4/27/16 - Donuts & a Birthday


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Hey, Rocky......


Good morning all, wierd thing this a.m. There is an odd yellow thing in the sky, causing very bright light. LOL........yippee, the sun at last. Still pretty windy, & chilly, but nice to see no grey skies & black clouds. Boy, the guy broadcasting the Cubs/Brewers game yesterday was really moaning about the weather...they were in Milwaukee. So seems the nasty weather has been thruout the entire state.
Happy Birthday Rocky!

Good morning. The soft pre-dawn light us pretty. It is 69F outside on our patio thermostat. If the thick dusty skies would only clear it would be lovely.

Clicking in for a very busy day with an evening of activities. I am ready for a restful day soon.

POIROT: so happy your weather is improving & you are feeling better.

KT: hoping your day is rain free & Remmy approves of your insurance adjustor.

Be blessed everyone.
Happy Birthday, Rocky!


(Before anyone gets upset about that cute little pig cake..... Rocky's family raises pigs.)

Sorry that I've been AWOL, but I just had to hibernate for a few days. Thank you to kt for texting yesterday to check on me. I promised her that I'd post last night after work, but my friend Janet called. After listening to her needed venting about her hubby and catching up with her medical issues, my hand / wrist were throbbing so badly that I went to bed.

Poirot, please keep your lousy weather up your way. Either that or it could just stop in Ontario on the way from you to me.

kt - I'm sorry that your car was hit. Thankfully the young girl had insurance.

Noel - 69* sounds really really good right now since it is in the low 40s here.
Happy Birthday Rocky!!

Another sunny day in the 70s here.

Glad you're finally getting some sun Poirot.

Stay safe in the thunderstorms, kt.

Hoping for dust free skies for you Noel.

Glad you're okay rs.

Working 11-7 today. And it's truck day. I looked at the tracker last night. We're the second to last store for delivery and ours is the biggest. One store only has 71 pieces. We have 304. It's like 170 totes and and 130 bulk pieces. Such joy.
Morning Everyone,

Happy Birthday Rocky!!

Cold, but sunny today. I'll take it after all the clouds and rain.

Busy day at work toda. One of the new underwriters will be sitting with me to go over how we quote new policies and to see what's important for them to give us so we work accurately and efficiently.

RS - glad to see you back,

KT - sorry about your car.

Barb - enjoy the sun.

Red - good luck with that delivery.

Noel - try not to wear yourself out too much. I'd hate for you to get sick again.
Happy Birthday Rocky!!!!!!!

No big news from surprise, so that is good.

My grandson turns 5 in May. We spoke last night as he was SOOOOOOOO excited about his Dinosaur Birthday Party. And then he found out that Grandma Kate would be at the party. Lord, can little boys make fun noises in excitement, squeal/holler, so much fun. And something to look forward too for me.
@kt...on Golden Girls, Sofia is always doing that...someone bumped into her with their cart, & she immediately started hollaring about her back & neck.......til she saw it was Blanche. Oh, it's you, never mind. LOL
I almost forgot to share, there an new attorney's office around the corner from my house. It's been there for a bit, but I never really looked at the sign, until the last night when I was stuck by a train. The name of one of the attorneys is Carrie Reede. I had to do a double take at first, and then just started laughing. Good thing I was in the car alone, as no one else in the house would have understood. But I figured you'd all get a kick out of that tidbit.
Good afternoon all!

Happy birthday!

Hope that fender bender is taken care of quickly.

Glad that the sun is shining for my friends not in the south.

TR took his driver's license test today and failed so he finally took a book to study.

I was supposed to get some lab tests done before my appointment today but I forgot and drank a Coke first so I will need to come back.

One of my doctors is leaving the VA but wants me to continue seeing her through tele-conferencing. I said I am not really down with that and she basically implied I do not have a choice. I went over her head and contacted the head of the department because I am the patient and my rights/needs come first. So we will see how it all shakes out but I have battled the VA before and know I just have to stand fast in my convictions and I shall persevere.

So funny about the attorney.

Good day to you all.
It's a beautiful day here after thunderstorms last night. There was a lot of wind.
A couple of homes in subdivision had limbs in their yards.

Late yesterday, I planted grass seed in the dirt I got. The seed is old, but maybe it
will do something since it rained. FYI, my yard is looking better but the inside of my
house isn't :)

rs nice seeing you post today.

red, enjoy your afternoon with unloading the totes.

robin, enjoy your grandson's party. My grandson turned five this month.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.