3 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
My boss made these with clients yesterday. YUMMY!!!!! She also packaged the dry ingredients mix in ziplock bags for them to take home.

3 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake

1 TALL coffee mug
4 Tbsp. regular flour
4 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. baking cocoa
3 Tbsp. chocolate chips
1 egg
3 Tbsp. milk
3 Tbsp. oil
Splash of vanilla

Place the 5 dry ingredients in the mug, and mix well.

Add egg, and beat with fork.

Add milk, oil, and vanilla. Mix well.

Place mug in microwave. Cook on HIGH for 3 minutes. Cake may rise over the top of the mug.

Remove from microwave. Cool for 1 minute.
Those sound really neat...I'll have to try them come the holidays for gifts...!!
Definitely will try this cake. Just the comfort I need after last nights thunder storm coming in so hard and loud I thought the forest was going to end up on our doorstep. Not to mention how the lightning lit up the sky. It was a little scary!
I made this yesterday and it was decadent! Very good and very rich... the only thing missing was some ice cream to go along with it. YUM!
I just tried this one.

Just finished cooking in the microwave.
I gotta say, it got the little ones excited because it shot out of the cup as it was baking and then when the microwave stopped it sucked it right back in. Hehe, Very cute recipe.

Im about to try it, I will keep you posted on the taste. =D
redsquirrel: Thank you so much for this. I cant bake just cant do it. Well I made this for my hubby when he got home from work tonight and he loved it. I plan on making more with my kids tomorrow and for myself. LOL!! It was amazing and very easy. I made my first Cake tonight and its thanks to you.
I made this last Friday...very yummy, but my chocolate chips were frozen when I put them in and they all sank to the bottom....next time I will make sure they are thawed. The bottom was extremely rich, so I let my hubby eat that part. :D
I heated my chocolate chips a little so that they spread around when I mixed, and the whole thing turned VERY thick, so Im wondering if I didnt cook it long enough?

The kids liked it and honestly, so did me and my husband. (We both have a sweet tooth!) But I wish it wasn't as thick,because I cant eat a lot of it, no matter how much I want too. :(
It does call for a TALL coffee mug......(I don't own any) but maybe reduce the chocolate chips if it is too rich for you.......like 2 tbsp. Worth a try??????

I cannot eat chocolate, as much as I loved it...so can't try this.
Your recipe says 5 dry ingredients. Is that a typo or is one missing? I was wondering about baking soda or powder?
From other places with this recipe, the ingredients are correctly listed....except the chocolate chips are "optional", tho it seems most folks use them. One recipe said to spray cup with instant oil first. But the recipe is a standard recipe. Maybe the "high" setting makes the difference???????