5/16/2022 - Donuts and last night's moon


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
part way there1.jpgAlmost1.jpgfinished1.jpg

It was challenging with the clouds and the winds AND I only had my cell phone and no tri pod.... but this is what I have....

not much going on today tomorrow is the big event... yesterday HB spent the day with his daughter..... today she's at work...... busy time for her as schools are getting out and she works with school maintenance so she's trying to find contractors to do some work and get the districts folks lined up to do other work... like the district has to replace all the sand in the sandboxes as it's not ADA compliant..... no point putting in ada compliant swings and such if the kids can't get there....

have a super great Monday....
It's a beautiful day after yesterday's rainy afternoon. Afternoon temps high 70s.
I'm going outside before and after lunch.

robin, I'm glad you were able to see the red moon last night. It was too cloudy here.

Wishing everyone a speculator day.
Good afternoon everyone. Another rainy day here. I didn't see the moon last night. First it was hidden by the trees. Then the clouds moved in.

This weekend was a lot of work outside after Friday's trip to 4 Amish greenhouses. I ended up with huge tomato plants with a lot of buds on them. Hopefully I won't have to wait until August for tomatoes this year.

At the last stop, I bought "supertunia" (hybrid petunia) plants. The flowers are gorgeous!

These are the "latte" (white with black centers), and the solid black. I put the latte in the center of a rectangular bark planter with a black plant on each side.


robinsnest - Enjoy your time with HB's family. Though it also sounds like you're working , too.

kat - I hope it doesn't get too hot while you're outside today.
Crazy birds. I see the top of baby birds in the basket, but there are two males fighting. Did
Mrs. Finch have an affair :) I saw the male birds on the ground fighting earlier. I wondered
if they were fighting to mate with her, but I now see baby birds. Maybe one Mr. Finch wants
a turn next time.

I worked outside for about 90 minutes after lunch. After a get patch of the flowerbed cleared,
I make sure I put mulch on top. I'm glad I'm doing that since the forecast for rain comes of
nowhere.. Like tomorrow morning.

rs, the flowers look beautiful. Hopefully, I can find some nice ones to plant this week.. finally.