11/1/21 - Donuts & prayers for Robin


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning......another gloomy, overcast day here, , gonna be just 40, currently is 33. Leaves blowing all over the place, really came down yesterday, was raining leaves, lol.
Our Robin is undergoing her hip replacement surgery today, so let's try and say a prayer all goes well for her.

The hydrangeas that line the front and back of the house here are all brown, and look awful. Hopefully will be cut down soon. Have been trying to get rid of all sorts of papers, brochures (caregiver,nursing home, etc) which seem to be everywhere.
Now they are saying some rain today. Ugh.
It's a gloomy day here after the nice sunny Sunday.

I decided to rake leaves before lunch and I'll have a nice bowl of soup.

My neighbor across the street got a dog on Sat. I don't think the best idea since
she's a teacher and gone most of the day. She leaves at 6 AM in morning. Right
now, she has him on a leash tied to a pole. I'm suppose to check on him during
the day. When I went out for walk this morning, he was barking. He walked
himself around the pole. I had to walk him back around. After my walk, he was
barking again. He seemed ok, but he was shaking. I went back a 3rd time and found
his water knocked over and wrapped around the pole again.

He's 10 months old and he stayed in a crate where he used to live. I hope she gets
one. I wouldn't mind letting him out during the day. He seems lonely today.

Poirot, good luck with sorting papers.

Prayers for robin.
Hi everyone,
Prayers for Robin. I'll pray intensely tomorrow in the synagogue on base for her. Hope it goes well.
Almost done with my service! So soon I'll be on here much more. We did a joint exercise in the shooting range last week with the US Army, which was incredible.
Nights are cool here now, but very warm and even hot days continue.
Hi everyone!
Praying for Robin.
and Katmouse, I'm so sad for the doggie, I hope she is able to get him a crate and help him feel more safe. Tell her to sleep in a big t-shirt, and then leave it in the crate with him when she's not home. Having her scent close by will help him with his anxiety. Prayers it works out so she and her new family member can stay together. Leaving him outside, tied to a tree....isn't sitting well with me. (I used to help run a pit bull rescue. these things tug at my heart strings.)

I had a doctor visit today. Ember is healthy and growing. I'm 21 weeks and 3 days along today. (that's 5 months and a week along). Time is flying, we're half way there! Her nursery is coming together, and clothes washed and hung up.... and 2 big sisters that can't wait to hold her.

speaking of the kids... My oldest did really well at her club/travel volleyball tryouts this weekend. we are now anxiously awaiting them to offer her a spot on the team. she's feeling really confident she'll be offered one, as 2 coaches were fussing over who was going to get her. (one coach is the coach for her age group, and the other is the age above hers. ) haha, looking forward to another great year of travel ball... this time with a pregnancy thrown in to add some spice to our busy schedule.

My other kid is really good at soccer...but she is losing interest. She said last season was her last season and her coach talked her into playing this fall...and he's already on her about signing her up in the spring. she said she'd play in the spring "one last time". haha, I hope she finds her love of the game again, cause she's so talented. We'll see. :) She won't be able to play soccer next Fall, as she'll be in the marching band at the high school. Which, will also be a fun challenge with a newborn in my arms. eek! that said.. I hope the break from soccer next fall will make her miss it...and maybe I can sweet talk her into trying out for the high school team in winter of 2023. If not, I will support her decision to walk away. (but my wallet might cry...I was hoping for a college scholarship hahahaha)
My neighbor called me at lunch time and asked how he was. I said I've been there three times. I went over
after lunch again since it started to rain. Somehow he got a one of the bottoms of a pot with wheels tangled
up in his line. It was a mess. He's tied to pole because she doesn't want him to dig out under the fence. The
line isn't long enough for him to lie down on the back porch. He wanted to go into the house.

My neighbor told she'll try plan B. I guess she's afraid of messes so he slept in the bathroom last night. I told
her he's used to a crate and it will him feel safe in one. I said I could let him out during the day. Even when
she's home he might like a crate to be in to feel safe.

I have a Zoom meeting soon. I'll check him again when it's over. I hope she doesn't stay late after school today.

DaysLady, thanks for the update about Ember. Your girls are growing up fast.
Afternoon Everyone,
Another busy day of training, thankfully Gena is back at school. We didn't end up trick or treating yesterday as she was still feeling a bit under the weather, and she did get some candy from the trunk or treat event at our church. I usually have some at the house regardless, so there's never a shortage of sweet treats around for her.

Praying for a speedy recovery for you Robin.
Kat - that poor puppy, I hope your neighbor gets him a crate.
DaysD - wow, your service seems to have passed so quickly, at least from my point of view, how exciting for you.
DaysLady - how exciting about baby Ember, I'm sure the other girls are delighted at idea of being big sisters again

Have a wonderful afternoon!
The forecast for today was no rain. So it rained today with dog outside. I went over 5 times. Three times
he had his lease wrapped around the pole. I walked him around to get him undone. Hopefully, my
neighbor will do something different. I'm not getting my chores done today.

I wish I had a step counter to know how many steps I took today.

manda, I'm glad Gena is back in school.
Puppy update-Mom is finally home. She brought home a crate. I told her the idea about wearing a
t-shirt. I told her I think Phoenix (his name) felt abandoned. Every time I unwrapped him, he wanted
to go into the house.
Prayers for Robin. My wife had a hip replacement done several years ago as have several other people I know. It wasn't easy for any other them, but after rehab they were all in much better condition.

As for that poor dog, his owner needs a crash course on canine care. No dog should be left tied up like that. If she can't figure out a better way for the dog to be home alone, she should look into doggie day care if it's financially possible.
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I wanted to stop in here with the hope that Robin's surgery went well today.

Kat, Thank you for taking care of your neighbor's puppy. I really hate to read about dogs abandoned like that during the day. Hopefully he will feel better in a crate.
My youngest son is such a dog lover, he would have been having a fit over that poor dog today. Kat, thank goodness you were there to help that poor dog in so many times of need. God Bless you, my friend. Meanwhile, am glad the new owner bought a crate.

Above written a couple hrs. ago.............did not realize it wasn't posted. But am so happy and relieved to hear from Kate's son with such good and welcome news! Thank you so much. Will continue with the prayers, please give your mom our love & that we miss her. Love that she is already talking with PT. God Bless.
Prayers for a speedy recovery for Robin.

I was out of town last week at a conference. Had a good time and it was great seeing people again.

Kat - thank you for looking out for that poor dog. Hope things will get better for him.

I have to say just reading some of the updates, I am glad I stopped watching Days. Anyone know how to write Corday to complain?
Here's address I found for Mr. Corday

Mr. Ken Corday
Executive Producer, Days of our Lives
Corday Productions
Studio Plaza
3400 Riverside Drive, Suite 780
Burbank, CA 91505
Just getting caught up with yesterday's posts since I'm taking an early lunch break today (Tuesday).

Thank you for the update on robinsnest. I'm glad her surgery went well.

Dayslady - Prayers continue for you and your little one.

kat - Your neighbor is so lucky that your able to keep checking on her new furbaby.