11/23/23 - Donuts and Thanksgiving


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I hope everyone has a wonderful day

It's sunny and in the 60s this afternoon. Temps drop during the night and the high only in
the 40s tomorrow. In teens Sunday AM. Maybe snow flurries.

Turkey breast was done after 12. I had turkey, stuffing (sort of), carrots and cranberry sauce.
Sunday I'll make some frozen oven potatoes to have with leftovers. I taped the parade to
watch during dinner. I'll finish watching later today.

Since it's a nice day, guess what I'm doing now. Come on, I know you know what I'm doing.
I'm raking needles from the pine tree. A lot more this year. I'm getting the ones out of the
neighbor's yard first. I have room in trash can for one more bucket full (3 total in can). Then
I'm done. I don't know when I'll get to rake the rest of it with winter weather here now.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
I hope everyone has had or is having a great Thanksgiving. The lasagna is in the oven, the salad made, the desserts are waiting for the whipped cream portion of of their short lives.
Hunny bunny's daughter stopped by she and her dad chatted while I showered. then we moved all the wrapped gifts out of the dinning room so I could get the table in the room set for dinner. The tree is up, it's a new thinner tree this year, perfect for where I want to put it. It's up and will be amazing. Our neighbors, the one's who walk around their house without permission from Vinnie are deep frying a turkey so far so good as in no fires. You ask why would people need to ask permission to walk around their own house? Because he can see them moving and he barks. We are working on getting him used to seeing people.

The parade was long and really to much yada yada......

Happy Thanksgiving..... all.... snowy weather comes to me Saturday... weeeee my first storm
I went to Kenjo's where they were serving free Thanksgiving dinner
Other than that, I stayed in because it was cold
rf, I hope you enjoyed the food and being with people.