000. Stefan kind of outed himself.

I am leaving on 4 week RV trip Sunday so I will just be reading the recaps and making note of which ones I want to watch when I get home.
Steve Burton (Harris) was done in December at Days, so I was expecting a June final air date.

I don't know that Maggie will let Sarah and Xander in on the plan. Xander is not likely to stand by and stay cool once he hears that Konstantin wants to murder Maggie. He would ruin the entire thing.

Xander's Mum is not dead @macgyverswife She just has never been seen on screen. What we know about her is pretty limited:
She abandoned him as a teen when he went to prison, she is a good cook whose maiden name was also Cook, she loved Titus so much she fell apart and became a drunk after his death, she isn't dead, 'just dead to him', and that Maggie reminds Xander of her a bit, and of course, she slept with Victor and passed Xander off as Titus' son. And today Xander told Sarah that if she knew her she would understand why he doesn't want her in Victoria's life.

I actually liked the natural way that it came up (although of course it was a giant anvil). Sarah was thinking about all the Mums on Mother's day and wondering about Xander's as she is now grandmother to her daughter. This Brit was impressed that they knew that in the UK, Mothering Sunday is in March.
Surprised me they got something right for a change, seems that either someone did some research, or perhaps someone was visiting UK in March one year, when they were celebrating the day.

There possibly could be a Brit on the payroll there, or.....perhaps there is a close friend or family member there. Whatever, happy to hear the remark on the show.
Thanks, brisbydog. Welcome to the summary squad.

Stefan put his foot in his mouth when he told Xander the money that was put in his bank account.

Interesting to learn Clyde's black book is at the police station. Will they figure out whose blood is on it?

When Harris goes on his adventure will he find Clyde?

Wonderful news Maggie knows the truth about Konstantin. Did she take the prenup with her? What's
the plan to bring down Konstantin?
I feel like Harris isn't coming back. Cross fingers.

I think the plan is for her to go through a fake version of a wedding and then see if Kon asks John to kill Maggie right after before the prenup can be filed.

She wasn't holding it when she came home. It's probably safer with Marlena.
At long last, Maggie has seen the light and creepy K is going down hard. In retrospect, the idiot was always in over his head — aiming at Victor’s fortune; playing at being a pawnmaster; and making enemies of Steve, John, and the formidable Doc. As for trying to murder his bride after the wedding, Aiden “Dead Bird” Jennings could tell him that it’s a very bad idea in Salem.

Xander shouldn’t waste his time trying to get even with Stefan Zero. This loser is already toast. He’s out on his butt at DiMera, has nothing to do but grow his mustache, and his true love, Gabba-Gabba, in doing time. If the X-Man does try a revenge plot, it could get him in trouble with the law and, most importantly, with Sarah.

It would be a nice plot turn if Harris’s swan song in Salem involves apprehending drug lord Clyde. Years ago. James Stewart was “the man who shot Liberty Valence.” Harris could now be “the man who brought down Clyde Weston.”
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