11-year-old invents baby saving device


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Central Arkansas
The device is designed to prevent parents from accidentally leaving small children in a car. It is absolutely genius in its simplicity. http://www.thv11.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=271450

Andrew Pelham, who lives in Nashville ,TN, had entered a contest where kids had to make something primarily using rubber bands.
Andrew's father Shuler says, "We wanted him to create a product that he could be proud of that we thought would be a difference-maker."

After about a week of brainstorming, the E-Z Baby Saver was an idea that stuck with him. he remembers hearing the story of Stephanie Gray, who last summer in Donelson, accidentally left her 10-month old baby in the back of the family's van. Joel Gray died that afternoon of heat stroke. Shuler says, "When a story like that comes up, it's something we talk about as a family."”
He made a string of rubber bands and wrapped it with brightly colored strips of duct tape. When a child is in the car, you attach one end to the back of the driver’s seat and the other end to the driver’s door. The driver literally cannot get out without running into the string. In the video this was demoed on his parent’s van, which has a bar across the back seat, but I suppose you could attach it to the head rest or something. You just loop the string around whatever part you are attaching it to and run the string through the open end of the rubber band. The rubber band on the other end was then slid over the pull handle for opening the driver’s door. When you open the door, it blocks your way like a brightly colored velvet rope. Andrew says "I just hope people can use my design in the real world, soon, because I just want to save one life, and then I can say my idea was successful."