12/14/2023 - Donuts and Sunny Chill

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
It was 29 degrees this morning, now it is 40, and sunny. Tranquil with no measurable wind. I accept.

Is it my imagination, or is December flying by faster than previous months?

I hope everyone has a great day, whether you are working, doing holiday shopping, or just chilling.

A busy day so far and I need to leave to go to the Broadway show Tina, about Tina Turner. I had a snafu with clothes
to wear. More later, maybe. Gotta dash.
Good afternoon to all.... it's been a day.....
Yes to WW this month is going by much to fast......and faster than November...... much faster.....
Packages arrived in Sacramento, so Christmas will be had by my kids and Grandkids who won't be able to make the drive.....

The concert last night was interesting and entertaining..... the bake sale to help raise money did get $15 from me for some cookies, a mini loaf of banana bread and a mini loaf of cranberry bread...... not that I needed anything but at least it seems like your money is going to good use. Today is the last day of school for both Grandson and his driver.... practice will start later in the day for the rest of the vacation..... they both could use the sleep in......

Poirot sorry you were/are back in the hospital..... rest.... take care....prayers are with you......

off to get a special order at the book store.....
Good morning. Seriously weird stuff going on around here -- electronically speaking! I couldn't get into this site for a couple of hours; I can't access my usual news channel on either my tv or my computer; some online sites that I can access are very slow; and I just learned that our whole ferry system is experiencing an outage! What is going on?!?!
Kat: Hope you enjoyed Tina! It had a successful run in NY.

Robin: Glad the concert and bake sale went well.

Lil0: Technology rules our lives, doesn't it? I hope things turn around soon!
Looks like something electronic is on the fritz, covering a huge area and a lot of different type media. When I moved up here, happened a lot.....tis why so many went to sattelite, including us. However when it is power itself outage.......you live with it til it's fixed, just hoping it is sooner than later.
It was a nice day here except the for the wind. I started my day earlier than usual since I wanted
to leave home by a certain time. Because of the snafu, I missed getting a spot in the parking
garage by the theater. There's a new parking deck and I had to go there. It costs less than other
parking lot for now, but there are a couple of design flaws. The entry in and out is too steep.
If someone going down, gets foot off break there would be a several cars hit. And it only has
one way in and out. When the theatre goers were leaving down, someone was trying to go up.

It was a great show. Of course, some people didn't turn off the phones and one person
got irritated at the Ike character. The audience got to sing along at the end.

Wilde Woman, for some reason December goes faster..I'm glad you had sunshine today.

robin, good news about the packages. Does HB take grandson everyday to school?

Lil0, I hope things get fixed soon.

Poirot, glad to see you post.

I hope everyone has a good evening.
Happy Birthday Dr. Baker!

I went shopping for Christmas today and it was crazy (Big city problem). Some drivers are maniacs, swerving in and out of lanes at high speeds. Then, there are the huge long line up at the tills. Oh well, it's only once a year, I guess.

Have a great evening everyone!