12/25/23 - Donuts and Christmas Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Merry, Merry one and all........and we really won't notice more light til middle of January. We only gain a minute or so each day, so it is hard to tell. Plus where I live, most days it it is cloudy, overcast, so the grey skies do not help. I think we might notice more in late afternoon than in the morning, tho.
Never ask your chip off the old block 7 year old grandson to smile for a picture.......this was his "best" smile...... they arrived in time to have Christmas Eve dinner, we'd almost finished, they flew win from a Christmas Wedding in Texas. They live in California flew to Texas and then home. I'll see them later in the day and perhaps get a better candid shot of this child......

Merry Christmas......
It's been a cloudy and chilly all day. I walked this morning. I put bird food out yesterday and it's almost gone already.

ShaunP thanks for posting the song.

robin, I hope you're having a good day with your family.
It's late afternoon, the sky continues to look the same as early this morning. It has been raining most of the day so far, stopping for a bit, then continuing. Seems odd to be Christmas, and not a single snowflake anywhere. My thermometer says 47 currently, tho it was 50 earlier. Windows are rainstreaked, of course. rather depressing, doesn't seem like Christmas.then again, I have no decorations up, no tree, big or little, no wonder it seems like just another day for me. Sure hope it is much better for you all. :)
To tell the truth, even whatever is on TV is boring. LOLOLOL
Will have to check later and see if any of the houses close by have outside lights! Haven't noticed any next door, who knows? Very unusual holiday this year.
Last week, they were saying snow by Wed. , but that has been taken out of the forecast now.
Have some chicken in the oven for dinner, even have some left over jello. LOLOL ( friends here have all gone to visit family, so rther deserted. My local supermarket says you can order online, then pick up, but no way to order on line. Guess they only have it when bitter cold or tons of snow. LOL
Quiet Day..... we did Christmas at my brother's last night. Christmas is just not Christmas without Mom and Dad. I spent the day reading and computering.
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rf, I understand.

I cleaned my bathroom today. I taped a "Jesus" story during Covid and saw it today. I saw a PBS Christmas show and
now watching "Miracle on 34th Street".
We reached almost 60° today in Pittsburgh. My brother said earlier how strange it was that he was wearing a short sleeved tshirt and had the door open in December. Currently waiting on the fam to arrive for dinner. Roast is in the oven and rolls are about to go in. Merry Merry everyone!
You are a fantastic singer Shaun!
Merry Christmas Everyone. May peace be with you