10/27/21 - Donuts and No School


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Today's school was canceled due to COVID so I get an office day.

Not much going on today except doing referral follow ups. Some parents are just so nasty when I have to call them.

I was so cold yesterday after getting soaked while schlepping my screening equipment across a college campus to screen at the lab school. When I went home from work, I curled up on the couch underneath a comforter. The next thing I knew it was after 9:00 so I went to bed. Feeling ok today, but don't want to take any chances.

robinsnest, loved the photo of your grandson dressed as the Black Panther though I had to laugh at your son. He's lucky to have found any costumes with less than a week remaining before Halloween. Everything here is Christmas already.
Good Morning,
It's late start at Gena's school today, so I'm working from home for now, but leaving shortly to take her to school, then I'll head into the office. Confirmation for Gena tonight, I don't have choir because our choir director is in a musical and their opening night it tonight. I may try to do some Christmas Shopping or something.

RS - glad you are safe in the office rather than at the school.

Have a wonderful day!
Morning all. I’m so glad you are In office RS. Hope those in the school get better soon.

So weird Manda - we have only ever had late starts due to weather. But I see others post about them all the time. We also very rarely have early dismissals.

We are supposed to get storms tonight - I’m kind of hoping we do so we can just stay in.

Pictures went great yesterday, I can’t wait to get the proofs.
Kris - our district has late starts scheduled for the 2nd & 4th Wednesday every month, it's obnoxious. They used to offer free child care before school at the school through the YMCA, but because of staffing shortages they don't offer that anymore. Thankfully next year her middle school is considered a charter school, and they don't participate in late start.
Good morning.....
I used to really dislike the early release days at my kids school, seemed to happen so frequently, but never a set schedule or at least one that I could figure out. Then I went to work there and the early release days were even more hated..... I wasn't paid to attend but yet HAD to attend because I worked at the school (WHAT?) Joined the union and tried to get paid to attend as it was required didn't pass no one cared for the instructional assistants, aides, para professionals. So my kids were free roaming the streets and I was trapped at school. Luckily I had great neighbors.
rs glad you were able to get warm after that wet walk, and I'm sure your equipment loves getting wet too.
manda enjoy your semi free evening...
kris I'm glad the weather held off for your picture session. I'm sure they will be perfect....

off to get my hair cut...
The rain finally started. Rains was suppose to start early this morning. There was a light rain when
I was coming home from town. Now it's pouring. I was able to walk this morning. Hopefully, I
can walk tomorrow.

Since I'll be inside this afternoon, I'll work on my studies.

rs, I'm glad you didn't have to go to school today.

manda, I hope Gena's confirmation goes well.

Kris, I hope the storms won't be too severe.

robin, hopefully you like your hair cut.

Wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the day.
Kat - enjoy your studies. Gena's confirmation class tonight is going to consist of a service project of packing treat bags for the church's Trunk or Treat event on Sunday. It should be a pretty easy night for the kids.
One school district here has early dismissal every other Tuesday. My coworker absolutely despises it because her kids (ages 15, 13, and 11) think she should have to leave work to pick them up, and they bug her about it all day. Meanwhile they live 2 blocks from the school. :rolleyes:

Amanda, that's a nice thing for the kids to do during their confirmation class. Is it for community service ? Confirmation candidates at my church have to do some type of community service.

kat, you can just keep that rain down there. I'm sick of it coming my way from you, Amanda, Poirot, and Rew.

Kris, I bet Siege's pictures are beautiful.

robinsnest, making you attend it while unpaid was really taking advantage.
We had an inch of rain at my house today, but my sons all had 1 1/2 inch. I guess I didn't pay the preacher as much.

I started in the office today about 10 a.m. Finally got all my Christmas Shopping done online, two of my financial problems completed and another one ready to mail and finished writing an editing the last of my book to be up-to-date. The new part is about 50 pages. I reformated the entire thing to match. Now I have to get all 4 copies printed before Christmas. I have to more financial parts to finish. Poirot, I hope you don't have the problems I've had with mine.

Hoping all have had good days, especially with weather delays, etc. The son is out right now. We are supposed to get more rain tonight and tomorrow morning. I hope it stops before morning since my son is taking me to a doctor's appointment in Victoria. I absolutely do not like driving in the dark mornings, especially if it's wet.

I started in the office at 10 a.m. and just realized it's almost 5 p.m. and I haven't eaten lunch yet! I guess I'll have "Lupper" now. God Bless You All.