11/25/21 - Donuts and Thanksgiving


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good morning my friends.....I know most of you are going to be super busy this a.m. Wishing you all the very best, good food, good company, God's blessings. (hope you remembered to turn your scale back 10 lbs., lol. If you can't, HIDE IT!)
Good morning and happy Thanksgiving to all.
I'll bake pies this morning and then prep the vegetables for roasting. Later this afternoon I'll go to my daughter's house to join family and friends for a lovely gathering. Wishing you all a day filled with love.
Good Morning all..... will be prepping the brussels sprouts for tonight's dinner..... Turkey going in the crock pot for cooking......

We may eat outside.... it will be warm enough.....

Happy Thanksgiving to all......
Happy Thanksgiving all! Last nite I made a batch of Pecan pie tarts and made a second batch today. I also mixed together a green bean casserole to bake later. I am going to a friends house for Thanksgiving.
High winds here today!! My power has already blinked off and on a few times. My daughter reports that her power is out -- that is where we are gathering for dinner this afternoon! So, while I do still have power, I am attempting to roast the veggies. She reports that we could reheat them in her camper stove if necessary. It will be an interesting event.
The day is almost gone. My son and his wife spent the night at a hotel last night. They
got to my house this morning at 9 to watch the parade. It seemed better than previous
years. We had a nice dinner with chicken, rice and the glazed carrots. Yum.

They left early in the afternoon since it's a long drive back. I put the leftovers away and
washed some of the dishes. I got a surprise phone call from my grandson and I saw
the dog show.

Lil0, I hope your Thanksgiving went ok with the winds and power outage.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable day with friends and family.