11/25/22 - Donuts and Friday


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Just a reminder today is Friday, not Saturday. Holidays get me confused.

It's a partly sunny day after the rain yesterday. I got my walk in, but decided not to rake today.
I was happy the rain in the ditch soaked in the ground last night. More rain expected Sat.

I hope everyone is having a good rest and maybe lots of napping.

Ah, yes.........Black Friday, as all the businesses have been reminding us for a couple weeks now. LOL

Sun is out here, tho there was a frost overnight, and I think more snow will get melted today. It was a bit tricky yesterday, as the puddles made by melted snow, had turned to ice , of course....made even walking across a parking lot a bit difficult.
Wanted to call my dentist.....but alas, only open 4 days.....closed Fri., Sat., Sunday. LOL
Gonna try for the haircut I have been putting off, hope to get appt. tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy the leftovers if you have any. Since I had dinner out...none for me. But, I have a pumpkin pie in the frig, some chicken I can bake, and even a can of cranberry sauce, so I will make do. Ha.
Good afternoon everyone. Cold and dreary here, but at least the rain has stopped.

Some bills were paid. Not much else accomplished. Just feeling blah so staying under a blanket on the couch. Thought the England VS USA soccer match at the World Cup would put me to sleep, but it was rather exciting instead.

My Christmas cards and address book made it to the living room last night. They're still sitting in the same place. I usually take care of them Thanksgiving night then mail them around December 10th. Hopefully I'll get them done tonight or tomorrow.